I know, gipsyblues, I know.

I am sad these days to my very core. I seem to go through each day with tears in my eyes more often not.
The plight of Minamata is beyond unsettling. The myriad injustices rained upon this bit of brilliant cinematic art - and, of course, upon the iconic actor behind its realization - have been unrelenting. Along with the Hollywood hypocrites, the media cowards, TMG’s tentacles, and AH’s timely intrusions, I also cut ILBE no quarter. Though I pray for Johnny daily, I have no personal touchstone, beyond my own unwavering belief in the man, against which I can fairly say I believe Johnny will get through this, and move forward. He has been through so much it seems selfish to continue to expect more of him. But I - we? - do.
I only hope, now, he sees more clearly than in his entire life, that his eyes (instincts) do not betray him, that at last justice is his without reservation, and that he has the support and resources - tangible or otherwise - to build his new life, his “new beginning”, exactly as envisioned.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Also, a big, overdue thank you to
Inquiring Minds for your uplifting but realistic take on the potential impact of the scheduled week-long judicial break during the trial. Your analysis was welcome and, as always, so well presented!
Who said rainbows are only for children?