WOW . . . Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone

Give in Johnny's honor and support a great hospital for children.
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Unread post by spirit » Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:44 pm

I am very new here and am still trying to find my way around and catch up with all that goes on. I can't tell you how excited I was when I read your post, Natalie. He is a truly great man and he never ceases to surprise me. His words are so thoughtful and kind and how very nice of him to acknowlege and thank you and the Zone.

Well done!
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Unread post by Texas Gal » Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:47 pm

Johnny once again has shown us why he is the man that we admire and love. I have such great respect for him, and have never been disappointed - just amazed that he is so consistently open, honest, caring and thoughtful. How privileged we are to touch something - the Zone - that touches Johnny's heart.

Natalie, that is due to your commitment, your efforts, your guidance and leadership, to you Sleepy for your vision in creating this place, and to each of the administrators and moderators - Joni, Theresa, Shadow, Liz, DITHOT - that work kindly and generously to make it a place that garners Johnny's respect. There is no higher praise. :smiliewithhearts:
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Unread post by Lu » Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:49 pm

OMG! That is really amazing! I'm very happy for being a part of the Zone and I hope we can continue donating and helpingo other people. And once more Johnny showed that he is a kind, thankful and amazing person! Well-done! :bride:

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Unread post by Corz » Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:57 pm

Wow...what an amazing letter from an amazing man! :cloud9:
Thank you PtP for sharing this with us and your words were perfect!
Thank you to Johnny as well! He is such a kind and loving person and taking the time out of his busy schedule to write to the Zone is beyond amazing!
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Unread post by campanita » Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:03 pm

Thanks for sharing this . Thank you for your hard work every day :cool:

Don´t we want Johnny for xtmas?, well he is with us :heart:
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Unread post by Bermuda » Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:19 pm

Thank you Johnny for taking the time to send us your letter. As you can tell, we all love you and your family here on the Johnny Depp Zone! :grouphug: Thanks also to Natalie and all of the Zone staff who initiated the idea of donating to the Great Ormond Street Hospital. It was a wonderful idea to honor Johnny Depp.

The most important thanks goes to the doctors, nurses, and staff of the Great Ormond Street Hospital who took such wonderful care of Johnny's beautiful daughter and helped Vanessa and Johnny maintain their privacy in an extremely difficult and upsetting time in their lives. We hope that our donation will help other families in similar situations.

Great job -Great Ormond Street Hospital! :thanks!: :applause: :applause2:
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Unread post by dharma_bum » Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:39 pm

It was a privilege to participate in the Birthday Project, just as it is a privilege to join all of you here everyday. Congratulations Natalie for making the project a success beyond your wildest dreams, the usual words escape me... so I'll end with someone else's.

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Unread post by Julie » Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:05 am

I havent been a member here too long, and I havent made many posts, but I have to say how wonderful and thoughtful this is. It was a great thing you all did, and for him to write and thank you for it, makes me so glad I am a Johnny Depp fan. I know all of you know what I mean.

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Unread post by jdfan » Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:18 am

:bounce: What a guy!
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Unread post by Scout » Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:36 am

I am moved to stillness.

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Unread post by Linda Lee » Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:42 am

This project was a wonderful way to celebrate the birthday of a very special man. He has shown us again why we wanted to do something to commemorate his birthday. Your choice of project and administration of it is appreciated by all of us and by Johnny as well. Thank you Natalie for giving us the opportunity to participate in something so worthwhile.

Thank you Natalie, Sleepy, Joni, Theresa, Shadow, Liz, and Depp in the Heart of Texas for making the zone such a wonderful place and allowing us to share it.

Now we all have another reason for our JDOCD! :cloud9: What a special person he is.
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Unread post by Alicia » Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:58 am

I haven't been here very long either and when I joined I had no idea what the Great Ormond Street Hospital project was or anything about the hospital itself. Today I found the wonderful description of it on here and now I wonder no more. I've only been a Johnny fan for about the past 6 months but that's been long enough to discover that not only is he the best actor around but he's also a phenomonal person as well and the fact that he would take the time out of his busy schedule to thank the Zone for their support is fantastic. Great job Natalie and everybody who was involved in the fund raising campaign!! :applause2:

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Unread post by namaste » Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:58 am

When I first started reading your post Natalie, I let out some kind of scream! I didn't get past the first line.

Then, when I read the letter, my heart went all soft and yes, I did shed a tear.

What a wonderful, kind man to take the time to write to "Natalie and All at the Zone". There really is no end to being amazed by him.

And... THANK YOU Johnny, for taking the time for us.

PS. I printed out my own copy - in a way, it's like we each got a letter from him.

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Unread post by DepplySmitten » Sat Dec 08, 2007 1:12 am

Oh... :heart2: ...what a beautiful soul he is.

How kind of him to stop in the middle of his day/night to write this to all. I was only just thinking about this a few days ago, and wondering if Johnny knew or not about our little project...guess he does :heart2:

How absolutely fabulous. Thank you Natalie. :hug:

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Unread post by Gypsylee » Sat Dec 08, 2007 1:29 am

Thank you for sharing the letter with all of us Natalie. I am at a loss for words actually. Johnny taking the time to write this during his busy schedule just amazes me. Just proves to me why I admire him so much. He is truly one of a kind.
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