Birthday Project final weekend--an update

Give in Johnny's honor and support a Wisconsin children's hospital.
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Birthday Project final weekend--an update

Unread post by part-time poet » Sat Jun 07, 2008 1:46 pm


Just a reminder that this is the final weekend of the Zone's 2008 Birthday Project . . . we'll be wrapping up the charity campaign right after Johnny's birthday :cake: on Monday, and sending our donation to American Family Children's Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin.

Are you ready for some great news?

:yahoo: I am thrilled to announce that the 2008 Birthday Project has now raised $5,000 . . .
:yahoo: an amazing total given that the majority of us are, like the original Pirate Lords, skint-broke. But that shows what we can do when we come together as a community.

:hatsoff: We are now poised to make this year's campaign the most successful in the history of the Zone. :thanks!: so much to all of our generous donors! Your gift will help take care of hospitalized children and their families--it's a fine way to say :balloons: to Johnny Depp.

If you would like to join in the 2008 Birthday Project, it's not too late! Just check the announcements at the top of this forum for directions on how to donate.

Thanks again to all of you for your generosity. :worldhug: There is no better way to honor Johnny Depp than by comforting a child in distress.

May your birthday gift to Johnny bring you much joy in return.


Part-Time Poet
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Unread post by Lucky13 » Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:19 pm

Thank you for the update, Part-time Poet and what an absolutely astonishing total with still a couple days remaining.

Happy, Happy Birthday Johnny... thank you for the wonderful memories !! :smiliewithhearts:
~ Yah, I wanna take that ride with you!

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Unread post by KC » Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:56 pm

Thank you for the gentle reminder! I have been meaning to donate for weeks. The Pay Pal connection was so easy to use ... even I could do it.

Thank you, Johnny, for all the hours of enjoyment you have given me.

And a big thank you to The Zone!

Alida -- aka KC (who one day will get an avatar posted!)

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Unread post by Deppinthedesert » Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:59 pm

Thank you PTP for all your efforts. I already got the credit card bill for the donation and actually felt good about paying a bill....a first.

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Unread post by Jack's Wench » Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:08 pm

$5000! Wow, that's fantastic :dancingpirate:
Thanks again for the update PtP :bouquet:
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Unread post by Kittycat88 » Sat Jun 07, 2008 4:39 pm

Wonderful news...

:grouphug: Bless you zoners and thank you PtP for making this possible!

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Unread post by Texas Gal » Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:10 pm

I'm embarrassed I've put this off for so long - tendency to procrastinate. :blush: Taken care of now. :cool: Thanks so much PTP for the opportunity to unite with those who are like-minded not only in all things Johnny, but also in caring about children as he does. What a privilege! :worldhug:
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Unread post by Bermuda » Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:16 pm

A :loveshower: to everyone. It made me so happy to read about the latest total. You are all such nice people here on the Johnny Depp Zone and have such big hearts! I'm sure when Johnny hears about the donation made in honor of his birthday, it will give him a very :heart2: to know how much his fan's :love: him, and how much the donation will help his young friends in the American Family Children's Hospital in Wisconsin.

A special :hug: and a :kiss: to all of the people on the Zone who thought of such a great idea!
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Unread post by California Kat » Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:28 pm

WOW $5,000.00, that's so wonderful.

:balloons: Johnny :cake:

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Unread post by GAO » Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:36 pm

Wow! :bounce: How wonderful!!!
Thank you, Part-time Poet, for the great update.

By the way, may I ask a question?
(My apology if I missed any information.)

Untill exactly what time on Monday do you accept the donation?
I am up to place my second donation on Johnny's birthday.
As my Monday is almost your Sunday because of the time difference, but I was just wondering when I can do it.
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Unread post by heidi1 » Sun Jun 08, 2008 12:50 am

:disco: :cool: What amazing news, Part-Time Poet!!!! I have been participating in Johnny's birthday celebrations for many years, and I think this is a new Zone record!!!! Congratulations to all the Zoners who have contributed and made this the best birthday celebration in Johnny's honor yet! I will be sleeping on :cloud9: tonight, knowing my small contribution combined with everyone else's, has made a big difference in helping needy children and their families.

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Unread post by Cookiejj » Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:12 am

Thanks PTP for the Update! Again thank you for the brilliant idea and opportunity to be a small part of this years Birthday Project Johnny will be proud and the children helped! And I get to feel good about being able to participate! Nice to see all the donations add up! :applause: :birthdayballoon: Johnny!!

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Unread post by Theresa » Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:40 am

GAO wrote:Wow! :bounce: How wonderful!!!
Thank you, Part-time Poet, for the great update.

By the way, may I ask a question?
(My apology if I missed any information.)

Untill exactly what time on Monday do you accept the donation?
I am up to place my second donation on Johnny's birthday.
As my Monday is almost your Sunday because of the time difference, but I was just wondering when I can do it.
We'll keep the Birthday Project open all day (and night) Monday for those who wanted to wait until Johnny's birthday to give. Or like you, want to give another donation on his "day."

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Unread post by GAO » Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:12 am

theresa wrote:
GAO wrote:Wow! :bounce: How wonderful!!!
Thank you, Part-time Poet, for the great update.

By the way, may I ask a question?
(My apology if I missed any information.)

Untill exactly what time on Monday do you accept the donation?
I am up to place my second donation on Johnny's birthday.
As my Monday is almost your Sunday because of the time difference, but I was just wondering when I can do it.
We'll keep the Birthday Project open all day (and night) Monday for those who wanted to wait until Johnny's birthday to give. Or like you, want to give another donation on his "day."
Thank you, theresa.
Actually it is already June 9, Johnny's birthday in Japan.
I will donate again in the morning when it becomes his birthday in HIS timezone.
Happy Birthday, Johnny!!!! :balloons:
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Unread post by sweetchia » Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:27 am

This is awesome news! I'm so honored to be a part of this. Thank you girl, for setting this up. What a beautiful birthday gift for Johnny :heart:
During a day, if you don’t make someone smile or feel good about himself, you’re not a man! I don’t think you’re fulfilling your part of the bargain as a human being - Johnny