How do I get the banner to change?

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How do I get the banner to change?

Unread post by Cyn » Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:32 pm

Everyone is saying there's a new banner at the top of the message board pages, but I'm still seeing the old Rum Diary one. How do I get it to change to the new one, please?
I remember back last year when the Captain Jack Sparow banner was changed to the Rum Diary one, there was an announcement about it and instructions given, but it had changed for me automatically then without me having to do anything so I didn't save the instructions. And now I need them. :spin:

Thanks in advance!
We have almost come to expect from Johnny Depp performances that are better than they have to be. ~Stephen Daly
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Re: How do I get the banner to change?

Unread post by Theresa » Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:53 pm

There are a couple of things you can do to get the banner to update. The easiest way is to hold down the CONTROL button while you refresh the screen. It usually takes doing that a couple of times for me before the picture changes.

If that doesn't work, then clear your temporary internet files so the page is forced to grab the new image instead of going back to the cached image.