Possible idea for a new archive

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Possible idea for a new archive

Unread post by storminla » Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:09 am

Would it be possible to include on the Zone an archive of the complete list of Johnny's TV show (21 Jump Street), movies, and other programs? I envision the archive listing the name of the program, a short desciption, when it was first aired, and (if available) CD/DVD recordings including the region where available. Some tips/hints might also be included for US Zoners (and others) who want to track down hard-to-find videos such as The Brave.

Of course the existing Photo Galleries archive already contains much of the necessary info, but doesn't mention all of Johnny's works. I'm thinking a more thorough archive would be particularly helpful to new Zone members, but would also help everyone when niggling little questions come up about Johnny's past work.

Just a thought
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Unread post by part-time poet » Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:49 am

We'll take it under consideration. We have a long list of projects that we want to put on the Zone, but only a certain number of hours in the day, unfortunately.

I know that lists of the Jump Street episodes have been posted at various times, both in the order they were shot and the order in which the episodes aired on Fox.

And we are constantly carrying information on the message boards about how to obtain hard-to-find videos. That data changes periodically, so it's worth inquiring what members have discovered recently. That's one of the ways Zoners help each other.


Part-Time Poet
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
-- J. M. Barrie