Give in Johnny's honor and help Japan recover from March's earthquake and tsunami.
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by Cyn » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:30 am
Just no words....
Just one more of the many, many times that JD has rendered me weak-kneed and speechless.
Love him so much!

We have almost come to expect from Johnny Depp performances that are better than they have to be. ~Stephen Daly
He doesn't belong in show business...he belongs somewhere better. ~Sarah Jessica Parker 
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by Peachy » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:40 am
Wow, I'm speechless! That's just the cherry on the's been quite a week what with celebrating the Zone's 7th Birthday, 8 years since the release of COTB, OST exceeding 1 billion at the box office and now a letter from the man himself.....

I'm overwhelmed....
Thanks to our great Zone Team

for making the Birthday Project possible and thanks to all fellow zoners for their generous donations and last but most certainly not least a huge thanks to Johnny for taking the time to write us that gorgeous letter and for the love, generosity, and happiness that he inspires in all of us ...the Zone is a great testament to all that he stands for.

"If I'm going do to this for a living I want to at least provoke a thought or make someone look at something, however subtle, from another perspective." (JD on acting).
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by ladylinn » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:45 am
How great to receive Johnny's letter. All love, respect and admiration
belong to you, Johnny.

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by bringmethathorizon » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:22 am
What a thrill and an honour to receive such a heartfelt thank you from "Johnny" love that. This is a place where we all truely love and respect Johnny and he has inspired us all in certain ways to be better people and "pay it forword" just like he does. Thank you Johnny for bringing such joy into my life, it is a privilage to be a part of your life.
"This is the one I'll be remembered for"
Edward D. Wood, Jr.
Jack's Wench
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by Jack's Wench » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:43 pm
Dreams really do come true!
Just Believe....... 26th April 2007
"We're having too good a time today, we ain't thinking about tomorrow"
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by flo116 » Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:01 pm
A huge thank you

to the moderaters for getting this project together so that is so easy for us to participate in celebrating Johnny's birthday.
What a beautiful letter from a beautiful human being I feel so special as we all do that the most famous star in the world would take time to thank us is beyond belief and also brought me to tears...and to just sign it Johnny took my breath away.

"What interested me was that he has so many faces" "But each one is completely pure & innocent" Francois Marie Banier about Johnny
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by hurricane » Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:54 pm
I love all you guys and I love Johnny

This place is here because he is such an awesome guy and you guys are better than any Reiki treatment. Such a loving flow of positive energy!!!
Happy 7th Birthday and long may you change lives (I know you've changed mine

"Eddie doesn't pass judgement on people."
"That's right. If I did, I'd have no friends." - Ed Wood
part-time poet
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by part-time poet » Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:13 pm
AnaMaria wrote: it's incredible to read this. Words by
himself !
Touching, wonderful. What an honour and how sweet. Thank
YOU Johnny
love it that he signs
It is so sweet of him, isn't it?
Thinking of Johnny making a reciprocal donation to Mercy Corps is just so amazing. I really have no idea what to say to such a gesture. Absolutely mind-blowing.

Part-Time Poet
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
-- J. M. Barrie
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by Kittycat88 » Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:58 pm
Wow...loved the letter!! Johnny continues to be an inspiration, in his film work and private life!
Thanks to PtP and Theresa for all their hard work to put this together. It is awesome to be able to give something back to the person who inspired this great community of people!!
Thank you, Mr. Depp!!
Suzie D
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by Suzie D » Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:35 pm
Oh wow, what a guy
I couldn't believe my eyes, so have read this thread half a dozen times now..amazing, so glad to have found this wonderful place, with such wonderful people and am thrilled to part of this very special community.
Thanks to everyone and of course the wonderful guy himself for bringing us all together in the first place.

Old enough to know better, but young enough not to care!!
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by moviemom » Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:00 pm
His letter is very touching.
I'd like to thank HIM for being such an inspiration to us.

Also, a hearty high-five

to PtP and Theresa for starting the ball rolling on this year's birthday project.

The year's no doubt, have changed me, sir. -- Sweeney Todd 
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by nanjacb » Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:13 am
Such a lovely well written letter. Johnny is very gracious and sweet. Very touching.
Hold on... Willy Wonka
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by Kittycat88 » Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:20 am
I have said it before but will again...for anyone who was unable to give due to these hard financial times...a gift from one of us, is a gift from all of us!
We are a community. Always and forever!!

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by docplacer » Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:38 pm
Well that certainly made my day!
Being one of those fortunate individuals doing well in hard times, I consider it my privilege to be able to contrubute to those in need. But I am very, very choosy about how I do it. I am a Rotarian and most of my contributions go through the amazing Rotary Foundation that responds to immediate emergency needs in astounding time and manner with their Shelter Box program and many other ways, without spending a single dollar on administration.
In addition, having been a Zoner nearly from the beginning, it has been a real treat to contribute to the annual bithday projects. And to have Johnny recognize those contributions and respond as he has the last few years, is just icing on the cake. I have to believe that there is no other web site devoted to a performer, that achieves the visibility and attention of that performer, like we have here at the Zone. It is also my strong belief that this is the result of the genuine respect shown to Johnny by this site, as well as the birthday projects that have earned his personal recognition.
May we always retain that respect and continue supporting causes near and dear to his heart as well as our own. I congratulate all Zoners, not only for what we give in dollars, but what we give in spirit, respect and love to both Johnny and to each other.