The Lawsuits Thread
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I wish we could stop with the "what will WB do?!!!". JK, as a victim of domestic abuse herself, stood by Johnny ever since FBAWTFT. As has Yates and Heyman. He's the lead antagonist in the series, NOTHING will happen, nada. WB didn't budge either, nor did they with Ezra (though the whole thing was very shady and full of plot holes).
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I can understand and respect your point of view Lbock, it is a tough road to appeal.
On an emotional level I feel that he has to do it, but that totally ignores the technicalities of an appeal process I m not familiar with and maybe underestimate. But in conclusion, I think that this outcome is far more damadging than the allegations in 2016.
As you said yourself, the media can call him a wifebeater now, AH will probably constantly refer to him as that in the future, the industry has a valid reason not to cast him anymore and if they do, will appreciate the same treatment as J.K. Rowling. The general public will not take the time to listen to the evidence I am afraid. Unless they are no "filmnerds", generally interested in his career, and/or familiar with the #metoo"/DV dynamics they will just brush by the headlines and make a mental note - to Johnnys disadvantage.
So, if the technicalities of an appeal can be manageble in his favor, and money can allow it, I think he should move forward with an appeal.
What else is there to loose ? (Sadly, "only" money which belongs to his kids)
On an emotional level I feel that he has to do it, but that totally ignores the technicalities of an appeal process I m not familiar with and maybe underestimate. But in conclusion, I think that this outcome is far more damadging than the allegations in 2016.
As you said yourself, the media can call him a wifebeater now, AH will probably constantly refer to him as that in the future, the industry has a valid reason not to cast him anymore and if they do, will appreciate the same treatment as J.K. Rowling. The general public will not take the time to listen to the evidence I am afraid. Unless they are no "filmnerds", generally interested in his career, and/or familiar with the #metoo"/DV dynamics they will just brush by the headlines and make a mental note - to Johnnys disadvantage.
So, if the technicalities of an appeal can be manageble in his favor, and money can allow it, I think he should move forward with an appeal.
What else is there to loose ? (Sadly, "only" money which belongs to his kids)
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I have been reading comments and listening to people talk about it on tv. From what I can see the general public is on his side without even knowing the facts like we do. She has very little support in terms of people posting comments. So it's mostly people posting in support or saying they are both toxic but I have not seen anyone say they will boycott his films now or in the future. People discussing it on tv (showing that bruise that mysteriously moved around her face) are saying that Hollywood is very forgiving and he has a huge fan base so they don't doubt Johnny will pull through this. I hope this makes some people feel better.
I agree that Johnny should appeal. Judges on social media are even posting how they can't believe Nicol's decision.
I agree that Johnny should appeal. Judges on social media are even posting how they can't believe Nicol's decision.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
After reading comments here and on Facebook and Instagram and just my personal opinion. I think Johnny needs to walk away from this libel case , no appeal! Not worth going through the money or the
of it, the verdict will not change. Like we have all noticed, he has not and will not lose any of his fan base and general public still on his side. He needs to lay low, work hard on his projects he has going now and cut out the drugs and booze and he will make it out of this. If he appeals it will continue to be in the press and cause Johnny great stress. Let AH take her spotlight and bury herself, while Johnny quietly works himself out of this. I truly have faith that Johnny will rise from this, but he needs to just walk away from this case , stay clean and and sober and patient 

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Edward D. Wood, Jr.
Edward D. Wood, Jr.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Goodness there are good arguments on both sides.
I wonder if it is possible to appeal on the fact that she lied under oath. If the judge has basically made his decision on her being truthful, if one can demonstrate the lies - is that a grounds for appeal. Probably not.
Interesting that you are saying people on TV are saying he has support - I am not watching or reading MSM. It always maddened me previously that the MSM would never admit how much support he got, even during the FB2 drama when there were complaints - the pro-Johnny always outweighed the anti by a significant margin.
The Aquaman petition has gone past 500,000.
Currently got both Waiting for the Barbarians and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory going! Will go and put Pirates on the big TV.
I wonder if it is possible to appeal on the fact that she lied under oath. If the judge has basically made his decision on her being truthful, if one can demonstrate the lies - is that a grounds for appeal. Probably not.
Interesting that you are saying people on TV are saying he has support - I am not watching or reading MSM. It always maddened me previously that the MSM would never admit how much support he got, even during the FB2 drama when there were complaints - the pro-Johnny always outweighed the anti by a significant margin.
The Aquaman petition has gone past 500,000.
Currently got both Waiting for the Barbarians and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory going! Will go and put Pirates on the big TV.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Johnny needs his peace of mind, that's the most important thing to me. I also think he has a very strong fan base and WB knows that.
But in the end he alone decides where his path leads and that is important.
No matter how he chooses, he knows we love him.
But in the end he alone decides where his path leads and that is important.
No matter how he chooses, he knows we love him.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I am happy that the pedition reached over 500000 signatures. Wonderful 

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I cannot help but feel that this will make the support base stronger. It is obvious that in some way the fix was in. This is textbook "believeallwomen", openly and unashamedly rejecting all evidence and sworn testimony for the unsubstantiated (and thoroughly debunked) allegations of a known perjurer. Her case was surgically destroyed, point by point.
Such an egregious dismissal of rule-of-law, including a presumption of innocence and examination of evidence is truly disturbing. If this doesn't lead to a direct challenge to institutionalised misandry in the legal system (and a long overdue overhaul), then it will at least force public discussion. At best, it could force recognition of men as victims of domestic violence and bring about legislative changes that benefit all victims. The double standards applied to the Caroline Flack DV abuses will be raised again.
Politicians or the courts themselves could intervene in order to have the verdict set aside. Certainly there should be a review of both the flawed reasoning of the verdict and how the judge arrived at a state of bias that so compromised his legal duty and impartiality. He should be stood aside until a review is completed. Other questionable decisions he has made previously could be reviewed at the same time. This would avoid the need for an appeal.
The Sun case always (seemed) intended as a mop-up operation following a resounding victory in VA but covid and various (mostly Heard driven) delays forced VA's start date after the Sun case. Any appeal on the UK case could be scheduled after the outcome of the VA case is known, and assuming a victory, the UK verdict would be the slam-dunk it should have been this time. With details of the fake donations already emerging, the gold-digger label will be proven. From there the rest of her fabric of lies should unravel.
Indeed, the verdict is wholly based on his unswerving belief that Amber has been totally honest and any discrepencies were trauma related confusion only. He said she must have been terrified. But her credibility is zero everywhere but in his mind. I do not believe many of her supporters even believe her, but accept the lie for the greater goal, for the sisterhood. Once a single instance of perjury is shown, the whole verdict not only collapses, but the case must be ceded to Johnny.
I've always said that all Johnny's victories have served double duty and the ripples spread out far and wide. This case is not over until all appeals have been heard and settled. Losing one battle just makes the final victory sweeter. The appeal will challenge the presumption of guilt applied to all DV and sexual assault cases in the future, hopefully worldwide, not just in the UK.
But the judge needs to be removed from the bench, at least until this miscarriage of justice is resolved. How do we do it?
Such an egregious dismissal of rule-of-law, including a presumption of innocence and examination of evidence is truly disturbing. If this doesn't lead to a direct challenge to institutionalised misandry in the legal system (and a long overdue overhaul), then it will at least force public discussion. At best, it could force recognition of men as victims of domestic violence and bring about legislative changes that benefit all victims. The double standards applied to the Caroline Flack DV abuses will be raised again.
Politicians or the courts themselves could intervene in order to have the verdict set aside. Certainly there should be a review of both the flawed reasoning of the verdict and how the judge arrived at a state of bias that so compromised his legal duty and impartiality. He should be stood aside until a review is completed. Other questionable decisions he has made previously could be reviewed at the same time. This would avoid the need for an appeal.
The Sun case always (seemed) intended as a mop-up operation following a resounding victory in VA but covid and various (mostly Heard driven) delays forced VA's start date after the Sun case. Any appeal on the UK case could be scheduled after the outcome of the VA case is known, and assuming a victory, the UK verdict would be the slam-dunk it should have been this time. With details of the fake donations already emerging, the gold-digger label will be proven. From there the rest of her fabric of lies should unravel.
Indeed, the verdict is wholly based on his unswerving belief that Amber has been totally honest and any discrepencies were trauma related confusion only. He said she must have been terrified. But her credibility is zero everywhere but in his mind. I do not believe many of her supporters even believe her, but accept the lie for the greater goal, for the sisterhood. Once a single instance of perjury is shown, the whole verdict not only collapses, but the case must be ceded to Johnny.
I've always said that all Johnny's victories have served double duty and the ripples spread out far and wide. This case is not over until all appeals have been heard and settled. Losing one battle just makes the final victory sweeter. The appeal will challenge the presumption of guilt applied to all DV and sexual assault cases in the future, hopefully worldwide, not just in the UK.
But the judge needs to be removed from the bench, at least until this miscarriage of justice is resolved. How do we do it?
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
As a UK citizen, let me tell you about the Sun.
Not only are they tabloid used to telling lies,their owner is a wealthy Tory donor. Most British QCs are Tories.
Johnny didn't stand a chance. But it doesn't make the slightest difference to me. I judge by facts
Fact - Johnny has zero history of spousal abuse.
Fact - Heard does.
Fact - Johnny has dozens of independent witnesses who state he was not the abuser but the victim.
Fact - Heard is a compulsive liar.
Fact - Heard admitted she hit her husband in court.
I am waiting for someone to spill the beans on Heard's disgusting behaviour. I fear for her future partners.
Not only are they tabloid used to telling lies,their owner is a wealthy Tory donor. Most British QCs are Tories.
Johnny didn't stand a chance. But it doesn't make the slightest difference to me. I judge by facts
Fact - Johnny has zero history of spousal abuse.
Fact - Heard does.
Fact - Johnny has dozens of independent witnesses who state he was not the abuser but the victim.
Fact - Heard is a compulsive liar.
Fact - Heard admitted she hit her husband in court.
I am waiting for someone to spill the beans on Heard's disgusting behaviour. I fear for her future partners.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
After listening to the recordings the judge said "In my view no great weight is to be put on these alleged allegations by Ms. Heard to aggressive violent behavior."
The judge also noted she has no criminal record.
The judge gave the ex and her sister a free pass for mixing up the dates of the TVR paintings where she says he tried burn one because she said there were many incidents in March so he believed her and so he "understood" who she could have gotten the dates mixed up.
As to the island - "I find it more likely than not that Mr. Depp did push Ms. Heard on at least one occasion." As to Ms. Roberts - "That Ms. Roberts never saw Mr. Depp assault Ms. Heard takes the matter no further. The staff (including Ms. Roberts) live in a different part of the island. In any event, Ms. Heard's account is that she was generally assaulted by Mr. Depp only when no one was present. This is a common feature of domestic abuse. Said the ex- acknowledged that she first said he broke a door there but now agrees that door is not from the island and to this he says "That is a peripheral matter and I do not find it causes me to doubt her account of being assaulted by Mr. Depp."
As to Tokyo - he didn't believe the kids being in the other room would stop JD from being abusive so he believed the ex.
Australia ---don't even get me started.
The honeymoon train ride the judge saw a pic of a group of them and JD's face clearly has a big scratch by his nose. The judge said all he saw was a small scratch but it confirmed that a fight happened like the ex-said and he had no reason to believe she was lying and he assaulted her.
The judge also said since she promised her settlement money to charity he has NO REASON TO BELIEVE SHE WAS A GOLD DIGGER
I guess he is not up on the fact she doesn't want to produce the proof in the VA case.
The judge also said he believes she was assaulted the night before the James Corden show because she had to put on heavy make up to cover it and since Samantha McMillian is a stylist and and didn't see the ex's face without make up her testimony doesn't matter.
This is besides the fact that the ex-said she had a busted nose and a swollen lip which MAKE UP CANNOT COVER.
He dismissed all of Johnny's witnesses, the police, security, assistants, friends because he said they could have lied just to be loyal to JD.
The list just goes on and on...this decision is really disgusting and so far I have not seen one lawyer do a posting or interview that agrees with this decision.
The fact that the judge's wife is buddies with Jennifer Robinson and that she works in a firm with a founder who wrote a book with the judge, is clear evidence to me why the judge was so bias towards the ex. Jennifer Robinson is also besties with the founder's ex-wife. This all makes me sick.
The judge also noted she has no criminal record.
The judge gave the ex and her sister a free pass for mixing up the dates of the TVR paintings where she says he tried burn one because she said there were many incidents in March so he believed her and so he "understood" who she could have gotten the dates mixed up.
As to the island - "I find it more likely than not that Mr. Depp did push Ms. Heard on at least one occasion." As to Ms. Roberts - "That Ms. Roberts never saw Mr. Depp assault Ms. Heard takes the matter no further. The staff (including Ms. Roberts) live in a different part of the island. In any event, Ms. Heard's account is that she was generally assaulted by Mr. Depp only when no one was present. This is a common feature of domestic abuse. Said the ex- acknowledged that she first said he broke a door there but now agrees that door is not from the island and to this he says "That is a peripheral matter and I do not find it causes me to doubt her account of being assaulted by Mr. Depp."
As to Tokyo - he didn't believe the kids being in the other room would stop JD from being abusive so he believed the ex.
Australia ---don't even get me started.
The honeymoon train ride the judge saw a pic of a group of them and JD's face clearly has a big scratch by his nose. The judge said all he saw was a small scratch but it confirmed that a fight happened like the ex-said and he had no reason to believe she was lying and he assaulted her.
The judge also said since she promised her settlement money to charity he has NO REASON TO BELIEVE SHE WAS A GOLD DIGGER

The judge also said he believes she was assaulted the night before the James Corden show because she had to put on heavy make up to cover it and since Samantha McMillian is a stylist and and didn't see the ex's face without make up her testimony doesn't matter.
This is besides the fact that the ex-said she had a busted nose and a swollen lip which MAKE UP CANNOT COVER.
He dismissed all of Johnny's witnesses, the police, security, assistants, friends because he said they could have lied just to be loyal to JD.
The list just goes on and on...this decision is really disgusting and so far I have not seen one lawyer do a posting or interview that agrees with this decision.
The fact that the judge's wife is buddies with Jennifer Robinson and that she works in a firm with a founder who wrote a book with the judge, is clear evidence to me why the judge was so bias towards the ex. Jennifer Robinson is also besties with the founder's ex-wife. This all makes me sick.
“Growing old is unavoidable, but never growing up is possible."
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
One good thing is the majority of the general public over here are behind him. I was sickened however by a generally respected newspaper that said the results of the trial were a 'victory' for victims of domestic violence. It's because of the old chestnut that women can't be abusers.
I honestly wonder what is going to happen in the future regarding Heard. She's a danger.
I honestly wonder what is going to happen in the future regarding Heard. She's a danger.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
If anyone has any interview with lawyers disputing the judgement I'd be really interested in seeing the link. Gre3f has posted a number of comments tonight which are very helpful.
Corpse Bride playing. I had no idea he'd done so many WB films.
Corpse Bride playing. I had no idea he'd done so many WB films.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
New Docs up in Fairfax. Filed Oct 29, before the judgement.
Depp compeling AH to give him docs and answer questions. We finally get to see what he wanted from her.
Great read! ... 9-2020.pdf
Depp compeling AH to give him docs and answer questions. We finally get to see what he wanted from her.
Great read! ... 9-2020.pdf
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Lbock posted:
First off - I cannot thank you enough for your efforts and brilliant research
As for the compel docs - the first item could be very interesting. This would presumably cover her 50-cent Stripper days. I'm guessing more than one lapdance lead to violence and would not be surprised if arrest records come from that period. It seems she also brushed with the law in CA after, although I don't know if anything resulted in arrest. Then there is the driving without a licence case that stretches back and eventually mysteriously disappears into the ether of the juvenile justice system......
She may have erased these from the public record, but she will need to produce them here.
New Docs up in Fairfax. Filed Oct 29, before the judgement.
Depp compeling Ah to give him docs and answer questions. We finally get to see what he wanted from her.
Great read! ... 9-2020.pdf
First off - I cannot thank you enough for your efforts and brilliant research

As for the compel docs - the first item could be very interesting. This would presumably cover her 50-cent Stripper days. I'm guessing more than one lapdance lead to violence and would not be surprised if arrest records come from that period. It seems she also brushed with the law in CA after, although I don't know if anything resulted in arrest. Then there is the driving without a licence case that stretches back and eventually mysteriously disappears into the ether of the juvenile justice system......
She may have erased these from the public record, but she will need to produce them here.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Here you go. I posted this on the prior page. Short interview with an attorney about the decision. Also check out the twitter Lost Beyond Pluto. She is an attorney who has been doing videos about the cases and she will be doing one about the decision.AdeleAgain wrote: ↑Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:07 pmIf anyone has any interview with lawyers disputing the judgement I'd be really interested in seeing the link. Gre3f has posted a number of comments tonight which are very helpful.
Corpse Bride playing. I had no idea he'd done so many WB films.
“Growing old is unavoidable, but never growing up is possible."