Discuss the latest Johnny Depp news, his career, past and future projects, and other related issues.
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by Newt » Mon Nov 09, 2020 9:47 am
Greef discussing more and more ties being uncovered (in addition to those above), things are heating up.
And Stephen also wrote this lovely tweet
And there's this TikTok (I know, ugh

) video about Johnny claiming that Bruckheimer is fighting against Disney to get Johnny back in POTC, and that cast members on FB3 are demanding to bring Johnny back and are refusing to work.
No source there, who knows if it's true. Would love it if it was, we'll see

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by gipsyblues » Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:40 am
Wow ..... I hope and pray that everything is true. And more and more
Artist colleagues stay with him and support Johnny, that would be great.
We don't move forward with anger and hatred, but with unity.
Both peditions are good too, of course I signed them.
The truth is coming out.
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by AdeleAgain » Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:41 am
They should speak up - the Aquaman petition is now at well over 745,000 signatures and 'Aquaman' is trending in the UK. It is just insane what's happening.
I am sorry about my reaction to the Daily Mail/troll article yesterday - it upset me a lot because I don't believe the nastiest comments are from real JD fans - the real ones, and the DV survivor tend to tweet facts.
But I thought about it and I realised this is from her PR - she is having an absolute flip out I reckon. I can hearing her screeching that Johnny gets sacked and she gets blamed because she's a woman/victim .......
I hope in court JD's side show the equally nasty tweets from her side - and from accounts that she has liked no less.
She's mad and the Depp army are on the march!
I wouldn't necessarily take silence of his co-stars and agreement - we don't know what is going on behind the scenes - what others are saying.
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by Newt » Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:00 am
As much as I want them to speak up, it's unfair to blame any actor if they don't. Officially, the two actors who have shown some kind of support on IG on FB3 are smaller name actors, and it's merely either reposting the story or liking posts or just saying for example that they're sad to hear about it.
WB is obviously a powerful corporation, so I expect cast and crew to be careful first and foremost but if there's anyone that could cause them to revolt, it would be Johnny.
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by nebraska » Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:50 am
Johnny's letter was done with so much quiet grace and dignity! Personally, I would like to honor that approach of his by maintaining my own calm. He and his team are managing things behind the scenes, and I trust them to make good decisions and move wisely.
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by AdeleAgain » Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:03 pm
A cool 8 million instagram followers - he must really get comfort from this.
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by ForeverYoung » Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:09 pm
AdeleAgain wrote: ↑Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:24 am
Johnny's team will have to tread carefully about the Judge's connections for the appeal - unless evidence emerges of something very concrete, accusing a judge of corruption is extremely serious and not to be thrown around lightly - I am not saying there isn't something amiss here - just Schillings/barristers will need to be very careful. What they have to do is present a case in law - it is a balance between getting the appeals judges to flex their legal minds around points of law but not attacking the system which inherently protects itself. Sorry I am not making myself very clear.
I haven't read the article but the point about witness coaching is true - absolute no-no in the UK and you could tell JD hadn't been otherwise some of his responses would have been clearer. My goodness if she was coached - from what I read of the transcripts there really is no hope for her acting!
On the plus side Johnny absolutely can be coached for VA and they will likely to do mock trial and put him under pressure.
But the fact is there was collusion between AH and Whitney. It is simply inconceivable that they both remembered details of an incident and then remembered it was on a different date, independently. Those accounts should have been immediately dismissed.
Jen Robinson's role does seem questionable - interfered in the Laura Divinere testimony - to a degree now I wonder if that whole sham wasn't a means of getting Laura's testimony ignored whilst she carried on decorating for Musk.
Meanwhile our lovely Johnny's instagram page now has 7.9 million followers. I do hope when he can bear it that he makes another film or does a song or something - just to say hello to all the newbies.
He is doing his deposition this week in the US correct?
Good question about the deposition. The judge ordered it to be held between 11/10 - 11/12 so technically he should be in quarantine but his letter dated 11/6 said he was in London.
“Growing old is unavoidable, but never growing up is possible."
- Posts: 1985
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by ForeverYoung » Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:14 pm
I was wondering who in the world will they get to replace JD in FB3? I would feel awkward if I were an actor taking on that role knowing how loved Johnny is in the industry and the horrible way he was asked to resign...not to mention the JD fans who will dig up dirt on that person because let's face it...most everyone has skeletons in their closet. Johnny was the one who created the look with the eyes and he was a big part on the design of the costumes. Nobody else should be allowed to copy that, imo. It's all so disgusting. Shame on Warner Bros.
“Growing old is unavoidable, but never growing up is possible."
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by hollyberry » Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:21 pm
ForeverYoung I agree 100%, he didn't lose an assault case but a libel case against a newspaper with a very rich owner. I'm starting to suspect they are afraid of the #metoo movement.
Ruby Begonia
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by Ruby Begonia » Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:16 pm
Wishing Johnny the best for his depo this week in the bowels of the devil. Hope he & his legal team are rested, well-prepared & calm.
Regarding quarantine, he usually travels via private jet. As an American citizen, he can leave. Virginia advises those who have traveled from at-risk areas to take precautions.
https://uk.usembassy.gov/covid-19-coron ... formation/
Current US Embassy site info:
If you are a U.S. citizen who needs to return home to the United States, you may be permitted to travel under current UK regulations. In order to determine your eligibility to travel, you should consult directly with your airline AND follow all UK government guidelines when making travel arrangements. U.S. citizens should comply with the same guidance provided to British citizens here:
https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-advi ... oronavirus.
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by Lbock » Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:25 pm
Virginia lifted quarantine requirments
"Consistent with CDC guidance, Virginia currently does not have any quarantine requirements for people arriving in the Commonwealth from other U.S. or international locations, as of October 22, 2020. "
https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronaviru ... ty-spread/
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by Newt » Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:44 pm
I KNEW it was Toby Emmerich who fired Johnny. He’s been named by Ray Fisher for enabling Jon Berg, Geoff Johns and Joss Whedon’s abuse and misconduct on the set of the Justice League reshoots. He’s the last man standing of the old guard at the studio, a nasty individual.
Disgusting, reprehensible.
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by AdeleAgain » Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:49 pm
Femme on twitter is just on fire - don't know who she is (think a she? apologies if I've offended). This little graphic is brilliantly simple.
When people first starting questioning the judge in the sense of connections/influence/maybe something more sinister - I wanted everyone to stop because I thought it made JD fans sound like crazy conspiracy theorists. I thought it was nothing more than a lack of courage to deal with the truth in the most high profile case. But now I just feel sick. Gre3f has said that the judge may have made all these disclosures about his connections and where his son worked. I do feel overall that David Sherborne would have sought another judge though - because the senior barrister in London all know each other and the judges - and he would have known this judge's views on drugs would not help Johnny.
The links around the Barrister's chambers I honestly don't think will wash - there aren't that many big barrister chambers in London - lots of lawyers work together, opposed each other etc. But his son being employed in a Murdoch business is something quite, quite different. And the dinner party looks dodgy too but unless the judge's wife was actually there, again I doubt it will help.
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by AdeleAgain » Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:51 pm
Newt wrote: ↑Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:44 pm
I KNEW it was Toby Emmerich who fired Johnny. He’s been named by Ray Fisher for enabling Jon Berg, Geoff Johns and Joss Whedon’s abuse and misconduct on the set of the Justice League reshoots. He’s the last man standing of the old guard at the studio, a nasty individual.
Disgusting, reprehensible.
Newt is this confirmed? In which case he seems like the last person in the world who should have done this. Was he trying to salvage his reputation - looks like it might have backfired.
Does anyone know how IMDb works - I've read on twitter (again!) that just going onto JD's page increases some sort of score. Does that work if you just do it once - should I be doing it every five mins? Grateful for any further advice on how I can help ram home how loved he is (the streaming continues!)
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by Newt » Mon Nov 09, 2020 5:00 pm
The Hollywood Reporter confirmed it and said it came as a surprise when Johnny was just removed from the shooting schedule on the 5th, he only shot one scene. So yeah, just like that.