Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Give in Johnny's honor and support a Puerto Rican children's charity.
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Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by part-time poet » Fri May 01, 2009 3:29 pm


Guess what? :happybday: It’s Birthday Project time again! :happybday: :yahoo:

One of the Zone’s most cherished traditions is our annual birthday gift for Johnny Depp.

Each year we choose a charity which is connected to Johnny’s philanthropic interests—usually his interest in helping children in need—and his most recent work. We pool our modest contributions :grouphug: and make a Zone donation to a worthy cause in honor of Johnny, as a way of celebrating and thanking Johnny for all the joy he has given us over the year.

Since Johnny is currently working on The Rum Diary in Puerto Rico—Infinitum Nihil’s first film project and the culmination of a long-time dream—and the people of the island have shown him such a warm welcome, we thought it would be fitting to choose a charity devoted to the children of Puerto Rico. So the 2009 Birthday Project will benefit . . .
The San Jorge Children’s Foundation!

The San Jorge Children’s Foundation is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1995 and is located in San Juan. The Foundation assists families by covering surgical expenses and the costs of hospital care and medicine for seriously ill children. Their goal is to provide access to the most advanced medical treatment to families who otherwise could not afford it. You can read more about the San Jorge Children’s Foundation here:

As in past years, the Zone has set up a Paypal account strictly for 2009 Birthday Project contributions to benefit the San Jorge Children’s Foundation. Zoners or visitors with a Paypal account who would like to make a donation in any amount can donate to the 2009 Birthday Project here:

Click to donate

If you would prefer to donate to the San Jorge Children’s Foundation directly, you can mail a check to this address:

San Jorge Children’s Foundation,
PMB 027, #1750 Loiza Street
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00911

Please write Johnny Depp Zone 2009 Birthday Project on your check, and email with your screen name and the amount of your donation, so we can add you to our donor list and keep our donation totals accurate. Thanks!

We will be accepting donations through Johnny’s birthday, June 9, 2009.

These are very difficult financial times for all of us, and we know that this is not an easy year to find money in the family budget to donate to charity or give gifts. But we also know that Zoners have very generous hearts, :love: and somehow we always find a way to say “Happy Birthday” and “Thank You” to Johnny, and to help children whose need is far greater than our own. Even in hard times, when we pool our small gifts together, we can do a lot of good for others. :worldhug:

Please join us in wishing Johnny Depp a very happy birthday, and in saying :thanks!: for all the joy he has given us, by donating to the 2009 Birthday Project.


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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by DarkAngel » Fri May 01, 2009 4:34 pm

Wow, wonderful.. I was waiting for the 2009 birthday project. Sounds wonderful and I´ll join in and donate of course!!!!!
Thanks to the moderators and administrators of the zone who make this possible... :goodvibes:
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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by shadowydog » Fri May 01, 2009 4:40 pm

:yahoo: :applause2: :bounce: I looked this hospital up as soon as he started filming there. I am happy to keep the tradition alive of honoring Johnny's birthday by donating to children in his name and it is appropriate (to me) to do so in the place he appears to be having so much fun filming his tribute to Hunter. :motorcycle: Off to stomp on the paypal button. :yahoo:
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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by MovieFan » Fri May 01, 2009 4:57 pm

What a wondeful idea :applause2:! I've been wanting to take part in a birthday project(I wasn't a member last year). I couldn't think of a better way to honor the birthday of a man who gives so much to his fans :cloud9:!

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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by Kittycat88 » Fri May 01, 2009 5:12 pm

Perfect choice!!! Thanks PtP and all the mods who work so hard to keep this site going so we can do great things...each little bit makes a lot!!

I am very excited. I love the idea, that where ever Johnny films, we can help to make sure a little bit of him stays behind.

I am sure he will be very thrilled...and more important, a lot of great kids and their families will benefit!!


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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by part-time poet » Fri May 01, 2009 8:15 pm

DarkAngel wrote:Wow, wonderful.. I was waiting for the 2009 birthday project. Sounds wonderful and I´ll join in and donate of course!!!!!
Thanks very much! Yes, it's May already, believe it or not . . . . :thud: Birthday Project time.


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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by Joni » Fri May 01, 2009 8:21 pm

I'm really excited to be part of this Zone tradition once again! :yahoo: Part of my own tradition is to make my Paypal donation on Johnny's actual birthday, June 9th. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who is forgetful though! :lol:

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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by Lucky13 » Fri May 01, 2009 9:01 pm

A very HEARTFELT "thank you" to the Zone for once again making the Birthday Project possible. I could not be more proud than to make a donation in Johnny's honor... I'm STILL in awe over his kindness and generosity during the PE filming and that was more than a year ago when it all began. It is an absolute pleasure to donate to such a wonderful cause. :lilyrose:

:balloons: Johnny !!! You will ALWAYS be a part of my life and ALWAYS have a very special place in my heart. :smiliewithhearts:
~ Yah, I wanna take that ride with you!

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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by California Kat » Fri May 01, 2009 9:28 pm

Thanks for the news of the 2009 Birthday Project.
I love this project every year, & I'm always more than honored to donate. I love being able to help children & their families in Johnny's name, & to honor Johnny on his birthday. :cake:
Thanks again for making this possible. :applause2:
One of the many, many things I adore about Johnny is how generous & loving he is with people. :heart: :angel: :truefan:

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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by Christopher » Fri May 01, 2009 9:40 pm

Thank you so much part-time poet,for this wonderful idea and your usual devotion. :smiliewithhearts:
And of course thanks to the moderators and administrators and all of members.:highfive:
I'ts a perfect choice!! :applause2:
I'm so proud to be a part of the ZONE. :grouphug:
And HUGE THANKS to Mr Johnny Depp who always gives such a splendid chance for us. :love:

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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by San » Fri May 01, 2009 9:49 pm

Great choice again to donate too :cool:
I do what I usually do hit the button now and do that again towards June 9

Thanks PTP and Theresa for doing all the work again to make this work :applause2:
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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by Depp's Pearl » Fri May 01, 2009 10:13 pm

[justify]Done! [/justify]
:twohearts: :heart: :twohearts: :heart: :twohearts: :heart: :twohearts:
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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by Betty Sue » Fri May 01, 2009 10:48 pm

:bouquet: Thank you so much for making another wonderful choice for us!! :applause2: I love the goal of the foundation: to give every child an opportunity to live a normal life. :love: That certainly is an opportunity every child deserves and that Johnny would heartily support! :twohearts:
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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by mytreasure » Fri May 01, 2009 11:07 pm

Thanks to all who make it possible for us to do this for Johnny's birthday!
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Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Unread post by Naenae » Sat May 02, 2009 12:54 am

A great choice PTP !

I am sure that Johnny will again be overwhelmed by all of the generous donations from his admirers. He is a very lucky young man to be where he is today, but we are also blessed with his geniousity, thoughtfulness, and loving toward all the children in the world and the one picture of seeming him with that little boy on a stretcher who's family seemed greatful that Johnny was able to spend some time with their son. We know he has a heart of gold, and he is our angel. :angel:
Johnny-A Kindred Spirited Man