Unread postby justintime » Thu Feb 20, 2020 5:23 pm
WOW - that is such encouraging news, AdeleAgain! What a stupidly arrogant thing for Glamour Magazine to have retweeted. I wouldn’t doubt if they were “encouraged” to test the waters, especially given Minamata’s press screening today and world premiere tomorrow. Not a coincidence.
Thanks very much for posting. Can’t think of a more appropriate place/thread (unless it were to appear in both threads!).
"Stay low." ~ JD
"I don't like it in here . . . it's terribly crowded." ~ Hatter
"There's something about Johnny that breaks your heart." ~ John Logan, ST
"Tear deeper, Mother." ~ Wilmot
This isn't strictly about the lawsuits so I am sorry - please do move or whatever. But this morning Glamour Magazine re-tweeted a December article about AH but after being inundated with messages about how tasteless this was they've taken the tweet down. So good job whoever left them a message, and direct mailed them as well.
“Growing old is unavoidable, but never growing up is possible."
Unread postby justintime » Sun Feb 23, 2020 12:56 pm
OMG! A no-holds-barred must read if ever there was one given the continued media silence on the audio tapes, and especially now with all sorts of Minamata articles and reviews coming in. This person, JM, is absolutely on the money.
Thank you, JM.
"Stay low." ~ JD
"I don't like it in here . . . it's terribly crowded." ~ Hatter
"There's something about Johnny that breaks your heart." ~ John Logan, ST
"Tear deeper, Mother." ~ Wilmot
Unread postby Ruby Begonia » Wed Feb 26, 2020 1:26 am
A little late, but I was thrilled to come across this Feb 1 tweet from Beyond the Trailer's Grace Randolph in response to the audiotapes that revealed Heard's abuse of Johnny:
Following the above tweet, someone asked Grace if she thought it possible that Heard could be moved off Aquaman 2; Grace responded "I do."
She is making new allegations ... well we already know these. The Sun is using the 280+ page motion she submitted with new allegations and photos and calling him The Monster. They already have declarations to offset most of that
Surprising Amber plans to be in court to give evidence along with friends and some witnesses via video link
Johnny has the cctv tapes and audio. 17 witnesses
So sounds like this is not just an important case for Johnny in UK but a precursor to VA. Is it possible the judge is holding off his ruling on this case?
Note how uk is different with depositions:
Depositions vs. witness statements
Perhaps the most significant difference in approach is in relation to the presentation of witness evidence. Whereas the discovery process in the US allows lawyers to take wide-ranging depositions under oath exploring what a potential witness may say under cross-examination when called to give direct evidence (as well as investigating what relevant documents may exist), in England and Wales there is no deposition process and no opportunity to cross-examine a witness on their evidence until they appear at trial.
Instead, witness evidence is provided ahead of a trial by way of a witness statement in which a witness sets out his or her recollection of the relevant events. At trial that statement will then stand as evidence in chief and be 'taken as read', it being assumed that the Judge has read and understood the witness statement (and there generally being no juries in English litigation except in defamation claims), meaning that no evidence in chief is given orally by the witness who is almost immediately cross-examined when called. As witness statements will need to set out a party's full factual position for consideration by the court, they are often very detailed although parties can agree limits on their length in advance, in keeping with the parties' ongoing duty to consider proportionality.
She is making new allegations ... well we already know these. The Sun is using the 280+ page motion she submitted with new allegations and photos and calling him The Monster. They already have declarations to offset most of that
The consensus on twitter since his lawyer brought it up she is going to claim new allegations. Lots of speculation at this point including sexual assault She is desperate after the audio tapes
Mr Sherborne said: 'New, horrible allegations are being made by Ms Heard, which Mr Depp completely denies.
In response, The Sun’s lawyers claim to have a series of documents and texts which they insist will prove their case.
Adam Wolanski, QC, representing the newspaper read out some of the damning texts it has in its possession.
One text Depp sent to a friend declared: ‘Let’s burn Amber,’ followed by another which declared: ‘Let’s drown her before we burn her!!! I will f**k her burnt corpse to make sure she is dead.’
Mr Sherborne hit back, claiming that The Sun’s lawyers had 70,000 of Depp’s texts in their possession and some of these were being presented in court out of context. He also denied that the actor has tried to hide any documentation.
The Sun’s lawyers are demanding that Heard’s evidence be heard in private, which is being opposed by Depp’s team. A separate hearing to resolve the issue will take place before March’s libel trial gets underway.”
Mr Wolanksi said that, in a further text to Mr Bettany in May 2014, he wrote: “I’m gonna properly stop the booze thing darling … Drank all night before I picked Amber up to fly to LA, this past Sunday.
“Ugly, mate… No food for days… Powders… Half a bottle of whiskey, a thousand red bull and vodkas, pills, two bottles of champers on plane and what do you get…???
“An angry, aggro Injun in a f*****’ blackout, screaming obscenities and insulting any f*** who got near… I’m done.
“I am admittedly too f***** in the head to spray my rage at the one I love… for little reason, as well I’m too old to be that guy. But, pills are fine!!!”
Mr Wolanski said the “significance” of the messages is that Mr Depp’s case is that he was not drunk on that flight, while Ms Heard claims he slapped and kicked her and threw his boot at her before passing out in the toilet.
The barrister added: “His version of events is that he was quietly sketching during the flight.”
There is a difference between venting anger on a phone after drinking too much and actually doing something violent. Still, it paints a disturbing picture of his life at that time. It is all so sad, and the woman is relentless. She seems to have the resources to just keep chipping away. I wish she would just vomit everything out and be done with it instead of just dribbling a bit here and there so she can drag it out forever and never resolve anything. But then, I guess that is her master plan, to continue the torture indefinitely.
Page Six reporting same accent adds that the 70k texts not from VA case. I think this is why the audio was released. Thank god we got that first
The texts were revealed in court after previous lawyers for Depp had accidentally shared 70,000 messages from and to the actor with the newspaper’s legal team – by mistake.
“These texts go to the very heart of the case, they are really very important and set out the claimant’s thinking in respect of a number of different incidents and his recollection,” Wolanski said.
Page Six has learned these texts have not been shared with Amber Heard’s legal team in the US during the discovery process for their upcoming defamation trial.
Sorry if I’m posting so much. Johnny’s lawyers statements.
David Sherborne, representing Mr Depp, said there is “no single smoking gun” in any of the evidence disclosed so far which supports Ms Heard’s claims Mr Depp was violent.
“Nowhere, I repeat, nowhere, is there a single smoking gun, text or email, no document – unlike Ms Heard’s own taped confession we looked at before – there is no document where Mr Depp says ‘I hit Ms Heard’ let alone ‘I hit her on numerous occasions’.”
Mr Sherborne said there is no document is because Mr Depp “simply never did it so they (the defence) are not going to find it.”
He said the defendants had the opportunity to look at 70,000 messages and had only found these few.
Mr Sherborne added: “The idea that somehow these texts contradict the account (given by Mr Depp) and are therefore so critical to the defendants’ case just simply isn’t made out.”
The barrister said Mr Depp’s witness statement claims it was “physically impossible” for him to do the things Ms Heard accused him of on that flight, and that two other witnesses supported his account.