2007 Birthday Project passes $3,000--cheers!

Give in Johnny's honor and support a great hospital for children.
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Unread post by Ingrid 3 » Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:08 pm

Oh Kitty , thank you for your sweet words , now you have me crying :tear:
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Unread post by part-time poet » Sat Jun 23, 2007 7:27 pm

Kittycat88 wrote:
DarkAngel wrote:
ibbi 3 wrote:That's great !! Really great !
I was planning to donate end of the month , but with the worries about an operation for kitten Lily I really can't , I am so sorry :-/
I can understand you, dear Ibbi...the vet is always very expensive.. I know that... :-/ Wish your kitten good luck! :hope: :hope: :hope:
I think we all know that you would donate if possible...like many others who might not be able to donate too... and I think even Johnny would understand it.. we do what we can, but if we aren´t able..nobody will say or think something bad...

Hello dear DA, I agree with you. And ibbi, certainly their are many zoners who cannot contribute at this time, but I think the donations that are made are from all of us...really, we are family in a way. One gives it is on behalf of all. Everytime you post or reach out to another zoner, you contribute to the spirit of the zone and that is what generates the success of the project. So you do make a contribution, ibbi. Very much so.
Well said, Kitty. The Zone is a community with one heart, and it is that shared love that brings us together. Many of our members are living on very modest incomes and raising a family, caring for elderly relatives, or pursuing their education or artistic dreams--in other words, they are (to use the pirate term) skint-broke. But when we pool our resources, we find we still have a lot to give.

Johnny has lived through times when his heart was much bigger than his wallet, so he knows exactly what that's like. That's why I know he would be so proud of what the Zone's members have accomplished, and of the good wishes sent by everyone here. We are all in this together.

:writer2: :smiliewithhearts:

Part-Time Poet
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Unread post by shadowydog » Sat Jun 23, 2007 7:44 pm

:hug: :bouquet: to all that contributed in fact and double :hug: :hug: :bouquet: :bouquet: to all tatcontributed in their hearts....You are all precious. :cloud9:

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Unread post by Heather_Hanson » Sat Jun 23, 2007 7:48 pm

Fabulous, great job everybody. :bounce:
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Unread post by pandora » Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:07 am

That's wonderful news PtP! Thanks for keeping us updated :cool:
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Unread post by Jack's Wench » Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:13 am

Thanks PtP for the update. That's an impressive total so far. You are so right about the donation being from the Zone as a collective no matter if not everyone has been able to contribute. I was only able to give a small donation but every little helps.
Well done Zoners! :applause: :grouphug:
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Unread post by part-time poet » Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:05 pm

We are thrilled with the response to the Birthday Project--it's great to be able to do something good as a group. I think it's also in keeping with Johnny's interests and character, for us to assist a hospital for sick children in his name.

Many thanks to those who donated to the Birthday Project over the weekend . . . we are well on our way to $4,000. :thanks!: and cheers to you!


Part-Time Poet
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
-- J. M. Barrie