The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:08 pm

Yes, all in all it would be lovely, if some formerly fervently pro-Amber people, who have changed their minds, would come forward and talk about it. I guess though, that they're shy, or more likely deeply embarrassed, because they were taken in by her flimsy stories. But there has been several ex-fans out there writing about how they lost all their love and respect for Johnny, when he was accused of abuse. So let's see some confessions from the red-ear-brigade :biggrin:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by hollyberry » Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:54 pm

I never believed it.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Wed Aug 07, 2019 4:30 pm

FlowerBySea wrote:Hi everyone! It's been a while since I wrote on here, but I keep checking back every now and again to get the latest news on Johnny and also the lawsuits. Thank you everyone for being a reliable, level-headed community, as always :bouquet: ...
Hi, FlowerBySea. So nice to see you again. I found your post particularly touching as we, on the Zone, find ourselves hurtling toward one hundred (!) pages on this thread, The Lawsuits Thread, chronicling perhaps the most (IMHO) defining period of Johnny Depp’s astonishing life (to date, anyway). Thanks, in abundance, to our Administrators and Moderators who are ALWAYS here - assisting with the most mundane of technical issues and, most importantly, ensuring your lovely compliment remains true and deserved, oftentimes in spite of ourselves (and I readily include myself as one of those “almost off the rails” contributors more often than I care to admit).
hollyberry wrote:I know it's trivial in the grand scheme of things but if there's one thing that makes me mad is I'm absolutely furious that Heard is practically responsible for the box office failure of Alice Through The Looking Glass.
I loved these quirky and sweet natured takes on Carroll's books. I thought Johnny gave two of his best and most underrated performances in them. And I loved his chemistry with Mia. Mia herself stated that she was open to a third film, and there were a lot of fans on the Internet who wanted to finally see a happy ending for Alice and the Hatter.
But then Heard chose to open her mouth. Cue a campaign, #imwithamber, to boycott AttLG, and the result was the film flopped. Heard cost Johnny more than Captain Jack.
How I wish I could see what those well meaning but utterly misled campaigners are thinking now.
I agree with you, hollyberry. I, too, love Hatter and believe Heard’s actions are surely responsible for ATTLG’s collapse. The bottom line is, I have been truly mesmerized by nearly everything he’s done - if not the film, his performance - who would think Wilmot, Wonka, Roux, Whitey, and Richard were portrayed by the same actor???

You are so right to say, “Heard cost Johnny more than Captain Jack.” When I start to try to think it through, I really can’t do justice to the reach of the repercussions Johnny has endured. Time - precious years - lost; health compromised - his hand, forever and who knows what else when he’s been physically battered repeatedly for years (his right eye and nose seem permanently damaged); career derailed; completed films buried - with apparently no official accounting for scattered box-office profits; studio confidence - eroded (what I wouldn’t give to have Warner Brothers have the guts to do the right thing and fire Heard; ditto for CBS and “The Stand”. No explanation required.); reputation tarnished - with the tabloid media and their somewhat “reputable” - but just as cowardly - glossy-covered counterparts continuing to run side by side in the slander gutter where JD is concerned; on and on . . .

BUT, he is staying true to himself and moving forward. He is looking happier than he has in years. HV’s album - not normally my cup of tea - is incredible! He continues to surprise us with new projects (the “Kreka” doc, e.g.). He has stated outright he’d love “to conquer” the piano! He’s stepping out of his comfort zone (or the remnants of one) and actually (once again - fifth time?) attending the revered Venice Film Festival - including the promos, no less! I’ll admire him forever, and then some. And continue to invoke the intervention of higher powers to remind his attorney to include, above all, a request for a PRO vs Heard as part of their demands in the defamation suit.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Wed Aug 07, 2019 6:22 pm

justintime wrote:BUT, he is staying true to himself and moving forward. He is looking happier than he has in years. HV’s album - not normally my cup of tea - is incredible! He continues to surprise us with new projects (the “Kreka” doc, e.g.). He has stated outright he’d love “to conquer” the piano! He’s stepping out of his comfort zone (or the remnants of one) and actually (once again - fifth time?) attending the revered Venice Film Festival - including the promos, no less! I’ll admire him forever, and then some. And continue to invoke the intervention of higher powers to remind his attorney to include, above all, a request for a PRO vs Heard as part of their demands in the defamation suit.
I totally agree with you. Yes, he lost out on some things but he is happier and healthier than he has been in a long time. He has gotten to work on things that he might not have done if he had gotten those movie parts. Amber Heard does not know the meaning of the word truth. She is going to be exposed as a scammer and she will be publicly humiliated. A monetary judgement will ensure that much of the money that she earns will go towards paying the judgement. I don't think people should worry so much about what she is doing. Amber Heard has a date with Karma. Johnny is happy and healthy.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by hollyberry » Thu Aug 08, 2019 2:23 am

In the UK recently it was discovered that a man who claimed he was sexually abused by a VIP ring was making the whole thing up.
This man was himself an abuser.
He's just received a jail sentence of eighteen years.

It is a different kind of abuse of course, and his victims were children. But the fact remains, he was an abuser who made false accusations and now he's paying for it.
So should Heard.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Larkwoodgirl » Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:01 pm

What is the date for the trial in Virginia? Anyone know if it will be open to public? Probably not, but, I wish.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:15 pm

Larkwoodgirl wrote:What is the date for the trial in Virginia? Anyone know if it will be open to public? Probably not, but, I wish.

No exact date other than February, 2020. I hope the court doesn't have a need to push it back any further but you never know with them.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Larkwoodgirl » Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:31 pm

Thanks Chocolat!
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:59 pm

You posted this on page 85, Chocolat :love: So Feb. 3 :)

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Thu Aug 08, 2019 3:25 pm

One of the most accurate recountings so far. Still not quite “there”, but good to see especially since it’s so recent and cuts AH no quarter (Note: all embedded documents and photos did not transfer):

People Need to Start Taking Johnny Depp's Allegations Against Amber Heard Seriously
by GABI Z. 5 hours ago in GENDER ROLES

Abuse has no gender

Let’s rewind to May 2016 and the first time we opened social media and read Amber Heard’s allegations against then husband, Johnny Depp. The actress claimed that Johnny had been physically abusive toward her throughout their marriage and sported what everyone assumed to be a bruise on her right cheek, when she arrived at a Los Angeles courthouse to obtain a temporary restraining order. Are you all there? Are you remembering the anger you had towards Johnny and how badly you wanted him out of every future movie he was a part of? Good. I want you to remember that anger because it’s going to come in handy later.

This hatred towards one of Hollywood’s most beloved and celebrated actors was never-ending. Tabloids attacked him, journalists wrote vicious stories about him… and sure, this is a man who was accused of domestic violence. Why should we have sympathy for him? After all, when it comes to public opinion, everyone is guilty until proven innocent, right?

Now let’s fast forward to 2017—when Johnny Depp and Amber Heard finally settled their divorce. JUST THE DIVORCE. “But why are you typing in all caps,” you’re (maybe) asking. Well because when their divorce was settled and Amber vowed to donate ALL the money to charity, people assumed that meant Johnny Depp paid her off, just like every other celeb who has been accused of something or another, but that’s not what happened at all. Johnny and Amber didn’t have a prenuptial agreement, meaning if they were to divorce, Amber would be lawfully entitled to a financial pay out, hence the seven million dollars she ended up with.

The reality is Johnny Depp had always denied abusing her and wasn’t willing to pay her a dime for those allegations. In fact, before Amber ever went public with her claims, she sent a letter asking for money and materials or else she would sell her story, and seeing as she did go public, Depp obviously didn’t give into her demands. SEE EXTORTION LETTER BELOW:

So why were the allegations dropped? Simple, the judge dropped the case with prejudice—meaning there was not enough evidence to take it any further. The judge also took into account that Amber refused to give in original time and date stamped photographs of her alleged injuries. Oh and, Johnny Depp gave in his own evidence to court that painted a whole other picture. Evidence that, up until recently, we didn’t know what it involved. But we’ll get to that a little later.

Now after the divorce, it was assumed that everything was done and that was that, especially since they both contractually agreed to never talk about it again, right? Wrong, because Amber decided to break that deal and went forward in writing an op-ed for the Washington Post where she outlines being a victim of domestic abuse. It’s this op-ed that has earned her a $50million dollar lawsuit and February 3, 2020 court date for defamation. Now, let’s get back to that evidence Johnny gave in 2016 that no one knew about because he didn’t sell them to tabloids.

Johnny Depp was subjected to years of emotional and physical abuse at the hands of Amber Heard. These are the allegations Johnny Depp brought forward in 2016 but we the public, are only hearing about now. Defecating in beds, throwing cans of paint thinner, throwing vodka bottles and cutting the tip of his finger off, verbally tormenting him, putting out cigarette butts on his face… this and more is what Depp is claiming Heard did to him, and has the original time and date stamped photos to prove it. Along with 87 surveillance videos and 31 eye witnesses testifying to seeing her continuously abuse him. Some of which include her own makeup artist, assistant and friends. Heard had said that on December 15, 2015, Depp violently abused her and busted her lip. But the very next day she appeared on The Late Late Show looking like this:
(via Late Late Show on Instagram)

Her makeup stylist for that appearance later testified:
(Via queenbpip on Twitter)

Remember when J.K Rowling stated that she had seen the evidence and remained true to her decision in keeping Johnny in The Fantastic Beasts franchise? Well, now we’ve seen it too so why are so many still hesitant to believe Johnny Depp was the victim? The public has been anti-Johnny Depp for four years and have used him as the butt of click bait tweets and jokes and even with all the new evidence that has come to light, people still think it’s okay to mock him for “not manning up” or just outright not believing him. But why? Is it so hard to believe that a woman could lie about being abused and make it seem like her victim was the perpetrator to save herself? We’ve all seen Gone Girl, and it’s not just fiction.

(Via HouseofKiersten on Twitter)

So, remember that anger we talked about earlier? The one you felt towards Johnny Depp in 2016? If you’re not feeling it against Amber Heard, I ask why? Why can you believe a man with no priors for abuse, just woke up one day and became a domestic abuser, but not a woman with a history of being violent and aggressive toward past partners? [Heard was arrested and plead guilty in 2009, for abusing her then girlfriend Tasya van Ree.]

If we want to fight for equality, we need to be more open to the fact that women CAN be just as abusive as men. We need to recognize that not all women are delicate flowers and not all men are dangerous. We need to create safe spaces for ALL victims of abuse to feel comfortable in speaking up, not just female victims. Johnny Depp lost roles because of her allegations, at the very least, shouldn't Heard lose hers as well?

It's time we actually act like "woke" individuals and start taking male victims of abuse as seriously as we do women.

For more details, documents, testimonies and information visit:




"Stay low." ~ JD
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Thu Aug 08, 2019 5:58 pm

hollyberry wrote:In the UK recently it was discovered that a man who claimed he was sexually abused by a VIP ring was making the whole thing up.
This man was himself an abuser.
He's just received a jail sentence of eighteen years.

It is a different kind of abuse of course, and his victims were children. But the fact remains, he was an abuser who made false accusations and now he's paying for it.
So should Heard.
Something to keep in mind is that this is a civil case not a criminal case. She can be put in jail for perjury but in order for her to go to jail for domestic violence there would have to be a criminal trial. If a criminal trial were to take place it would be in California where much of the domestic violence occurred.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Larkwoodgirl » Thu Aug 08, 2019 7:01 pm

Judymac wrote:
hollyberry wrote:In the UK recently it was discovered that a man who claimed he was sexually abused by a VIP ring was making the whole thing up.
This man was himself an abuser.
He's just received a jail sentence of eighteen years.

It is a different kind of abuse of course, and his victims were children. But the fact remains, he was an abuser who made false accusations and now he's paying for it.
So should Heard.
Something to keep in mind is that this is a civil case not a criminal case. She can be put in jail for perjury but in order for her to go to jail for domestic violence there would have to be a criminal trial. If a criminal trial were to take place it would be in California where much of the domestic violence occurred.
The outcome I want is for AH to have to admit publicly that she lied. I would hate to see any settlement in which she did not have to admit that.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Thu Aug 08, 2019 7:16 pm

meeps wrote:You posted this on page 85, Chocolat :love: So Feb. 3 :)

Thanks meeps! That one slipped my mind.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Thu Aug 08, 2019 7:51 pm

Thanks justintime for the article. There should be more like that for the public to read.
What I really want to see is prominent TV news and entertainment programs report this truth for it to make a solid impact in viewers minds. It was the visuals of AH's photo on People magazine cover that is most remembered and, in my opinion, why the public believed her. I want to see a fair account of Johnny's side with the same consideration to reporting the evidence against AH as well as the photos of Johnny's abuse inflicted by Amber Heard.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Thu Aug 08, 2019 9:20 pm

Larkwoodgirl wrote:
Judymac wrote:
hollyberry wrote:In the UK recently it was discovered that a man who claimed he was sexually abused by a VIP ring was making the whole thing up.
This man was himself an abuser.
He's just received a jail sentence of eighteen years.

It is a different kind of abuse of course, and his victims were children. But the fact remains, he was an abuser who made false accusations and now he's paying for it.
So should Heard.
Something to keep in mind is that this is a civil case not a criminal case. She can be put in jail for perjury but in order for her to go to jail for domestic violence there would have to be a criminal trial. If a criminal trial were to take place it would be in California where much of the domestic violence occurred.
The outcome I want is for AH to have to admit publicly that she lied. I would hate to see any settlement in which she did not have to admit that.
Yes she needs to admit that she purposely lied. I hope she does not try to get away with saying that she did not really lie, she was confused. I am not saying she will do that but she is so incredibly dishonest that I would not be surprised by anything she does.