Chocolat and tocnavforjd.
Yes, Johnny's lawyers knew exactly what AH would do next. While Johnny's team has legally addressed what was already public knowledge, he didn't violate the NDA. He did get HER to violate it.
And they are aware of any "evidence" she presented at the divorce hearings that was prevented from public viewing by the NDA. Now the NDA is out of the picture...she has clearly violated it on many occasions, either subtly or not-so-subtly.
She can no longer use that as an excuse in any future court depositions/testimony. And anything she claims now will be subjected to future legal scrutiny in addition to any previous claims.
All of these defamation suits were designed to get her to testify/prove her allegations, which the divorce agreement and NDA didn't accomplish. Johnny, Waldman, and, I suspect, the "damage control team" hired by Rowling/WB wants all of this out in the open so he can continue not only with FB, but with his career in general.
The reason the defamation suit against Amber was filed in Virginia is the Washington Post is located there. That's where her defamation claims occurred--in the paper. It doesn't matter where the alleged incidents with Johnny occurred or where she lives. The defamation occurred in Virginia, so I doubt the suit will get a change of venue.
Also, it is important to note that Johnny's team is accruing character witnesses that will, I assume, testify to her past relationships (romantic, friends, family). If there is a pattern of anger/abuse/violence in HER history, then her claims will be more in doubt with the courts.
So far, I don't think her side has any character witnesses against Johnny's relationships that show a history of anger/abuse/violence on his end.