Give in Johnny's honor and support a great hospital for children.
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by wino4e » Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:35 pm
That's one of the million reasons why I love him so much

Johnny Fan
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by Johnny Fan » Tue Dec 11, 2007 3:41 pm
Wow, I just saw this now...I have no idea how I missed it...
I honestly have to say that I didn't expect to hear back from Johnny about this project, only because of how busy his schedule is. But the fact that he took the time to write this letter, especially now during all of the ST chaos, that just speaks volumes to me about how kind and special Johnny truly is.
Thank you part-time poet for sharing his letter with us. It's so beautifully written, and you can tell by his choice of words how grateful he is for our donation. I''ll admit a few tears came to my eyes when I read this.
Thanks again for arranging this Birthday Project for us and for allowing us to donate to such a worthy cause and to give back to the man who has given us all so much.
"Breath. We tend not to think much about it. Each one is a blessing--every inhale, every exhale." -Johnny Depp
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by Peachy » Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:49 pm
I've been so busy lately that I only just saw this. Wow! this is fantastic. Thanks to ptp for sharing and also to the Zone for organising this year's birthday project. I shall treasure the copy of Johnny's letter.
I think he was surprised (because he is so humble) by the response he inspired in us...and I think it means a lot to him. He will never stand up and take the credit, but the credit is first and foremost his, for setting such a "shimmering" example.
I am so happy and proud to be a member of the Zone and to have made such wonderful friends both near and far. It truly is a wonderful community!
"If I'm going do to this for a living I want to at least provoke a thought or make someone look at something, however subtle, from another perspective." (JD on acting).
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by captjen » Mon Dec 17, 2007 6:35 pm
Captain Jack is in my Horizon!!!
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by Nickoftime » Mon Dec 17, 2007 6:57 pm
Thank you so much Natalie for posting this letter! I'm just now getting around to reading it and I am blown away. I wasn't able to contribute to this wonderful project this year but I'm so greatful to those of you who could. This is such a wonderful group to be a part of and I'm truely honored to log on with such a diverse group of Depp fanatics!
Thanks to everyone who makes this website possible and enjoyable!!
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by flo116 » Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:49 pm
I keep reading and rereading that letter from Johnny with tears in my eyes. I can't believe it, I don't why we all know what a wonderful thoughtful person he is but it is still hard to believe he took the time to do this. After all the hospital had thanked everyone...and then to get a letter from him I almost can't comprehend it. What a fantastic and generous accomplishment you Zoners did to donate that much to the Great Ormond Street Hospital. I so appreciate the fact that you let me join your wonderful group. Thank you

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by justintime » Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:08 pm
Endora wrote:ptp, maybe you should try to find out how many times we have now looked over the first page of this thread.. tens of thousands yet? I'm sure it's not only me who keeps going back to look again.
With ST opening this week, for some reason I had to come back to this thread again. His genuine humility, honesty, thoughtfulness - I feel soooo lucky. I am 57 years old and can say, in all sincerity, I have never been so rewarded for so meager a donation. I have received so much more than I gave. Thank you, Johnny - it seems I just don't have the words . . .
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by Glendaleigh » Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:50 am
4277 is what the counter on the topic page says .....
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by winkle » Tue Dec 18, 2007 8:43 am
Wow! I can't believe I've only just spotted this. What a lovely response from Johnny; he truly is an amazing and humble man and a fine example to us all
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by ThespianAtHeart » Fri Dec 21, 2007 2:42 pm
Yes, he is. Amazingly kind to take time out of what must be so hectic a time to convey his thanks. And so humble to perhaps not realize all he has given to us in return. One of the highlights of my year was being able to contribute to/be part of such a wonderful project. I look forward to the next one. Happy Holidays everyone!
I'm not becoming like them; I am them.
God gave us memories so that we might have roses in December- JM Barrie
Not one man, no, not ten men, nor a hundred can assuage me - I will have you
August 30, 2008
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by AnaMaria » Sun Dec 23, 2007 2:14 pm
ThespianAtHeart wrote: (...) And so humble to perhaps not realize all he has given to us in return.(..)
I hope Johnny has a slight idea of how much joy he gives to the world. But I'm afraid you're right ThespianAtHeart.
part-time poet
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by part-time poet » Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:16 pm
AnaMaria wrote:ThespianAtHeart wrote: (...) And so humble to perhaps not realize all he has given to us in return.(..)
I hope Johnny has a slight idea of how much joy he gives to the world. But I'm afraid you're right ThespianAtHeart.
He is probably too modest to realize that. But he has certainly made a lot of people very happy through his work and through his many acts of generosity. I was delighted to see that the London premiere of SWEENEY TODD will also be a fundraiser for GOSH, just as the FINDING NEVERLAND premiere was in 2004. There is a beautiful continuity to Johnny's work and his associations, where the kindness keeps blossoming.
I had never heard of Great Ormond Street Hospital before FINDING NEVERLAND, and certainly never dreamed that I would one day engage in fundraising on their behalf. That good deed happened because of Johnny Depp, and all the happiness that has come from it, for the givers and for GOSH's families, originated in Johnny.
to him, today and always.

Part-Time Poet
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
-- J. M. Barrie
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by KC » Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:38 pm
I just joined the Zone today and my heart was so warmed by the fact that this site took up a collection for GOSH in honor of JD's birthday. I was amazed at his reply. But actually, I should not really be that surprised. It is the measure of the man.
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by Angelika » Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:29 am
The donation was a wonderful and great idea!!

I am really thrilled. And I'm so astonished and overwhelmed that Johnny took the time to answer the Zone in this nice way. He is really such an awesome and generous person. I only wish that I had spotted the zone earlier, so that I could haven taken part in this donation!
"Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." (Captain Jack Sparrow)
part-time poet
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by part-time poet » Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:39 am
KC wrote:I just joined the Zone today and my heart was so warmed by the fact that this site took up a collection for GOSH in honor of JD's birthday. I was amazed at his reply. But actually, I should not really be that surprised. It is the measure of the man.
to the Zone, KC. I hope you'll have fun here.
One of the great pleasures of being a Zoner comes from the constant surprises Johnny provides us, in his unpredictable career choices and in his amazing acts of kindness. Reading his letter brought tremendous joy to all of us; I know several members printed it out as a keepsake. You will also hear wonderful comments about how kind Johnny is in person from all the Zoners who have met him face-to-face. There are dozens here, and they all sing his praises, with good reason.
Part-Time Poet
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
-- J. M. Barrie