Announcing the 2008 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!

Give in Johnny's honor and support a Wisconsin children's hospital.
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Announcing the 2008 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!

Unread post by part-time poet » Fri May 02, 2008 4:47 pm


:yahoo: :happybday: It’s Birthday Project time again! :happybday: :yahoo:

One of the Zone’s favorite traditions is our annual birthday gift for Johnny Depp, in which we pool our modest contributions and donate them to a worthy cause in honor of Johnny and all the joy he has given us over the year.

This spring has been an extraordinary one for all of us who love Johnny Depp. The filming of PUBLIC ENEMIES has brought JD out into the public day after day (and night after night), as he stopped to say hello and shake hands with thousands of well-wishers. Many Zoners attended those meet-and-greets in person, and have generously shared their photos and first-hand accounts with us; and everywhere that PUBLIC ENEMIES has traveled, local journalists, bloggers and photographers have shared every moment of the filming process with the world. For those of us living far away, it has been as if we were invited onto the set ourselves. What a joy!

We thought it would be fitting for this year’s Birthday Project to give something back to the area which has been Johnny’s home this spring, and which has given him—and all of the thousands of Depp-related visitors—such a warm welcome and so many cherished memories. Without the state of Wisconsin and its timely film incentives, we might not have had the great pleasure of PUBLIC ENEMIES at all, so we have chosen a Wisconsin charity for our project this year: American Family Children’s Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin.


American Family Children’s Hospital is a complete children’s medical and surgical center with a pediatric intensive care unit, an internationally recognized transplant surgery program, a children’s cancer center and—very important!--a family-friendly atmosphere. It is the pediatric unit of UW Health, the academic medical center and health system for the University of Wisconsin (director Michael Mann’s alma mater). You can read more about American Family Children’s Hospital here:

And you can take a video tour of the hospital here:

We will be making our donation to the Child Life fund at American Family Children’s Hospital. The Child Life fund helps make the hospital stays of ill children and their parents and siblings more pleasant, bringing some unexpected comfort into a trying time. The Child Life fund provides toys and games for the children, and supports an on-site school for those who want to continue their studies while undergoing treatment. The Child Life fund gives birthday and end-of-treatment parties to mark milestone events. It also feeds the weary, worried parents so they don’t have to leave their sick child’s room to find nourishment. We chose Child Life from several charitable options, because it seems to echo what Johnny Depp gives us in his public appearances—that special moment of warmth and consideration :hug: that lifts our spirits and chases away the stress of daily life.

You can learn more about the Child Life program here—and don't miss the video tour of the playroom:

The Zone has set up a Paypal account strictly for 2008 Birthday Project contributions to benefit the Child Life fund at American Family Children’s Hospital. Members with a Paypal account who would like to make a donation in any amount can donate to the 2008 Birthday Project here:


If you would prefer to donate directly to the Child Life fund at the hospital, you can use their website here:

If you donate directly via the hospital website, in order to have your donation count toward our Birthday Project total, please enter Johnny DEPP ZONE BIRTHDAY PROJECT 2008 in the first box, after “Gift Option.” Please email with your screen name and the amount of your donation, so we can add you to our donor list and keep our donation totals accurate.

We will be accepting donations through Johnny’s birthday, June 9, 2008.

I know these are rough times financially for many Zoners, and rising prices are pinching all our pocketbooks. In times like these, kindness and generosity :love: mean more than ever. As we know from the past, when we pool our small gifts together, :grouphug: we can do a lot of good for others. Please join us in wishing Johnny Depp a very happy birthday, and in saying :thanks!: for all the joy he has given us.


Part-Time Poet
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Unread post by Betty Sue » Fri May 02, 2008 5:46 pm

Oh, WOW!!! This is the icing on the cake of the Johnny-in-Wisconsin experience!! It is so touching to me to have you select American Family Children's Hospital at the UW (my alma mater, too!) for Johnny's birthday gift!! We in Wisconsin have been so privileged already and now this! :heart: It seems like an excellent choice with the hospital's lovely treatment of children, the Michael Mann connection, and the way Johnny always looks so happy shooting (literally! :eyebrow: ) and meeting and greeting around here! Wisconsin sure loves him!! :cloud9: Thank you for such a thoughtful choice! :bouquet:
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Unread post by In-too-Depp » Fri May 02, 2008 6:02 pm

What a wonderful choice for the project PtP, I'm sure Michael Mann and Johnny would be thrilled that such a worthy cause has been chosen. We have been blessed with so much from Wisconsin this year and it's lovely to be able to give something back.

Thank you and the other moderators for your hard work in setting up this project. :hug:
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Unread post by shadowydog » Fri May 02, 2008 6:22 pm

:applause: :snoopydances:

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Unread post by lifted_veil_87 » Fri May 02, 2008 6:31 pm

I love it, :heart2: thank you to those who've worked so hard in putting this into place. . .of course, I'm a little biased, I'm a native and current Wisconsinite. . .Madison/The University of Wisconsin is particularly special to me, it's where my husband and I and (now our daughter), went to school -- what a joy to have the chance to honor Johnny and recognize Mr. Mann as well, and thank both of them for bringing Public Enemies to Wisconsin this spring and being so gracious to everyone in our state. . .
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Unread post by Endora » Fri May 02, 2008 6:38 pm

Another worthy cause, and nice that a more out of the way place is involved.
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Unread post by nickidepphead » Fri May 02, 2008 6:45 pm

Just totally wonderful...
:snoopydances: :bounce: :disco: :cool:

Thanks JDZ bosses, you're the best! :cool:
* So...directly from the beautiful lips of Johnny Depp - THANK YOU VERY MUCH, Johnny Depp Zone! *

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Unread post by Xaxis » Fri May 02, 2008 7:02 pm

It's a wonderful thing and something I really adore about the zone... this kind of mindfulness! :pray:
You ladies are the best! :hatsoff:
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Unread post by bringmethathorizon » Fri May 02, 2008 7:25 pm

What a great idea, truely touching, it will be an honor to contribute to such a worthy cause in Johnny's name. I am so proud to be a Johnny "boss" and from my personal experiences, Wisconsin rocks! I have never felt so welcomed and had so much fun as I did in Columbus and OshKosh. Thank you so much for putting this together.
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Unread post by depprespect » Fri May 02, 2008 7:38 pm

Endora wrote:Another worthy cause, and nice that a more out of the way place is involved.
While we might seem out of the way, UW Hospitals have a huge impact in the Midwest and the rest of the country. They are top notch. Thanks to the efforts here, we will all have a chance to learn more about this amazing facility!

PTP, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing us with yet another brilliant opportunity to pay it forward!

I am especially thrilled that this choice not only honors Johnny, but also tips it's hat to Michael Mann, my fellow UW Alum. If not for him, Wisconsin would probably have never had Johnny on our soil.

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Unread post by Kittycat88 » Fri May 02, 2008 8:12 pm

Yeah !!!! A truly worthy cause, and a great way to say thanks to the lovely folks in Wisconsin!

Thanks again PtP, for giving us the chance to say thank you to the man who inspires us all...
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Unread post by deppstergal » Fri May 02, 2008 8:23 pm

Another great cause to donate to in honor of Johnny's upcoming birthday! I have always been a big supporter of children's charities and I am delighted and at the same time humbled to make my donation to this very worthwhile cause.

I am a UK Zoner and I was especially proud last year when the recipent of the Birthday Project was Great Ormond Street Hospital, but having said that, a sick child is a sick child, irrespective of nationality, creed or color. Thanks to the Zone for giving me the opportunity to give a little back in the name of the man who has given me so much over the years.

Happy Birthday Johnny! I'm proud to be a fan and proud to be a Zoner!
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Unread post by San » Fri May 02, 2008 8:43 pm

A great bday project again :cool: I will read all about the hospital tomorrow. Now off to hit the paypal button for a modest donation.
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Unread post by flo116 » Fri May 02, 2008 9:12 pm

What an absolutely grand idea, you guys are the best. I just made my donation first time using Paypal it worked like a charm.

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Unread post by GAO » Fri May 02, 2008 10:37 pm

Thank you, Part-time Poet and all the moderators, for setting up this wonederful Birthday project in this year, too.
Everytime your choice of the recipient is so perfect to donate in the name of Johnny.
Now, I am off to click the PayPal link!
Keep breathing.
Keep moving forward.
Be happy.
---Johnny Depp---