Johnny's Bracelet

Give in Johnny's honor and support a great cause.
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Unread post by DeepinDepp » Mon Jan 09, 2006 6:43 pm

Posted By Bluebird
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:24 pm Post subject: Happy New Year and Thanks from

I received the email below today from Lori and Devon at This is where many purchased the bracelet that Johnny's been wearing lately -- the bracelet that CharlotteinCA told us about Dec. 13 (thanks!!!)

Anyway, Lori and Devon asked me to pass on their thanks.
I got carried away and sent a nice reply back to them and just received another email asking if they could pass it (my email) on to Dustin's mother!!! Me happy? You bet.

Here's what Lori and Devon had to say

Happy New Year! We wanted to send you a note to express our gratitude to you and all of the Johnny Depp fans for their compassion and respect for the work of ChildrensHospice.Org. Every single encounter with Mr. Depp’s fans has been 100% positive and loving – such a great reflection of the caliber of fans he attracts.

Some fans had questions about Dustin. Dustin was the most amazing child! His photo is attached. Wise beyond his years, Dustin was loving and compassionate. More than anything, he wanted to be an actor. Melissa Gilbert, president of SAG, gifted Dustin with his own SAG card 2 weeks before he died. Dustin was having a particularly difficult day that day and when Melissa said, “Dustin, it’s official, you are an ACTOR,” his smile lit up the hospital room. Both Dustin’s mom and Melissa are on our board of directors. After his death we created the bracelet with his message and Melissa gave the bracelet to Johnny Depp for Christmas last year. Now he wears it, proud to be inspired by Dustin’s message…today is a gift…have fun! When Johnny Depp wore it at the Grauman’s hand and foot ceremony, it was especially powerful – we know that Dustin was right there with him, smiling from heaven.

We are grateful that the bracelet sales are strong and we have a waiting list with hundreds more on order. The next shipment of bracelets should arrive mid January. There may be a great deal of press about this soon, so we could encourage fans to get orders in and get on the waiting list if they want one. 100% of the proceeds go directly to ChildrensHospice.Org for supporting children with life-threatening conditions and their families.

Dustin’s family is most grateful for everyone who is wearing them and his mom sends her love to you all.

Again, thank you so very much.
Lori Butterworth & Devon Dabbs
Co-Founders, Co-Executive Directors
Children’s Hospice & Palliative Care Coalition
Please feel free to post this if you think it would be appropriate.
Happy New Year from all of us at ChildrensHospice.Org

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Unread post by Ingrid 3 » Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:25 pm

That's beautiful Deep , it's really touching to read about Dustin.
Thank you Bluebird for posting .
I got an e-mail back saying my order is pending.

It's great we are going to take this into the Birthdayproject and I think and hope there will be a lot of money raised and that somewhere in the future children may have better treadments and hope for a good future.
Dustin's words are so wise , and I live by them everyday , that's why they are special to me also.
I'm sending prayers to Dustin's mother and family and to Alexis family and to all the children who are in the hospice.
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Unread post by Dawn68PA » Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:51 pm

I received my bracelet today. It's simple, elegant, and meaningful. I'm so happy to have been able to assist in such a worthy cause! :cloud9:
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Unread post by lumineuse » Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:12 pm

Dawn68PA wrote:I received my bracelet today. It's simple, elegant, and meaningful. I'm so happy to have been able to assist in such a worthy cause! :cloud9:
Which one did you order, Dawn?
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Unread post by Dawn68PA » Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:16 pm

Dustin's "Today is a Gift" Single Braided Leather Bracelet. I don't see it on the site anymore though. I ordered it less than 2 weeks ago. I love it. It's so meaningful.
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Unread post by mlady_1 » Wed Jan 11, 2006 4:07 pm

FANtasticJD wrote:
DeepinDepp wrote:Just bumping this thread up incase anyone might have missed it.
Someone posted on another site that the Hospice organization has ordered the double strand braided bracelets in two sizes: 7" and 8 1/4". When ordering, if you want the smaller size specify that in the message box that comes up during the order process. They have a waiting list and will fill them on a first come, first served basis.

If you haven't been back to the site recently, they have added a couple pics of Johnny wearing the bracelet and a very nice quote from him. This is such a worthwhile organization and I hope all who can will support it in this way.
OK before I order the double strand braclet I just wanted to make sure of something. On the site today it says that Small/Med is 7" and Large is 8 3/4". Where does it say 8 1/4"?

Sorry so confused?? :eyebrow:
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Unread post by Essi » Fri Jan 13, 2006 6:14 am

Yay, my bracelet arrived today. I was a bit worried it'd be too small, but it's perfect and the bracelet itself is so nice. I love it + it's a bit of the same style as my watch. Hehee. I ordered the single braided one on December 27th.. It came pretty quickly, especially with the holidays and the fact that I live in Finland. :) It's great to be a part of something like this and I really hope they get a lot of publicity.

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Unread post by itsnotmytree777 » Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:54 pm

I got my bracelet today! Or rather...two of them. They seem to have sent me two by mistake. :-? I think I caused the confusion - when I learned that they now had the double strand in the smaller size, I sent them an email asking if I could switch from the single to the double. I never heard back from them, but I didn't mind because I figured they were busy and I knew I'd be happy with either bracelet. But I recieved two...of the single braided ones. :-? I checked to make sure they didn't charge me for two, and they didn't. So, I'm not sure what happened there.

I love the bracelet! It's so great. I'm so glad I got one.
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Unread post by mlady_1 » Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:40 pm

I ordered mine in the small double strand~ should be here the 3rd week of Feb.
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Unread post by if only............ » Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:08 pm

Is there a UK website to buy these braclets from, or is it just an American organisation?
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Unread post by Joni » Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:13 pm

if only............ wrote:Is there a UK website to buy these braclets from, or is it just an American organisation?
The website provided is the only place you can purchase the bracelets, but they do ship all over the world.

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Unread post by Joni » Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:30 pm

Posted by Ann
Ann wrote:I think Johnny's ladies are working overtime here and it is wonderful. I ordered two of the double-braided "Today is a gift" bracelets for my daughters yesterday and received this e-mail today:

Thank you so very much for your order and donation to the Childrens Hospice and Palliative Care Coalition. Due to the outpouring of love and generosity, we are now out of the double braided Today bracelets. However they are on order and due to arrive in several weeks. We will mail your order just as soon as the bracelets come in.

I hope everyone will be patient and keep on ordering. Thank you to everyone at the Zone who worked to support this cause.

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Unread post by Johnny Fan » Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:19 pm

My single-braided "Today is a gift..." bracelet arrived in the mail yesterday. I love it! It fits my wrist perfectly too. It's nice to support such a good cause. :cool:
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Unread post by peanut » Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:59 pm

I was stoked to find this thread...not only because it's a wonderful cause but also because the cause is local (for me). Charlotte posted the article from the Santa Cruz Sentinel (a local newspaper in my area) and that brought a smile to my face....but when I went to the site to check out the bracelets, I realized the address for Children's Hospice was in WATSONVILLE, CA! That's my town! :cool: I'm so honored to support this cause....and I'm glad Johnny is supporting it too! When my bracelet finally arrives, I'll wear it with pride! :cloud9:
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Unread post by Joni » Thu Jan 19, 2006 11:10 pm

Wow, peanut! I can understand why this is so special to you. I know you'll enjoy your bracelet ~ I just love mine!

ps) your avatar is rather distracting! :drool: