Announcing the 2008 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!

Give in Johnny's honor and support a Wisconsin children's hospital.
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Unread post by Mrs.Nobody » Fri May 02, 2008 11:26 pm

:chill: Awesome ladies :chill: This year is very hard on many like you said. My giving has all but stopped, but knowing this is so "grass roots" and you ladies always pick such perfect projects how can I not. :smiliewithhearts: Thank you for your vision and dreams for a better place for all. :grouphug:

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Unread post by Linny » Sat May 03, 2008 12:00 am

:cool: A wonderful cause and so fitting that its to help the people of Wisconsin where Johnny has spent so much time recently. I think you have chosen a brilliant cause. Thank you to PTP and to all the mods and admin for their hard work in choosing this.

I am away for two days but I will definately be donating when I get back. :bouquet:
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Unread post by Gilbert's Girl » Sat May 03, 2008 2:00 am

A Wonderful idea :cool:

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Unread post by blossom » Sat May 03, 2008 2:21 am

What a fantastic idea! :cool:

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Unread post by DarkAngel » Sat May 03, 2008 4:52 am

A very wonderful and great idea! I´ll join the others and donate as much as I can... To help children is a very, very good idea and I´m sure the best way to celebrate Johnnys Birthday :cool:
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Unread post by Bermuda » Sat May 03, 2008 7:41 am

:yahoo: Count me in! I'll be sending in my donation later today. It's a wonderful idea! :applause: :applause2: :smiliewithhearts:
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Unread post by Lucky13 » Sat May 03, 2008 8:40 am

The choice for this year’s Birthday Project is simply wonderful. :smiliewithhearts: Good health is a priceless gift and for those less fortunate of that gift, I could not be more proud and honored to contribute to such a beautiful cause.

Thank you to Part-time poet and all those involved in organizing the Birthday Project. Hats off to Michael Mann... wishing much success with Public Enemies. Happy Birthday Johnny, endless thanks for your kindness and generosity this Spring… the memories will last a lifetime. :flashingheart:
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Unread post by Beautah » Sat May 03, 2008 10:13 am


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Unread post by ThespianAtHeart » Sat May 03, 2008 10:18 am

Lovely choice. Will proudly and gratefully be a part of this campaign.
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Unread post by Peachy » Sat May 03, 2008 10:27 am

Lovely idea and thanks for the time and effort put into the research to set up this special birthday project!
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Unread post by Deppinthedesert » Sat May 03, 2008 10:47 am

Fanastic. I donated first thing this morning. Well, I had my coffee first otherwise I coudn't have completed the transaction.

Thanks for all your hard work and for coming up with this wonderful idea.

I am so proud to be a member of the Zone and to contribute in Johnny's name.

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Unread post by Anna » Sat May 03, 2008 11:12 am

What a great intitiative of The Zone to have a yearly birthday project to honour Johnny's birthday. It shows the site at its best i.e. as a community. Admin does a great job at organising and managing it all.

I hope, however, that it's still possible to donate anonimously. I never donate money to any cause if that implies having one's name on a list of benefactors. It's just a personal thing. With the past projects having one's name added to the message attached to the gift was optional.
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Unread post by Gena » Sat May 03, 2008 11:18 am

What an amazing facility! It's not a somebody else's problem for me for my personal reason. I wish children hospitalized there and their family well as the best way to thank Johnny for all the joy he has given me and wish him another wonderful year.
Thank you, part-time poet and moderators.
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Unread post by Theresa » Sat May 03, 2008 11:27 am

Anna wrote:I hope, however, that it's still possible to donate anonimously. I never donate money to any cause if that implies having one's name on a list of benefactors. It's just a personal thing. With the past projects having one's name added to the message attached to the gift was optional. :-?
Yes, Anna -- of course, either we or the hospital has to know your name to receive the donation through Paypal or a credit card, but if you donate through the Zone's Paypal account and wish to remain anonymous on the gift message, then we will certainly respect your request. You just need to let me know and I will remove your name from the list.

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Unread post by Anna » Sat May 03, 2008 11:41 am

theresa wrote:
Anna wrote:I hope, however, that it's still possible to donate anonimously. I never donate money to any cause if that implies having one's name on a list of benefactors. It's just a personal thing. With the past projects having one's name added to the message attached to the gift was optional. :-?
Yes, Anna -- of course, either we or the hospital has to know your name to receive the donation through Paypal or a credit card, but if you donate through the Zone's Paypal account and wish to remain anonymous on the gift message, then we will certainly respect your request. You just need to let me know and I will remove your name from the list.
One minute I’m mushing along with the huskies as usual, and all of a sudden it’s global warming.