Johnny's Bracelet

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Unread post by depprespect » Tue Dec 13, 2005 9:32 pm

Savvy and shook, thank you so much for your kind words. He is an amazing little guy with even more amazing parents. Their strength and courage inspires me every day. Savvy, I will surely tell them someone special is out there praying for our little Jack.
Shook, I will be thinking of your uncle and grandfather. It must be a very difficult time for you as well.
I never did get an autograph for Jack. From what I've heard on this board, they are hard to come by, and well, Johnny's a busy guy no doubt about it. Fact of the matter is, even as sick as Jack is, I felt funny even writing to his agency to request one. Be that as it may, the bracelets will be a perfect gift. I love that the money is going to such a noble cause. Jack (who's 7 years old) truly lives to try and have fun each day. And Jack will get a kick out of the fact that he has the same bracelet Johnny wears. Perfect!

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Unread post by chaingirl17 » Tue Dec 13, 2005 9:46 pm

:bouquet: Thanks for sharing Charlotte!

I wish I could order one, but I am a bit short on cash at the moment. With Christmas just around the corner, I had some major shopping to get done. :lol: As soon as I can have the money saved up, I will definetly be ordering one! Does not surprise me a bit about Johnny. He is an :angel: no doubt about it! He has a heart of gold, such a sweet, kind, loving man! Reading these touching stories will just make you love him even more! :heart: The man has earned my full respect and I am just SO proud of him! :cloud9:


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Unread post by kristen » Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:00 pm

:sigh: Oh, thank you, Charlotte for finding this! It's just ... :bawl: :angel: :cloud9: I've always wanted to know what the significance of this was, and it's beautiful, and such a choice that seems to reflect so much of him, especially the words on the bracelet. Amazing, thank you. :chill:

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Unread post by Gilbert's Girl » Wed Dec 14, 2005 3:15 am

I wonder how Johnny would have found out about the Bracelets. Was Melissa Gilbert wearing one at the SAGA's? Johnny spent time talking to here.

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Unread post by Rainey » Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:39 am

Charlotte thank you so much for finding this! :thanks!: I would love to order one! It's so great when celebs support the children, especially Johnny. :cloud9:

~ depprespect ~ I pray that your Godson gets well. I hate to hear about children hurting in any way. It saddens me deeply. I pray that God is with you through this time and always. :pray:

~ shook ~ I will also be praying for your grandfather and uncle in hopes that they get well soon. :bouquet:
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Unread post by Angie » Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:15 am

So true: today is a gift.
I'd love to have one of it, but I can't order it with credit card, there's someone of you who could help me with this, please?

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Unread post by Endora » Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:28 pm

Lovely idea, just like him.
Work hard, learn well, and make peace with the fact that you'll never be as cool as Johnny Depp. GQ.

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Unread post by Shook » Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:37 pm

depprespect- Thanks! And I'm sure Jack will love the fact that he has the same bracelet as Johnny :heart2:

Rainey- thank you very much!

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Unread post by Jackslady » Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:52 pm

My best wishes to you and your godson, depprespect.

This bracelet is a beautiful idea, it has a very simple and powerful message.
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Unread post by lumineuse » Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:14 pm

Thanks you so much for posting this Charlotte. I couldn't resist ordering a silver one for myself. It will be a reminder everyday to be grateful for my life, and to be of service to others. My little Christmas gift to me.

Shook and depprespect, I am saddened to hear of the illness in your families. You will be in my thoughts.

Depprespect -have you considered the Make-A-Wish Foundation? Johnny very generously gives of himself to the children involved in that program.
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Unread post by bluebird » Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:14 pm

CharlotteinCA ~~~ Thanks so much for your find about the bracelet....
And thanks to you AnaMaria for the photo of it on Johnny's wrist!!!!

I'm planning on getting one and I went to the site and emailed asking exactly what sizes the braided ones are: double braid, slightly less than 9 inches; single braid is 8 1/4 inches....

Anyway, talked with a lovely lady named Lori at the Children's Hospice site who informed me -- when she quickly replied with the sizes -- that "it's the bracelet that Johnny Depp wears!!"

I emailed back and said, yes, that's how I found out about the bracelet -- at the Johnny Depp Zone....
She went online and checked us out, saw the photo, and wanted to know where it was taken and who took it.....and said that she'd like to share it with Dustin's (the little boy whose phrase "Today is a gift ... have fun" is on the bracelet.
She asked if I could find out.
If anyone does know about the photo that AnaMaria posted, please let me know and I'll pass it on.
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Unread post by QueenofKings » Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:23 pm

Did they by any chance tell you the size of the silver bracelets?

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Unread post by AnaMaria » Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:26 pm

This photo was taken at the Cement Ceremony


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Unread post by bluebird » Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:41 pm

That was fast!! Thanks AnaMaria!! I'll pass the info on.
QueenofKings....I didn't ask about the silver bracelets, but I will....I'll get back to you!

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Unread post by lumineuse » Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:26 pm

I sure hope the small ones aren't 8 1/4 inches - that is hardly small!!
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