The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Wed Sep 11, 2019 10:11 pm

ForeverYoung wrote:
Chocolat wrote:My question is, does Johnny get another opportunity to oppose this new "letter" to the judge?
It certainly would be important to have his side respond to Heard's last ditch effort claims.
From what I can see, this new letter to the judge is only supplying documents for cases her team referred to, but did not supply, when she did her request for a protective order. Johnny's team already opposed her request but that doesn't mean they can't do another brief in support of their opposition. So yes, they should be able to provide a response.

Thank you ForeverYoung. :hatsoff:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:13 pm

Ms Heard wants Johnny's medical records, and those of his other romantical partners, plus his arrests records. All going back as far as 2010.
But what has any partners - is there anybody beside Vanessa? - to do with anything?
And has Johnny at all being arrested in that time period?
To me it sounds like a desperate attempt to make the tabloid readers think Johnny has anything to hide. If he did say "No" as this article claims, he probably said "No" because he can't see either what Vanessa has to do with it.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:16 pm

I cannot stand by and not share some of the incisive, eloquent, on-target thoughts/comments I’ve been reading on Twitter. I do not have a Twitter “account”(?), so I have not responded to any of these and don’t remember exactly where some were found (i.e. all from the same person, but not found in the same place). I wrote some down as I came upon them and am typing them here. Any grammar, spelling, punctuation etc errors are all mine. Hope it’s ok to share them this way. If not, please delete as you see fit.
Sep 10

Imo, they embraced her because the case was so high profile+attracted so much media coverage+public interest. They turned a blind eye to all the factors, incl Depp's evidence, that raised questions about her credibility. They just wanted the PR it gave them
Also from same source:
By hiring a lawyer connected with TimesUp, she is positioning the case as a women’s rights cause, deflecting attention away from Depp’s evidence and guaranteeing greater media coverage.
. . . . It’s basically a PR campaign, encouraged by Kaplan herself, intended to insinuate that as TimesUp are throwing their weight behind Heard she must, by implication, be a victim. Attempting to shift public perception of the case away from Depp’s evidence.
The fact Kaplan has already felt the need to point out her fees are not being met by their legal fund suggests . . . she knows there is something deeply inappropriate about the whole thing. This focus on celebrity cases is not what the movement needs.
Last edited by justintime on Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:28 pm

meeps wrote:Ms Heard wants Johnny's medical records, and those of his other romantical partners, plus his arrests records. All going back as far as 2010.
But what has any partners - is there anybody beside Vanessa? - to do with anything?
And has Johnny at all being arrested in that time period?
To me it sounds like a desperate attempt to make the tabloid readers think Johnny has anything to hide. If he did say "No" as this article claims, he probably said "No" because he can't see either what Vanessa has to do with it.

Did she forget that she was one of those “romantic” partners whose medical records she is hoping to make public?
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Thu Sep 12, 2019 8:40 pm

justintime wrote:
meeps wrote:Ms Heard wants Johnny's medical records, and those of his other romantical partners, plus his arrests records. All going back as far as 2010.
But what has any partners - is there anybody beside Vanessa? - to do with anything?
And has Johnny at all being arrested in that time period?
To me it sounds like a desperate attempt to make the tabloid readers think Johnny has anything to hide. If he did say "No" as this article claims, he probably said "No" because he can't see either what Vanessa has to do with it.

Did she forget that she was one of those “romantic” partners whose medical records she is hoping to make public?
Or maybe she forgot Johnny got hooked on opiods after she threw a bottle at him which severed the tip of his finger and broke the bones. Johnny should just subpoena her drug dealer who said that she shot up where the sun don't shine.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Ruby Begonia » Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:04 pm

Since she was around beginning in 2009 when they filmed The Rum Diary, she may be aware of other romantic partners he may have had from 2010. There were rumors about his relationship with Vanessa being on the rocks. If these romantic partners exist, revealing them could be harmful to him or hurtful to them, depending on who they are. More likely it's just another bullying threat since she knows Johnny wouldn't want Vanessa's private info dragged into this.

And who could possibly recall all their communications with employees, etc., going back 9 years? It's a ridiculous request. The drinking, etc., is old news but it's too bad for it to get resurrected when he's making such wonderful impressions at the Barbarians premieres.

Now she's trying to save her career in the face of the defamation lawsuits he had no choice but to bring against her and The Sun/Dan Wooten. In general, though, she just can't seem to stop viciously trying to destroy him completely via attorneys, media and her instagram/twitter posts. I've heard that's the mark of a relentless, obsessed abuser.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:36 pm

Her team can request whatever they want but it doesn't mean they will get it. Take medical records, for example. A lot of doctors won't give up medical records without the consent of their patients no matter how it is demanded. Depp's team can do motions to quash any subpoena her team puts out there. Plus, Amber is no saint when it comes to drugs and alcohol. There are pics all over her IG account of her drinking wine and even one in Australia looking hungover standing in front of a wine stained chair that she tried to clean. Also, there were reports that she "attempted" to overdose with drugs and alcohol when she wanted to go public with the relationship and he said no. This was right before the Rolling Stones concert. There were pics of him with Jerry and his sister Christi going into and out of an emergency care clinic early in the morning a day or two before the concert. She is known to take hissy fits when things don't go her way so I would not be surprised if this were true. :smh:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by RumLover » Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:37 am

The finger injury was not the cause of pain killer addiction.

The trip to the Bahamas for pain killer addiction was August 2014, prior to the finger injury which was March 2015.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:42 am

He stated in an interview he hurt his back in POTC. He was also injured by a horse in Lone Ranger

They are following the same tactic tmg tried. Not just the defaming using his past but claiming drug and alcohol makes him violent (tmg claimed he cursed at them and verbally abused them) but taking it a step further. That he doesn’t remember his behavior at his worst. (Their claim not saying it’s true). Tmg took the tactic that they told him and he doesn’t remember. Stephen fell into by repeating her claim. I told him (that you told me) he kicked you...depp can’t possibly remember things that didn’t happen Gaslighting 101

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Fri Sep 13, 2019 8:18 am

RumLover wrote:The finger injury was not the cause of pain killer addiction.

The trip to the Bahamas for pain killer addiction was August 2014, prior to the finger injury which was March 2015.
Thanks for that correction. Isn't that the trip to the Bahamas when she refused to give him the meds to ween him off and he went into seizures?
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Fri Sep 13, 2019 12:42 pm

Brian McPherson's latest video!

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Fri Sep 13, 2019 4:18 pm

Amber Heard's Protective Order Motion was denied (in part)!

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Fri Sep 13, 2019 5:51 pm

Lbock wrote:He stated in an interview he hurt his back in POTC. He was also injured by a horse in Lone Ranger

They are following the same tactic tmg tried. Not just the defaming using his past but claiming drug and alcohol makes him violent (tmg claimed he cursed at them and verbally abused them) but taking it a step further. That he doesn’t remember his behavior at his worst. (Their claim not saying it’s true). Tmg took the tactic that they told him and he doesn’t remember. Stephen fell into by repeating her claim. I told him (that you told me) he kicked you...depp can’t possibly remember things that didn’t happen Gaslighting 101
Yes, Lbock, I remember reading about the back injury - not what caused it but that he was receiving physical therapy in-between takes cause he was in such pain. He also suffered some nerve damage to his foot during POTC DMC when he was strapped onto that giant wheel thing for hours at a time. He spoke about it a bit on some live interview he did. He always seemed to downplay stuff like that. The only point here is Johnny, unfortunately, had very legitimate reasons to be on pain meds quite frequently.

It seems AH has found a kindred spirit in Kaplan - neither have any scruples and both are party to laying waste to the potential both MeToo and Times Up once offered all genders, including gender-neutral people. Both organizations, like the ACLU, have now been irreparably politicized, victimized men are still alone (but making undeniable progress thanks to Johnny), battered women are less likely than ever to speak up, and innocent people across the board are more fair game today than a week ago for the most ruthless amongst us. AH has shown her twisted side from the get go, but for Kaplan with the creds to bolster her profile and the potential, to actually choose to slam the door on truth and long overdue justice is despicable. As losers go, she puts AH to shame.

Also, thanks, Chocolat, for the video and Motion links! The Protective Order ruling sounds fair.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Fri Sep 13, 2019 8:22 pm

Chocolat wrote:Amber Heard's Protective Order Motion was denied (in part)!

So the judge gave Johnny what he was asking for, in the alternative of not granting the whole thing which is good. Means another win! :snoopydances:

About the back injury, I remember him saying that he has sciatica in his back and was in a lot of pain from shooting the scenes in London where was jumping back and forth between the carriages and he was doing some of his own stunts. I also recall Jerry B. saying they had to shoot The Lone Ranger around Johnny's schedule because he had to get back massages a lot in between scenes.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Fri Sep 13, 2019 10:47 pm

ForeverYoung wrote:
Chocolat wrote:Amber Heard's Protective Order Motion was denied (in part)!

So the judge gave Johnny what he was asking for, in the alternative of not granting the whole thing which is good. Means another win! :snoopydances:

About the back injury, I remember him saying that he has sciatica in his back and was in a lot of pain from shooting the scenes in London where was jumping back and forth between the carriages and he was doing some of his own stunts. I also recall Jerry B. saying they had to shoot The Lone Ranger around Johnny's schedule because he had to get back massages a lot in between scenes.
Thank you, ForeverYoung, for clarifying the back injury situation. I didn’t know about JD’s sciatic nerve condition. My dad had sciatica as do I and, frankly, the thought of doing some of the stunt work you’ve described makes my skin crawl. As Kate Winslet observed, Johnny will tolerate some pretty miserable circumstances to avoid doing anything that might disrupt all the work involved in putting a scene together. Guess she wasn’t exaggerating.
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