WOW . . . Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone

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Unread post by jdpes » Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:15 am

WOW, Thank you Johnny :cloud9: :cloud9:

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Unread post by es » Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:24 am

What a sweet letter and gesture of Mr Depp.:heart2:
I have said it already,I think on last years birthdayproject,thanks for the Zone,and Johnny,for given us the oppertunitie to give and by that get so much back.

PTP,you must be soo proud,well done!

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Unread post by Nena » Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:31 am

I am deeply touched but not so good with words - but my heart is overflowing with joy :flashingheart: :cloud9: and I am proud to be part of this place, even when I do not post that much....
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Unread post by Moonlight » Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:37 am

Wow! I.......I can't......think of the right words..... :bawl:

Now, THAT......I would never even have imagined Johnny writing a personal letter to the Zone. I'm moved. So deeply moved, and I'm crying. I can't help it, I'm simply crying here. :lilyrose:

Thank you, Johnny. That's all I can say right now. :heart:

He is such a beautiful person and a heartwarmingly kindred soul, and I am so touched he took the time to write this letter for us, even in this busy time.

I am so deeply proud to be a member of the Zone and want to take the opportunity to Thank all the moderators and administrators for their great work!

And thank you, part-time poet, for setting the Birthday project up! :smiliewithhearts: Without you, this would never have been possible.

Now, I have to go and hide beneath my blanket, and cry my heart out.

Thank you, Johnny! :heart: :heart: :heart:

"Johnny Depp really is a cutie." - Satchel, lead guitarist in Steel Panther :heart:

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Unread post by bibi » Sat Dec 08, 2007 8:44 am

Once again Johnny shows that he is the most gracious and nicest person on this planet - I congratulate the Zone to this awesome achievement, it's so great to see that Johnny is acknowledging the beautiful work you did! ^^

I am happy to be a part of this place, just because you people are such a nice bunch - although my interest in Johnny has settled a bit (due to various changes in my life, I guess), I still love to come back to the Zone from time to time and just see what you guys share about Johnny.

Congratulations to all you Zoners! :heart:
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Unread post by debs » Sat Dec 08, 2007 8:54 am

I never expected we would get a reply from Johnny, and like everyone else I'm a little stunned, thrilled and weepy. Thanks again Natalie for arranging this, I'm sure you're very proud right now, you deserve to be. Thanks to all at the Zone, I'm proud to be a part of this wonderful community, and thank you Johnny, for taking the time to make us all cry :) I'm proud to call myself a fan.

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Unread post by In-too-Depp » Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:03 am

Part-time Poet I can understand your amazement and overwhelming feelings on receiving this letter, I daresay all the ladies feel the same after reading it but you are the one that should take the most credit for organising and setting up the project in the first place. I'm so glad Johnny took the time to thank you and everyone for such a worthy gesture.

Well done to everyone involved and to all the ladies who gave time and money to make the project such a success, I'm proud to be a member of the zone.
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Unread post by pandora » Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:29 am

:-O WOW, How thoughtfull of Mr.Depp. We all know how busy he is at the moment and even now takes time for us. What an amazing, adorable man :cloud9:
Thank you for sharing this with us, PtP!!
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Unread post by Larkwoodgirl » Sat Dec 08, 2007 10:26 am

Merci Johnny. Nous sommes ainsi déplacé par votre lettre. Il fait beau de savoir finalement ont une reconnaissance que la zone est ici et que nous avons essayé d'effectuer le bon et chariable travail en votre nom.

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Unread post by Trista » Sat Dec 08, 2007 10:39 am

That was really nice of him to do

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Unread post by Mrs.Nobody » Sat Dec 08, 2007 10:50 am

Moonlight wrote:Wow! I.......I can't......think of the right words..... :bawl:

Now, THAT......I would never even have imagined Johnny writing a personal letter to the Zone. I'm moved. So deeply moved, and I'm crying. I can't help it, I'm simply crying here. :lilyrose:

Thank you, Johnny. That's all I can say right now. :heart:

He is such a beautiful person and a heartwarmingly kindred soul, and I am so touched he took the time to write this letter for us, even in this busy time.

I am so deeply proud to be a member of the Zone and want to take the opportunity to Thank all the moderators and administrators for their great work!

And thank you, part-time poet, for setting the Birthday project up! :smiliewithhearts: Without you, this would never have been possible.

Now, I have to go and hide beneath my blanket, and cry my heart out.

Thank you, Johnny! :heart: :heart: :heart:

I have to re-do my makeup now...I think I'll just cry about this the rest of the day. The fact that he wrote is amazing!
You all are wonderful here I am so very proud to be a Zoner!
He has a way of huddling down under his hat and his totemsBut when the camera was on him, some of the times, he kind of beamed Johnny out It was striking, like one of those magic powers in those hobbit movies.John Richardson Esquire Magazine

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Unread post by Madly » Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:21 am


THIS is why we love him... :cloud9:

I have chills - there are no words....

Now, bring me that horizon...

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Unread post by Charlie » Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:27 am

It was a pleasure and a privilege to be involved and give to this cause, thanks or no thanks, none required

so this is just beyond words
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Unread post by mytreasure » Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:31 am

Oh my....I didn't see this one coming...knowing how busy he is and all. But, wow!, I am simply in awe! :cloud9:

Thank you for giving us this opportunity, P-t-P! :hug:

Need to get a tissue now.... :blush:
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Unread post by rosecarol » Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:57 am

So much has already been said, but PTP, I just want to thank you for the Zone and for this project to honor Johnny and do good for someone else. Being a part of this is a really good feeling, as is knowing that he appreciated our efforts.