Unread postby ForeverYoung » Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:19 pm
"Wass provided the reference number of the document supporting Heard's donation but didn't ask the judge to look at it. However, she stressed that Heard's name was on the list of those who make donations.
"Again, I leave my Lord just with the reference, rather than asking you to look it up now. File 5.1, tab 206A, page F1332 shows a list of donors to the children's hospital of Los Angeles, making donations between $1 million and just shy of $5 million, so in the bracket, and it includes the name of Amber Heard," she said."
HOWEVER...the settlement money was $7 but Nicol decided to ignore that fact and he never bothered to see those donations did not come from Amber Heard. Wass pulled a fast one on him and he fell for it.
Unread postby AdeleAgain » Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:37 am
Even after four years of this rubbish I am dumbfounded by the appalling journalism - particularly the Independent's story - which fails to even address that she has manifestly lied and lied including in court. And it got the angle on the appeal wrong. Wow. At least the Deadline actual story had some facts in it despite the headline. What on earth is the state of journalism that the Daily Mail actually has the most accurate reflection of what just happened.
And I see AH has been photographed having dinner with Elon Musk since the verdict.
So what's next - the $7million dollar is going to be miraculously paid up?
That is not going to change the fact that she lied in court. I wish I could hear from some legal expert as to whether this news can actually help JD in getting the appeal - it can certainly if he gets that appeal when new evidence is allowed to be introduced.
Unread postby ForeverYoung » Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:47 pm
And now the plot thickens with Elon Musk. It seems Amber Heard and Elon Musk had a meeting of sorts in Mexico after JD lost the UK trial and after Musk was subpoenaed to turn over communications with her.
“Growing old is unavoidable, but never growing up is possible."
Wass was sneaky saying the document is there but you don’t need to trouble yourself. I’m sure it was the CHLA donor report which everyone ignores that it also says they honor pledges!
Unread postby Inquiring Minds » Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:46 am
Here is a timeline I have built concerning Amber's donations, Johnny's settlement payments and a few other key relationship events:
2008 Elon Musk begins dating English actress Talulah Riley 2010 Elon Musk marries Talulah Riley 2012-01 Elon Musk splits up with Talulah Riley 2013-07 Elon Musk re-marries Talulah Riley 2014-12 Elon Musk files for divorce from Talulah Riley. Action was withdrawn. 2015-03 Elon visits Amber overnight in penthouse while Johnny is in Australia filming. 2016-03 Talulah Riley files for divorce from Elon Musk 2016-05-21 Staged false DV incident 2016-05-23 Amber Heard files for divorce from Johnny. Court grants her a TRO. 2016-08-16 Depp v Heard divorce settled. Joint statement issued including a pledge for the whole $7m to be donated 2016-08-18 Date Amber claimed in Look to the Stars that she donated the $7m. 2016-08-22Look to the Stars reports that Amber Heard had already donated the whole $7m.
"Heard's actions were swift, and she gave the large sum away two days after her divorce was final"
2016-08-25 (on or before) Johnny donates in Amber's name:
$100,000 CHLA (not yet confirmed by this researcher)
$100,000 ACLU
Cumulative payout to Amber (to date): $200,000 2016-08-25LA Times reports Amber's objection to Johnny paying the first installment of the donations to CHLA and ACLU.
From the article Amber is reported as saying:
[about Johnny donating the settlement directly himself] "that the actor should also donate the amount in its entirety immediately rather than have it be drawn out over many years."
and regarding Johnny's previous association with CHLA (although accurate concerning ACLU):
"newfound concern for charities that he has never previously supported"
2016-08-26 Amber "calls out" Johnny for making a direct donation to CHLA and ACLU (in her name) - metro.co.uk 2016-08-26 Amber Heard pledges $3.5m to CHLA via Edward White, Edward White & Company. 2017-02-01 Depp pays Heard $1,000,000 (on or before this date)
Cumulative payout to Amber (to date): $1,200,000 2017-05-01 Depp pays Heard $1,000,000 (on or before this date)
Cumulative payout to Amber (to date): $2,200,000 2017-06-01 Elon Musk donates $500,000 to CHLA in Amber Heard's name (via Vanguard Charitable). 2017-06-20 Romero (ACLU Executive Director) acknowledges a previous donation of $350,000 from Amber and the $100,000 already donated by Mr Depp in Amber's name. He also references $500,000 donated by Elon Musk in Amber's name (cumulative total: $950k) 2017-08-01 Depp pays Heard $1,000,000 (on or before this date)
Cumulative payout to Amber (to date): $3,200,000 2017-08-01 Amber Heard splits up with Elon Musk on or around this date.
Hearsay says that Elon bugged her Tesla and was not pleased with what he heard.
Then from Wonderwall:
A source told The Daily Mail, "It's all over between Amber and Elon and she's devastated. It was his decision. He ended it a week ago. He'd heard certain things about her behavior that didn't sit well with him."
Musk later admitted that he was heartbroken over Johnny Depp’s ex-wife, telling Rolling Stone of their first split, “I was really in love, and it hurt bad. Well, she broke up with me more than I broke up with her, I think.”
2017-11-01 Depp pays Heard $500,000 (on or before this date)
Cumulative payout to Amber (to date): $3,700,000 2018-01-01 Amber "reconciles" again with Elon Musk (on or about, using W Magazine timing)
Reported by PageSix on this date 2018-02-01 Depp pays Heard $2,300,000 (on or before this date)
Cumulative payout to Amber (to date): $6,000,000
Final payment. Note: this total is from the order regarding remaining payments. It is assumed that another $1m was paid before the order, bringing the total to $7m. 2018-02-01 [a source close to the couple:] “Elon and Amber broke up this week. Elon made the decision to end things, and Amber agreed." (sorry, forgot to save the link) 2018-02-02W Magazine reports Amber Heard breaks up with Musk after "a mere month" 2018-01-09 Elon Musk donates $250,000 to Art of Elysium in Amber Heard's name (via Fidelity Charitable) 2018-05-07 Elon Musk and Grimes reveal they are dating 2018-12-19 Heard publishes her defamatory op-ed piece in The Washington Post. 2019-03-01 Depp sues Heard over the Washington Post article. 2019-06-26 CHLA asks Amber if she is going to honour her pledge of $3.5m. Acknowledges that a first installment (only) had been made. 2020-01-08 Grimes announces she is pregnant with Elon's and her first child 2020-05-04 Grimes gives birth to a son eventually named X AE A-XII 2020-12-11 Confirmation received from CHLA that Amber did not make the $3.m donation. 2021-01-01 Adam Waldman publicly confirms that Amber did not make the donations. 2021-01-08 Amber's lawyer, Bredehoft, claims the reason she hasn't donated yet is because it's all Johnny's fault. Amber claimed donations she had bullied others to make in her name as her own donations.
The timeline provides a pretty good summary of her donation related lies imo. If you want to see "cold", have a look at what happens with Johnny's payments, Amber and Elon on (or around) 1st August, 2017 (2017-08-01) and the 1st Feb, 2018 (2018-02-01). Honest, she cares nothing about money.......
Unread postby AdeleAgain » Sat Jan 09, 2021 7:58 am
Inquiring Minds - fantastic timeline thank you - just one thing to add is the date of her witness statement in the UK in which she says she has donated the entire sum of her divorce settlement. Not an equivalent sum was donated or will be donated. She referred to her divorce settlement.
Great Job Inquiring minds. I'm a little mind foggy right now, but I think you got everything. Double check these:
Email June 20, 2017. $500K from Elon ACLU (was not meant to go through Vanguard)
June 9, 2017 “we did get an additional anon of $500K is that for you) That’s a total of $950K toward your pledge (including her early $350K and Depp $100K) Right?
6/1/2017 $500K Vanguard CHLA (not made in her name)
7/18/2017 Letter Acknowledging the $500K that she recommended a donor made which was anon.
1/9/2019 $250K Fidelity to CHLA, Cannot be used to any pledges, cannot acknowledge, no tax receipt allowed)
6/26/2019 CHLA issued letter asking if pledge of $3.5M still stands. We confirm we only received $100k from Mr. Depp so far.
Settlement Payments:
$200K paid on or before August 31 2016 (Johnny Paid directly to ACLU/CHLA)
$1M to be paid within three days of the entry of this settlement (Jan 13, 2017)
Unread postby ForeverYoung » Sat Jan 09, 2021 1:09 pm
New filings in VA court
1/4/20- AH filed an opposition to JD's motion to quash her subpoena on Adam Waldman for a desposition and he also asked for a protective order. Of course her lawyer brought up Adam's recent tweets in this. The lawyer actually had the nerve to complain about Adam and JD dodgiing depositions when her own client dodged her court ordered dv deposition three times.
1/4/20- AH filed an opposition to JD's motion to quash her subpoena on Adam Waldman for a desposition and he also asked for a protective order. Of course her lawyer brought up Adam's recent tweets in this. The lawyer actually had the nerve to complain about Adam and JD dodgiing depositions when her own client dodged her court ordered dv deposition three times.
Her January 4 motion was filed same day as the Demurrer Opinion was handed down. So some of that is moot now. But will see if judge orders Adam to sit for a deposition, which he will decline to answer every question re client/attorney priviledge.
Just as Johnny did in his deposition, See page: 21 of their Memorandum for the Quash (quite funny to read actually)
(which hasn't been uploaded yet BUT, may be in a California court somewhere in the county where Adam lives-not the Los Angeles court I've been following).
Now you see how foggy my mind is: If they filed the Memorandum to Quash in Fairfax, I would have expected to see Depp's Motion to Quash via Adam to be filed in Fairfax. ???? https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/circuit/s ... 4-2021.pdf
Last edited by Lbock on Sat Jan 09, 2021 1:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Unread postby Someareborn » Sat Jan 09, 2021 3:32 pm
Adam started tweeting again - I interpret it that the judge turned down AH's claim that Adam has to sit through a deposition. Maybe we get some news on Monday.
This might be a little off topic, but I read an interview with Jennifer Robinson about her commitment in the Julien Assange case. She made good points, critisizing media coverage and journalism. With that in mind its a complete riddle for me that she defends Heard.
1/4/20- AH filed an opposition to JD's motion to quash her subpoena on Adam Waldman for a desposition and he also asked for a protective order. Of course her lawyer brought up Adam's recent tweets in this. The lawyer actually had the nerve to complain about Adam and JD dodgiing depositions when her own client dodged her court ordered dv deposition three times.
Her January 4 motion was filed same day as the Demurrer Opinion was handed down. So some of that is moot now. But will see if judge orders Adam to sit for a deposition, which he will decline to answer every question re client/attorney priviledge.
Just as Johnny did in his deposition, See page: 21 of their Memorandum for the Quash (quite funny to read actually)
(which hasn't been uploaded yet BUT, may be in a California court somewhere in the county where Adam lives-not the Los Angeles court I've been following).
Now you see how foggy my mind is: If they filed the Memorandum to Quash in Fairfax, I would have expected to see Depp's Motion to Quash via Adam to be filed in Fairfax. ???? https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/circuit/s ... 4-2021.pdf
This is nuts the way Amber Heard and her lawyer is filing things all over the place. If JD's motion to quash was filed somewhere else then her opposition should have been filed there too, imo.
“Growing old is unavoidable, but never growing up is possible."