Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000? Yes!

Give in Johnny's honor and help bring water systems to Navajo families
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Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000? Yes!

Unread post by part-time poet » Wed May 15, 2013 6:18 pm

Here's a quick update on our 2013 Birthday Project fundraising . . .

the Zone has now received more than $1,850 in donations for Project Pueblo!

That's wonderful! :loveshower: Thank you so much to all our donors. :bouquet:

If you are one of those workers who gets paychecks twice a month, you are approaching that happy day--I mean payday :biggrin: --again. Please consider whether you can afford to send $5, $10, or $20 to help bring clean water to a family that doesn't have that necessity of life right now.

:worldhug: and :highfive: to everyone who has contributed to this project. You are a great inspiration, showing what we can do when we work together.

Now, let's get the Birthday Project to $2,000, and beyond! :ok:


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Re: Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000?

Unread post by Lou Lou 63 » Wed May 15, 2013 6:23 pm

YAY!!! :bounce:

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Re: Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000?

Unread post by Theresa » Thu May 16, 2013 12:32 am

That's about the price of one water let's start working on a second system!


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Re: Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000?

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Thu May 16, 2013 1:44 am

Theresa wrote:That's about the price of one water let's start working on a second system!

:applause: :bounce: :snoopydances:

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Re: Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000?

Unread post by Kittycat88 » Thu May 16, 2013 12:04 pm

Now is the time of the year when we show Johnny just how much we care for him and his endless generosity over the years to different groups!!

Lets show him, even $10 or $25 might make a huge difference to the Project!!

Lets make them proud!! Yeah!!!

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Re: Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000?

Unread post by riohorse » Thu May 16, 2013 1:03 pm

What a super idea to do a donation every time we get paid!!! It doesn't have to be huge but I can certainly make a donation every two weeks. I've already donated once, but I got paid today so I'm off to the site to make another. Isn't it amazing what people can do when they come together for a significant cause?

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Re: Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000?

Unread post by Theresa » Thu May 16, 2013 1:20 pm

riohorse wrote:What a super idea to do a donation every time we get paid!!! It doesn't have to be huge but I can certainly make a donation every two weeks. I've already donated once, but I got paid today so I'm off to the site to make another. Isn't it amazing what people can do when they come together for a significant cause?

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Re: Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000?

Unread post by part-time poet » Thu May 16, 2013 4:57 pm

riohorse wrote:What a super idea to do a donation every time we get paid!!! It doesn't have to be huge but I can certainly make a donation every two weeks. I've already donated once, but I got paid today so I'm off to the site to make another. Isn't it amazing what people can do when they come together for a significant cause?
Yes, it is, and thank you for embracing our "Donate on Payday" approach!

I'm happy to announce that the 2013 Birthday Project has now received more than $2,000 in donations! Fantastic! :giddy:

Many thanks to those generous people who saw this post last night and made donations to carry us to this goal!

Now, onward to $2,500 . . . or $3,000!


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Re: Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000? Yes!

Unread post by Kittycat88 » Thu May 16, 2013 7:06 pm

I have decided to give some of the money I had saved up for a second beauty treatment.

Hey, I wasn't that thrilled with the first one!! (My pores do look better) but that's neither here nor there....but it struck me as I stopped by the sink to rinse off a plate and get a fresh glass of water...that there are people out there, that don't have even that tiny necessity, that I take for granted every day. Made me realize that donating the money I was going to put toward the Project Pueblo...was a lot better way to make me Glow!!!

Giving is the best beauty treatment on earth. And that's from a beauty expert!! Me!!

Glad we passed the $2000 mark!!

(Don't mean to come off all "cheerleadery" -- but since the first project I participated in, that's what got me really hooked on the and all you great people!!!) :applause2:

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Re: Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000? Yes!

Unread post by Lou Lou 63 » Thu May 16, 2013 7:20 pm

Kittycat88 wrote:I have decided to give some of the money I had saved up for a second beauty treatment.

Hey, I wasn't that thrilled with the first one!! (My pores do look better) but that's neither here nor there....but it struck me as I stopped by the sink to rinse off a plate and get a fresh glass of water...that there are people out there, that don't have even that tiny necessity, that I take for granted every day. Made me realize that donating the money I was going to put toward the Project Pueblo...was a lot better way to make me Glow!!!

Giving is the best beauty treatment on earth. And that's from a beauty expert!! Me!!

Glad we passed the $2000 mark!!

(Don't mean to come off all "cheerleadery" -- but since the first project I participated in, that's what got me really hooked on the and all you great people!!!) :applause2:
KC, You are an awesome woman, love you for that :cloud9: :airkiss: :hug:

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Re: Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000? Yes!

Unread post by Jack's Wench » Fri May 17, 2013 3:02 am

$2000!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Kitty, you're beautiful enough anyway :airkiss:
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Re: Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000? Yes!

Unread post by part-time poet » Sat May 18, 2013 12:37 pm

Thanks so much, kitty--your inner beauty radiates so strongly that it needs no assistance from "beauty treatments." :flower2:

Thank you for putting the needs of Navajo families first! That's so generous of you.

And thanks to all the donors who have pushed this year's Birthday Project past the $2,000 mark!

We're headed for $2,500 now, and it would be great to hit that over this weekend. Why not send the price of a cup of coffee and a muffin, if you can spare it? Or the cost of doing a load of laundry at a laundromat? Or the cost of a bargain matinee movie ticket?

When we pool those gifts together, they can add up to another water system!


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Re: Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000? Yes!

Unread post by Jack's Wench » Sun May 19, 2013 4:33 pm

I'm hoping to making another little donation when I get paid at the end of the month. :-)
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Re: Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000? Yes!

Unread post by momindeppcamp » Mon May 20, 2013 9:59 am

Hoping we go over the top on this one. Perhaps we should share this information with other groups we belong to so that they will help with the clean water project.
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Re: Birthday Project Update--we've passed $1,850--do I hear $2,000? Yes!

Unread post by part-time poet » Mon May 20, 2013 7:50 pm

Jack's Wench wrote:I'm hoping to making another little donation when I get paid at the end of the month. :-)
That would be fantastic! Pooled together, little donations can add up to a whole water system. We'll get there, step by step. :ok:


Part-Time Poet
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
-- J. M. Barrie