Telegraph article

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Telegraph article

Unread post by fireflydances » Sat Apr 13, 2024 9:25 pm

A friend who would love to be a member of the Zone wrote me about an article in The Telegraph where Bruce Robinson is talking about introducing AH to Johnny. She would love to read said article and wondered if anyone on the Zone could post same. I checked it out myself and yeah, you need a subscription, and I am not sure that the article says much. If anyone can post this article, you would make her very happy. Many thanks. ... hnny-depp/
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Telegraph article

Unread post by Sweeney Todd » Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:26 pm

Here are the parts concerning JD and AH:

He points out a large painting of Keith Richards on the far wall. “That’s by Johnny Depp,” he says. “It’s painted on fag papers. He’s a very good painter, the Depp.” The two go back a while. When Robinson became disillusioned with the “awful, horrible” way he was treated by Hollywood producers while making the 1992 thriller ­Jennifer 8, he vowed never to direct again. It wasn’t until two decades later that he was lured back by Depp to write and direct an adap­tation of Hunter S Thompson’s The Rum Diary, in which the then 45-year-old actor began filming alongside a relatively unknown 22-year-old actress.

“The weird thing for me was I introduced him to Amber Heard,” Robinson says. “I mean, the stuff that was printed about Johnny is just bulls---. I’m sure there was a lot of friction in their relationship, but some of the things that were said about him are just utter nonsense. He’s one of the most genuinely nice people I’ve ever met; I’ve never met anyone who’s as generous as Johnny – yes, he’s got lots of money, but I’ve met lots of people with lots of money who aren’t necessarily generous. He was all over the British press like he was the wife-beating monster. It was hideous.”

In 2020, Depp lost his case against The Sun in the UK, after the paper labelled him thus, as a “wife beater”. But two years later in the US, Depp won a defamation suit against Heard, over an op-ed she’d written for the Washington Post. “They’re both pretty volatile personalities,” Robinson says. “I liked her. She’s very intelligent. It just wasn’t made in heaven.” He explains how a film set provides an artificial setting for an intense relationship with the other actors, “and then, suddenly, it’s gone. It’s dust.” The couple, he suggests, carried the intensity of their relationship into the real world. “It was kind of tragic that it ended up like it did,” he says. Still, what Heard wrote about Depp, he claims, was “total bulls--- … and he couldn’t accept it”.
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Telegraph article

Unread post by In-too-Depp » Mon Apr 15, 2024 2:42 am

Thank you so much Sweeney for posting this. :kiss:
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Telegraph article

Unread post by fireflydances » Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:23 pm

Thank you so, so much Sweeney for posting the Telegraph article and thank you In-to-Deep for the section containing the Johnny bits. My friend Pam is very, very happy. :flashingheart:
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