How sweet of them to do that.

I get emails from GOSH all the time. They are newsletter/request for donations type emails. Perhaps if you copy and paste the text here, somebody can tell you what it says.ladylinn wrote:I just received another e-mail from Sonia of De San Jorge. It is in Spanish so I cannot read it. Did anyone else receive this?
If this is not the correct place for this question - please correct.
My sentiments exactly. Thank you for your time and generosity, Part-time Poet.Lucky13 wrote:How very kind and generous of you Part-time Poet.... organizing the project is quite a daunting undertaking in and of itself, but to absorb the Paypal fees as well, is truly commendable.part-time poet wrote:As part of my donation to each year's Birthday Project, I always make up the Paypal fees out of my own pocket, so that every cent you donate goes directly to the children. Part-Time Poet
God bless you... may your generosity be returned tenfold.
Same here. I received the hard copy in the mail already and I have also gotten hard copy letters from London and Madison. I don't do paypal either. Always personal checks. And, while I DID receive the e-mail that shadowydog posted, I did not receive an e-mail thankyou.justintime wrote:I received the email also, but I'd already been sent a hard copy letter via regular mail the first week in June. The letter is on official Foundation stationery and states the amount of the donation, but is otherwise the same wording as the email.
PTP - I have received thank you/acknowledgment letters from London and Madison as well, never an email. Just assumed it was because I always send personal checks, no paypal. This email is a first.