Last chance--2007 Birthday Project closes today!

Give in Johnny's honor and support a great hospital for children.
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Unread post by es » Wed Jul 04, 2007 4:05 pm

Thanks for the last update PTP.
What a beautiful amount of money,funny that even without merchandis we have given more money.
Like manny already expressed,really proud of being a smal part of this great group of people who can make a difference.
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Unread post by Moonlight » Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:26 pm

My Love to you all! :grouphug:

What you have done is just wonderful! :heart: :kiss:

part-time poet, Thank you a billion times for having this adorable idea! Love you for this! :hug:

Much Love
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Unread post by ChristineD » Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:24 pm

Thank you for giving us all the chance to help.
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Unread post by nickidepphead » Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:08 pm

This is so cool, Johnny will be amazed if he gets to learn of it! Well done everybody!

:bounce: :disco: :cool: :toastingpirates:
* So...directly from the beautiful lips of Johnny Depp - THANK YOU VERY MUCH, Johnny Depp Zone! *

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Unread post by Lucky13 » Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:29 pm

Just Amazing ! ! !

Part-time Poet, just curious where we are in the process of our donation being sent to the hospital. I'm thinking it's "in the process" as I'm quite certain you will inform everyone of their response. Do the "powers that be" truly inform Johnny of a donation made in his name / honor ?? I wasn't a member of the Zone during your last Birthday Project -- sorry for all the questions. :blush:
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Unread post by part-time poet » Sun Jul 15, 2007 4:29 am

Lucky13 wrote:Just Amazing ! ! !

Part-time Poet, just curious where we are in the process of our donation being sent to the hospital. I'm thinking it's "in the process" as I'm quite certain you will inform everyone of their response. Do the "powers that be" truly inform Johnny of a donation made in his name / honor ?? I wasn't a member of the Zone during your last Birthday Project -- sorry for all the questions. :blush:
That's quite understandable--actually, every Birthday Project the Zone has ever done has been different, and the charities have been different, so the process changes every time anyway. There is no standard way of doing it--we play it by ear every time.

We've done two Birthday Projects since I've been webmaster. Last year our charity was the Children's Hospice and it was in California, so it was very easy to be in touch with Devon and Lori, the founders. We had a lot of information transmitted by them to Johnny and his people, and back again to us.

This year is our first international venture, and GOSH is a much larger organization than the Hospice, so the logistics are different. While I'm sure we will receive a pleasant acknowledgement of our donation from GOSH, there is not likely to be the same kind of grapevine we had last year because the scale of the charities is so different--GOSH is one of the largest children's hospitals in the world.

So if your question is, will GOSH tell Johnny about the donation made in his name . . . I don't know. And of course it doesn't really matter if Johnny knows or doesn't know about the project, since the point was to help the children and the hospital in his name.

I am always torn, ethically, about the "notification" aspect of the project. I would never want it to seem that we were giving to a good cause in the hope of catching Johnny's attention--that would do a disservice to the man we are honoring and to the generous Zoners who give from the goodness of their hearts. That gives a false picture of what the Zone is about. Last year we made no formal attempt to notify Johnny or his people, but through a series of serendipitous events, word reached him anyway and he was very touched by the project.

Now that we know that Johnny already knows the Zone does birthday projects, I think that changes the picture about notification somewhat. Although I know some members might disagree with me, I think it's quite proper to send a card to his professional representatives mentioning what this year's project was and letting Johnny know that we are continuing the tradition.

Will the card get passed along to Johnny? Of course there's no guarantee, but I think so, since it's the kind of news that would make him happy--it's a good thing. But since he's on vacation, heaven knows when he would see it. And I have no expectation of any kind of response from Johnny or his people. While it would be lovely to hear that we'd brought him some joy, I think we have all heard that message in our hearts already. We have the satisfaction of knowing that we have helped a great hospital and the families who will come through their doors, and that thanks to our working together, GOSH's redevelopment campaign is $5,000 richer.

That's amazing. We collected donations from all over the world.

That's what the birthday project is about--doing some good and sending a big collective hug to Johnny. That hug is on its way. Thanks to all of you for making it possible.


Part-Time Poet
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Unread post by AnaMaria » Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:18 am

Thank you for passing along the big grouphug, Part-time Poet.
I am always torn, ethically, about the "notification" aspect of the project. I would never want it to seem that we were giving to a good cause in the hope of catching Johnny's attention--
I feel the same way but I'm glad and grateful you did send a card to Johnny's representatives. There's no doubt in the sincerity of the main goal: to support GOSH. But it was done in Johnny's name and - I'm only human - it feels good to know he'll hear about it.

But I don't wish Johnny or his people to reply; I'm sure they must be very cautious in sending any reaction, and in particular a personal message from Johnny. I'm not expecting any of that kind. It's good the way it is :chill:

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Unread post by Ingrid 3 » Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:50 am

Was the total $ 5000 :omg: that's a lot !
:grouphug: :love: :grouphug:
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Unread post by In-too-Depp » Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:03 am

Thanks so much PtP for updating us and explaining what is happening currently with the project. I'm sure all the zoners are not looking for personal thanks from Johnny but I for one would be proud to know that he is informed of this and understands what an inspiration he is to so many people. :cool:
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Unread post by Lucky13 » Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:12 am

Thank you Part-time Poet for your explaination of the process.

I'm quite certain that no one is looking for recognition for what we've accomplished. The "generosity" that all of us have learned from Johnny is blooming in our hearts. We have come together from near and far to help this very worthy cause.

I was very happy to be afforded the priviledge to participate this year and look forward to continuing in the years ahead.
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Unread post by Kittycat88 » Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:32 am

Thanks for the update Ptp...

I think the notification to his reps is a good way to pass on the information. I can't imagine them not letting Johnny know. He may never get the opportunity to thank the zone personally but I am sure it will make him feel wonderful and very humble. He is that sweet. Somehow, someway in this crazy karma soup of a world :pray: , his thanks will come back to us...

It was a beautiful way to say we care and we know what is important to him.

Good job zoners!! Thanks again Ptp !!

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Unread post by Cheshirecat » Sun Jul 15, 2007 2:31 pm

Some interesting ethical questions PTP ...

I'll echo KC -- the karma of a gift is always known within the universe - but part of the gift is the free and open nature of the gift itself, which expects no return.

((And here I must confess - I have joined other boards - mostly to help me track posts, since it was/is such a pain in the ...(oops, almost broke the accord) let us say it disturbs the flow of information???? But this project was the impetus that convinced me I wanted to be part of this community. After the 'dance' of registration - I found a community of warm hearted 'sisters' -- who were not afraid to share tears and laughter with each other. Who were even more importantly not afraid to laugh joyously at themselves, and invite the rest of the us to share the merriment. Enough.))

On a purely technical note -- the hospital, like most large charities will attempt to notify the 'honoree' and I suspect that they will be successful.

I would suggest that we need do nothing more then send our gift to the hospital, noting that it reflects a global celebration of the birth of one Johnny Depp and a global celebration of ourselves as fellow admirers, fans and humans.

Just a thought. //cc

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Unread post by Glendaleigh » Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:16 pm

Kittycat88 wrote:Thanks for the update Ptp...

I think the notification to his reps is a good way to pass on the information. I can't imagine them not letting Johnny know. He may never get the opportunity to thank the zone personally but I am sure it will make him feel wonderful and very humble. He is that sweet. Somehow, someway in this crazy karma soup of a world :pray: , his thanks will come back to us...

It was a beautiful way to say we care and we know what is important to him.

Good job zoners!! Thanks again Ptp !!
:grouphug: I like the karma thoughts and it doesn't disturb my warm fuzzies for being part of a group with such collective kind, generous hearts.

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Unread post by Ingrid 3 » Sun Jul 15, 2007 4:06 pm

Kittycat88 wrote:Thanks for the update Ptp...

I think the notification to his reps is a good way to pass on the information. I can't imagine them not letting Johnny know. He may never get the opportunity to thank the zone personally but I am sure it will make him feel wonderful and very humble. He is that sweet. Somehow, someway in this crazy karma soup of a world :pray: , his thanks will come back to us...

It was a beautiful way to say we care and we know what is important to him.

Good job zoners!! Thanks again Ptp !!
Beautiful said Kitty :hug:
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Unread post by b.p. olive » Sun Jul 15, 2007 4:29 pm

Cheshirecat wrote:On a purely technical note -- the hospital, like most large charities will attempt to notify the 'honoree' and I suspect that they will be successful.

I would suggest that we need do nothing more then send our gift to the hospital, noting that it reflects a global celebration of the birth of one Johnny Depp and a global celebration of ourselves as fellow admirers, fans and humans.

Just a thought.
A thought I agree with. Johnny does all kinds of charity work and never tells anyone. What he does comes from within his soul and that is good enough for him. I had hoped that the Zone would follow his example and do the same, feeling good about what we've done from within, without any recognition. Anyway it gets sliced, notification will bring recognition, and as I understand it, that is not what our birthday projects and donations are all about.

Also, just a thought.
"I just don't, ya know, I mean, I just don't dance. Ya know. - - I don't get it. - - It's not my thing." -- Johnny Depp ("It Came From Baltimore" on the "Cry Baby" DVD)

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