The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:10 am

Ok I have got through Australia - ready to go onto March 2015.

It is quite a read putting her accounts together, she just rants and meanders - and in doing so contradicts herself or makes totally implausible statements. Judge has to cut her off - even when her own side are doing the questioning. I am trying to imagine what it must have been like to live with her. Lie after lie after lie but a complete inability to admit that she is either wrong or that she doesn't know. Even when she says she doesn't remember something she has to make stuff up. As if it is a weakness not to remember. And the questions she raises about her own testimony - if her scars on her feet were so bad many, many days later, why not photograph them when she got back to LA. Why not take photos to show to JD and say "this is how you hurt me".

Her refusal to acknowledge that she did the recording on the phone is laughable. She can't remember calling her sister and didn't remember there was a recording on her phone - yet she could remember that JD got her phone and pressed record. Not just that at some point he took her phone away, she thought nothing of it and years later found the recording. No: she remembers him pressing record.But then forgot he did it. But remembers now. I mean - does she take everyone for idiots? Yes I suppose she does. Or does she at this point actually believe it herself?

And most horrifyingly - because this is clearly a very psychologically disturbed woman - why is none of her side helping her? What is that Australian lawyer - is it Jennifer - doing? Professional people should be saying to her "look, you are not making any credible sense, you have to stop this." I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that for people like the lawyer and Robbie Kaplan and others, this is just an opportunity to bash powerful men, and to hell with whoever gets trampled. Please don't misunderstand me, AH brought this on herself, but as I've said before she has been well and truly hung out to dry by NGN and others.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:44 pm

AdeleAgain wrote:
Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:10 am
And most horrifyingly - because this is clearly a very psychologically disturbed woman - why is none of her side helping her? What is that Australian lawyer - is it Jennifer - doing? Professional people should be saying to her "look, you are not making any credible sense, you have to stop this." I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that for people like the lawyer and Robbie Kaplan and others, this is just an opportunity to bash powerful men, and to hell with whoever gets trampled. Please don't misunderstand me, AH brought this on herself, but as I've said before she has been well and truly hung out to dry by NGN and others.
I agree.
But that then makes me wonder: what is in it for Kaplan, NGN, so on?
Are they not mature enough, and perhaps also sensible enough to realise that; yes, they get to bash a powerful man here and now, but ...
Most of this particular man's power lays in people's love for him! So what do they imagine will happen to them, and their careers in the long run now people have seen what they are willing to do/support?

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Wed Aug 12, 2020 2:02 pm

I imagine that trying to reason with her is like banging your head on a brick wall repeatedly :banghead: :banghead2: and could be the reason Kaplan dumped her.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Cesar'sSusie » Wed Aug 12, 2020 6:20 pm

Yep, it's the same old thing with AH, I didn't do anything, they did it, he did it and they are all liars! I agree with you all, and it's crazy that no one on her 'side' will confront her. She is a mentally ill woman out for Johnny's blood. I know the media is against Johnny, but I don't quite understand why. Is it elitism, racism, I just don't know why they can't understand and love him like we do. Just don't understand the constant digs to him and his work.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Wed Aug 12, 2020 8:21 pm

For years now Johnny has been an easy target for controversy but not by is doing. Through his career he didn't play by Hollywood media rules. Aside from a few bad boy incidences, he remained extremely private much like his mentor, mysterious and handsome Marlon Brando. Consequently, he ruffled a lot of self-important critics' feathers. Collectively, these low life bottom feeders banded together and made a pact to poke the dragon. Johnny's world wide appeal was super newsworthy and ultimately the subject of international telephoto lenses and pushy reporters. The more they poked, the less Johnny gave them beyond contract responsibilities. Johnny's disdain didn't sit well with the press and has carried through to this day. Fast forward and in walks Jezebel and the rest of the story has been clearly laid out in court documents. Years ago when the "weird stuff" began happening to Johnny, he once said words to the effect of that bad news is what sells papers. It was true then and very true now.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Cesar'sSusie » Wed Aug 12, 2020 9:05 pm

:signhi: Thanks, Chocolat! I think I knew what you've said here was the truth for decades now. But it's a real travesty to happen to such a big-hearted guy who's just doing what he wants in his own life, in his own way! :banghead2: Amber needs a professional mental health provider and her 'friends' are not helping her get that help. But it's her life, so she chooses to throw mud wherever it falls, as long as it doesn't fall on her. I just have to let it go and support Johnny and his work whenever I can. :truefan:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:26 pm

:agreesign: :heartflower:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Inquiring Minds » Thu Aug 13, 2020 7:00 pm

meeps (and AdeleAgain) wrote:
AdeleAgain wrote: ↑Wed Aug 12, 2020 7:10 pm
And most horrifyingly - because this is clearly a very psychologically disturbed woman - why is none of her side helping her? What is that Australian lawyer - is it Jennifer - doing? Professional people should be saying to her "look, you are not making any credible sense, you have to stop this." I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that for people like the lawyer and Robbie Kaplan and others, this is just an opportunity to bash powerful men, and to hell with whoever gets trampled. Please don't misunderstand me, AH brought this on herself, but as I've said before she has been well and truly hung out to dry by NGN and others.
I agree.
But that then makes me wonder: what is in it for Kaplan, NGN, so on?
Are they not mature enough, and perhaps also sensible enough to realise that; yes, they get to bash a powerful man here and now, but ...
Most of this particular man's power lays in people's love for him! So what do they imagine will happen to them, and their careers in the long run now people have seen what they are willing to do/support?
Different players will have different motivations. NGN is just selling papers and trying to reduce operating costs. They must surely budget a certain amount each year for defamation payouts and its just a profit/loss thing for them. Australian politicians are all lauding their love of free speech by planning to reduce the ability to sue for defamation, whilst in the same breath condemning "fake news". The only media that seem to be losing defamation cases here are NGN, so who is in who's pocket?

I think Kaplan jumped on the case to build her rep, she was also attempting to impeach Trump at the time. She also probably took on the Weinstein case to build her profile too (imo). She could have dumped AH for a number of reasons. As a lawyer she has to advocate for her client (even if she believes her to be guilty). If however she actually knows that AH is guilty (eg by confession to the lawyer), she has to let the judge know (AFAIK). I suspect she either discovered AH was guilty and jumped ship before she had to confront Amber and then have to tell the relevant authorities, or she saw this case revealing her client as a violent abuser, hoaxer and golddigger and have her name associated with the fallout.

A number of organisations will be seriously discredited if AH is seen to be overwhelmingly a complete fraud. The ACLU has had a poor record recently with Smollet. Their close ties to AH is a serious liability. The UN - with her as their icon and knowing she used BelieveWomen and MeToo to sweep aside Johnny's basic (UN declared) human rights (eg fair trial, presumption of innocence) is a very, very bad look. Following on the Martina Brostrom fiasco (UNAIDS embezzlement, fake rape claims and she still claims victimhood), the UN is looking increasingly like a political puppet to various (often conflicting) partisan interests.

Just as Johnny's case against his managers resulted in a change of US contract law, when AH is shown to be a fraud beyond any reasonable doubt, many laws will need to be changed (worldwide). The Duluth delusion will need to go. Does it have to take millions of dollars, a team of top shelf lawyers, barristers and Queen's Councillors, a 3 week trial spanning multiple continents, pervasive surveillance records (pap photos and CCTV), tens of thousands of diligent forensic level researchers and 5 to 10 years for an innocent man to refute a single unfounded lie and a smear of rouge on the cheek? If even minimal evidence was required at the start, none of this would have happened imo. JKR saw it and was happy, why didn't the Sun or WP do the same?

So in this respect, the whole last wave of feminism is challenged (the whole ugly female supremacy, forget rule of law mantra). There are very powerful forces that do not want AH to lose. Even a judicial defeat that they could portray as yet more patriarchial abuse would suffice, but AH in prison for her various crimes they could not spin.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:39 am

Thanks a lot for answering me so thoroughly and sensible :bouquet:
But I still wonder why none of those successful, and so I presume also
smart people checked out what kind of person they were about to support, and then backed away in haste before they could get tainted. Or at least early on when they had found out by being around her how, and what she is more or less quietly terminated any contact/contract with her.
I know people say that Musk's money bought her the support, and that might very well be true. But what is money if you lose your good reputation?

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Fri Aug 14, 2020 6:21 am

Sure you've all seen but the full cupboard bashing video is now out and has had a lot of views - of course it's a very different context. (1) you can see her neatly set up the shot, gets the best angle, moves her coffee cup - totally calm, unafraid. If she was scared of him and came across hitting the cupboards surely she would have quietly backed away (2) it is 1.30pm, not first thing in the morning as she made it seem (3) he doesn't drink any wine (4) when he realises she is filming and what she is doing he just walks away into the next room - and what does she do? What all terrified victims do when their abuser walks away - she follows him.

I didn't quite get a smirk at the end but she certainly giggles and is so calm it is unbelievable. The lack of empathy from her is breathtaking - if I found someone that upset and distressed I would either ask if I could help or give them some space.

No wonder she edited it - it is very damning to her case and it's interesting that David Sherborne waited until the last day to use it. The thing about the video - if you remember when it first came out almost everyone had a negative reaction and then after it did the rounds people realised he was just whacking his cupboards and ignoring her. NGN played it over and over again. I suspect it lost any impact on the judge.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:20 am

Nick Wallis uploaded the Kitchen video that was played in court with full ending. There is a clock in one frame and it appears to be about 2:30 PM

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:15 am

2.30pm? Wow if anyone had said "JD had half a bottle of wine at lunchtime" it would have been greeted with a general shoulder shrug!

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by fireflydances » Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:19 am

Wow, just wow. Thank you guys. I have done nothing in terms of researching all of it, and I really extend my deepest respect and appreciation for the work all of you have done. No doubt your persistence and dedication has aided the fandom and our Mr. Depp. :bouquet:

And I haven't even watched the new complete video. I remember the earlier version. In fact I've not been able to get it out of my head for months. I wonder if the judge in the defamation case will get to see this version? I certainly hope so. Truly at this point I think the woman's goose is cooked and perhaps even burnt to a crisp.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lauraftsk » Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:14 am

In regards to why do/did all these attorneys represent AH, I work in a law office, attorneys do not care who they represent at all. Can they pay the bill? and Will this case elevate my career are really the only thing that matters. We can all sit around and say Amber is broke, but she’s not. She’s has L’Oréal money and some other projects. Even if she spends the money faster than she can make it, attorneys can levy liens against people and or take settlement monies.

As far elevating an attorneys career, you take the high profile client, whether guilty or innocent, your name is everywhere and your career grows from that.

Attorneys in general really don’t care about people’s guilt or innocence. This is just a job for them.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Fri Aug 14, 2020 2:26 pm

AH Legal team has filed to quash the Jennifer Howell subpoena. They are also asking for sanctions against Depp. That will now be heard in February 2021 also. That is two hearings for quash in February. Unless Depp withdraws them, I don't see how this trial can stay on scheduled.

Now in the Case Status Conference, Depp already said he wouldn't move forward with the Howell subpoena, but would refile. Apparently they didn't propery serve her lawyers, which is a no no.

My guess, AH team has only one defense, be a legal hawkeye to stay on top of all deadlines and procedural errors by Depp team to delay or possible get this case dismissed

NOTE: Depp has to provide a lot of discovery documents by end of business today. This is after being Compeled by the judge from back in October on some of them. The judge won't have much patience left if the Plaintiff (who brought the case) is continuing to be late and defy court orders. I expect we will see a dismissal request filed next week if he is late again.