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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:49 am

I have mixed feelings about the result of the appeal but do understand the reasons Johnny agreed to them.
Regardless of AH not receiving the punishment we wanted for her, the fact remains she had no choice but to settle. In other words, for various reasons, she ultimately gave up and agreed to the verdict from the Virginia defamation trial. She lost and that ruling is her punishment. She'll have a tough time ahead of her with her career and reputation but as others have pointed out, she did this to herself. My concern is that being who she is, she won't stay quiet about being a victim and will continue to voice it to whoever will listen and actually pay her to speak. I won't be surprised if she gets a number of book offers too. But realistically, I doubt they will do well, aside from making her a few dollars. In time, I see her fading away because she'll be of little interest.

I'm happy for Johnny. This is what he wanted and was more than fair to her. He's free from the toxicity, has his life back and making career choices no longer with a dark cloud hanging over his head. He is loved and always will have our support.
I hope he has a very Happy Christmas with family and friends. :heart4:
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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Wed Dec 21, 2022 8:49 am

The more I think about it the more I agree he's made the best decision.

The appeal could have dragged on. He has the chance to give money to a charity. She has been so vilified you cannot say she hasn't been punished. Let her continue rabbiting on about being an activist and survivor - she has so little support. If the Depp community just starts to ignore her and her handful of supporters, she will loose even more attention. She will use her instagram; she'll get free publicity etc but she is extremely unlikely to get what she really wanted which was a career as an A+ list actor and activist, cheered and adored. Johnny has the chance to go into the next phase of his career ignoring her, whilst being hugged and cheered wherever he goes.

Had he tried to collect on the money or keep this going he would have started to look like he was being unkind to her child. And that isn't him.

Marvellous though his legal team has been he really does not want to spend so much time dealing with legal issues - let him enjoy his creativity and let us enjoy it too.

Since the verdict think about what has happened - the MTV endorsement; Dior endorsement; Rihanna endorsement. And despite her efforts to spoil them she has failed. She has said it all now.

And the verdict stands - contrary to what she says, she is not free to repeatedly defame him. The best thing he could do was stop allowing her the oxygen that the appeal was giving her.

This thread has been so important to us - but I hope it too comes to an end.

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Unread post by myfave » Wed Dec 21, 2022 9:27 am

Thank you both for these intelligent views. What you both said makes sense.
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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Wed Dec 21, 2022 9:56 am

My two cents - myfave & AdeleAgain have their views, which for the most part I agree with. AH has destroyed herself. But, it's not over. I am still waiting for Australia. I believe THAT will be the final nail in her coffin - personally, professionally, mentally & emotionally. We have to wait & see. As far as the thread disappearing, I know that would make sense, however, I feel that I have made some friends through this thread. (Being totally selfish) I have mixed emotions. I would like it to continue, as this will not be the last injustice that will be endured by a victim/ survivor of DV/SA. JD said not to sit down but to stand up, because they need you. I'm perfectly okay with staying a warrior.

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Unread post by ForeverYoung » Wed Dec 21, 2022 4:25 pm

She is hiding out in Europe now, maybe trying to avoid he Australian authorities but she can't hide forever. She likes the attention too much. Pretty soon she will start calling the paparazzi again. If she starts flapping her gums again with lies she's just going to wind up in another lawsuit and she will be whining on the stand about being "dragged" once again into court, when she started the whole reason she wound up there in the first place. It's always someone else's fault with her. She can't ever publicly take any responsibilities for her actions.

That being said, I am so happy to see Johnny back in France relaxing and doing what he loves.
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Unread post by SnoopyDances » Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:15 pm

It's official :applause2:

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Unread post by SnoopyDances » Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:16 pm

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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Thu Dec 29, 2022 12:47 pm

Hope everyone had a great Holiday and ready for the New Year. I am really enjoying a bit of a break. Got really burned out. I am ready for Johnny to have an amazing 2023

Thank you all for being here. What a tough year - few years. So glad Johnny was vindicated and the truth came out for all the world to see and hear first hand - live - without the media spin. It is finally over. I hope. I do believe this is a non-disparagement agreement. Her statement was carefully crafted and note she didn't say the one word she wanted to - abused. There was never an NDA, the jury never awarded a NDA nor a gag order. There was never an injunction. So that was never part of the verdict. But I do believe in the settlement, she had to agree to never label him as an abuser. I can't think of a publisher who would risk her writing a book that would reference Johnny--certainly not risk paying out an advance. Time will tell.

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Unread post by In-too-Depp » Thu Dec 29, 2022 1:10 pm

Lbock wrote:
Thu Dec 29, 2022 12:47 pm
Hope everyone had a great Holiday and ready for the New Year. I am really enjoying a bit of a break. Got really burned out. I am ready for Johnny to have an amazing 2023

Thank you all for being here. What a tough year - few years. So glad Johnny was vindicated and the truth came out for all the world to see and hear first hand - live - without the media spin. It is finally over. I hope. I do believe this is a non-disparagement agreement. Her statement was carefully crafted and note she didn't say the one word she wanted to - abused. There was never an NDA, the jury never awarded a NDA nor a gag order. There was never an injunction. So that was never part of the verdict. But I do believe in the settlement, she had to agree to never label him as an abuser. I can't think of a publisher who would risk her writing a book that would reference Johnny--certainly not risk paying out an advance. Time will tell.
Thanks for everything Laura, I know it's been a long and tiring road for you and others but you're been a real star and spent so much time, money and effort with all of this. I wish you the best for 2023. I'm sure we haven't heard the end of it regarding her being a victim but now she'll probably use it as fodder to portray herself as a victim of the justice system, Johnny's fans and some media. She needs that to be relevant.
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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Thu Dec 29, 2022 1:36 pm

Agreed. We have not seen the last of "the defendant." She will play the "victim" until her dying day. It would be lovely to see the Academy toss her out permanently because of what she has done. I realize that is not going to happen, nice thought though. I wish that L'oréal, would not renew her contract. To be a representative, one should equally as beautiful on the inside, in my personal opinion. I hope no one is stupid enough to hire her for any speaking engagement, but there are dummies in the world. Look at the ACLU, still having her as an ambassador, disgusting. I truly wish that Australia, would get their rear in gear over "doggie gate." It would be the best of all worlds if she were found guilty, in Australia as well. Wouldn't it be great for the UK to "overturn" their judgement with Fairfax & Australia finding her guilty? That would send "the defendant" into oblivion, where she rightfully belongs. Ok, I've finished venting. Now I will get my quilting room set up for new projects (new grandbaby in March, got to get moving.)

Wishing one and all a safe and happy new year. Love to all.


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Unread post by Lbock » Thu Dec 29, 2022 2:10 pm

That UK verdict will forwever haunt him sadly.

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Unread post by Inquiring Minds » Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:08 am

Lbock wrote:
That UK verdict will forever haunt him sadly.
I am hoping that the UK verdict will come to be seen as an indictment of their courts. Black Belt Barrister is working to get the UK verdict overturned but imo it probably won't happen. I'm hoping when King Charles formally ascends the throne he will dust off a cell in the Tower and put ex-Justice Nicol in it.

Like Granna, I think she will never stop and her current PR team are planting hit pieces to continue the smear. I note Kat Tenbarge and cry-bully Taylor Lorenz are shilling for Amber and have mounted a cowardly, desperate and despicable attack on you, Andy from Popcorned Planet and TUG. They have doxxed you and family and then responded with an arrogant "sure did", then repeated the doxxing. These people are deplorable scum imo.

Regarding Granna's comment re doggy-gate, I suspect this will just quietly disappear. I have no confidence the current Federal Government will do anything that could be interpreted as anti-women. While the public overwhelmingly despise AH, the press has been overwhelmingly pro-AH. The MSM has been steadily building a shadow-history, re-writing the verdict and casting AH as another victim of a powerful man. A local politician rejected a "Men's Health" program because she said such proposals were advocated by MRA's associated with "misogynists and incels". I could go on at length, but won't bore you further with our local situation. It is however, imo, deteriorating and increasingly unlikely to lead to a prosecution over her perjury here.

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Unread post by SnoopyDances » Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:04 am

RE: the UK trial.
The one positive take is that it exposed AH as the only source for the article.

No one else came forward with a similar story and the tabloid didn't do any investigation of its own. They relied on her and her alone and so did the judge.

She used much of the same non-evidence and her "witnesses" only repeated what she told them.

Her PR team can spin it but it is still her defaming him.

It is only her word against all of his evidence. She has been exposed. And her credibility is non-existent.

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Unread post by fireflydances » Fri Dec 30, 2022 2:15 pm

My only worry is the media which I'm afraid will continue to promote the idea that perhaps AH was right and JD was the offender, and that continuing thoroughly bogus question will affect Johnny's ability to get those roles that would showcase his incredible talent. I heard a story mid-week on NPR which basically stated that. I don't think I understood until JD's terrible experience just how deeply the media is controlled by investors. Used to believe they were interested in "the truth." Not so, they are interested in "the buck."
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The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Fri Dec 30, 2022 2:34 pm

Fireflydances - These so called "investors" will go for JD's jugular until the end. JD's refusal to "goose-step" to the "Hollywood" norm to let them dictate his career moves and control him, will forever label and haunt him. Rupert Murdock, in particular, has an axe to grind with JD. Not many, if any, have the stones to go one on one with Murdock. though Murdock would definitely cover his tracks, a lot of people believe Murdock bought and paid for the UK verdict, before JD entered the country for the trial. Murdock has the allegiance of many, for a price, of course. IMHO, "the defendant" was also on the receiving end. Guaranteed victory in the UK, that was in encouragement she needed to be there.