The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by tocnavforjd » Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:23 am

Just my :twocents: - IF these are real I would think Johnny and his lawyers knew about them and would have evidence to combat them or they wouldn't have filed the lawsuit. If they are fake - there are ways to prove that and I'm sure the lawyers will.

Tabloids like to post horrible headlines and accusation because they think this sells (unfortunately it does). Whether what they put in their nasty articles is actually true is another thing. My best advice is to try to stop reacting to everything you see and try to just wait this out - giving support to Johnny and each other as you can. AH is a cancer and it takes time and real evidence to eradicate it from our midst.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by hollyberry » Sat Apr 13, 2019 12:16 pm

Dear Amber
If ....IF your allegations are true, then why didn't we hear about them earlier? How come the only physical evidence is a small scrape on your cheek? How come police officers responding to your call found no evidence of abuse.....'"at least by Depp" (quote).

How come all of Johnny's previous ladies have stated unequivocally he never laid a finger on them, yet you were arrested for attacking a former partner? How come several independent witnesses stated that you had no marks on your face when your husband flew abroad, yet they mysteriously appeared while he wasn't living with you at the time.
And just exactly how did your ex husband hurt his hand?
Ms Heard, you are a pathological liar, and a fantasist. Unfortunately you won't shut up. I look forward to the truth coming out in court. :mad2:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Newt » Sat Apr 13, 2019 12:31 pm

Honestly, I think a lot of people on Twitter at least, have caught on and I’m now seeing a lot of support for Johnny. Same deal on the Page Six tweet, a lot of people defending Johnny, few defending Heard.

WB would have recasted way back when FBAWTFT started shooting. I’m thinking that “source” telling those things is either a plant or some rogue person. Not only was Johnny’s performance in TCOG acclaimed but I’m sure JK, Yates, Heyman and co have seen the evidence and know for sure that Johnny is innocent, Jo liked a tweet in regards to Johnny being redeemed with the announcement of all the evidence him and his lawyer have piled up and those photos of his cheek and his finger.

They won’t recast him, I’ll bet they’re more worried about Heard and Aquaman. I mean, Yates and Jo wouldn’t let that happen even if there was a parallel universe where this was a faint possibility.

The news that Depp’s lawyer has more women coming forward after being abused by Heard is the big finish really. I’ve always found it bizarre how nobody but us fans and others who believe in Johnny, have really paid any attention to the Tanya-Heard incident, the former may have said “oh it was a misunderstanding.” but the reality is there.

Looking forward to Heard getting what she deserves and this whole nonsense to be done. Come on Johnny ;-)
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Sat Apr 13, 2019 12:42 pm

I agree, tocnavforjd. The tabloids that thrive on click bait sensationalism are to be ignored, if possible.
What AH throws out there is just junk, because she plays the same game as those tabloids. She's ignored her lawyers advice in the past, therefore we see a jumbled mess of lies and photos that don't prove abuse. In fact, she's changed lawyers multiple times, whether it was them who dropped her or she fired the lawyers. It points to a difference in opinion on how she approaches her defense. Let's not forget way back when she was searching for a divorce lawyer she wanted Gloria Allred. Gloria Allred turned Amber Heard down. Did Ms. Allred see the inconsistencies in AH's complaints?
An excellent, competent attorney will anticipate the next step of their opponent and plan their strategy, accordingly. Adam Waldman most likely expected AH's response and had his own response at the ready. This what I like about Mr. Waldman. He strikes back while the iron is hot and chooses decent media to do so and with each subsequent response, he has more evidence to share.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Sat Apr 13, 2019 1:04 pm

:highfive: Chocolat and tocnavforjd.

Yes, Johnny's lawyers knew exactly what AH would do next. While Johnny's team has legally addressed what was already public knowledge, he didn't violate the NDA. He did get HER to violate it. :biggrin:

And they are aware of any "evidence" she presented at the divorce hearings that was prevented from public viewing by the NDA. Now the NDA is out of the picture...she has clearly violated it on many occasions, either subtly or not-so-subtly.

She can no longer use that as an excuse in any future court depositions/testimony. And anything she claims now will be subjected to future legal scrutiny in addition to any previous claims.

All of these defamation suits were designed to get her to testify/prove her allegations, which the divorce agreement and NDA didn't accomplish. Johnny, Waldman, and, I suspect, the "damage control team" hired by Rowling/WB wants all of this out in the open so he can continue not only with FB, but with his career in general.

The reason the defamation suit against Amber was filed in Virginia is the Washington Post is located there. That's where her defamation claims occurred--in the paper. It doesn't matter where the alleged incidents with Johnny occurred or where she lives. The defamation occurred in Virginia, so I doubt the suit will get a change of venue.

Also, it is important to note that Johnny's team is accruing character witnesses that will, I assume, testify to her past relationships (romantic, friends, family). If there is a pattern of anger/abuse/violence in HER history, then her claims will be more in doubt with the courts.

So far, I don't think her side has any character witnesses against Johnny's relationships that show a history of anger/abuse/violence on his end. :bigwink:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Sat Apr 13, 2019 1:31 pm

Thanks SnoopyDances for pointing out and reminding us that the suit against the Washington Post has it's origins in Virginia. I believe that was the point Johnny hired Adam Waldman. He's worked out of Washington, D.C. and clearly knows the Washington Post well.

I'm confident that if need be, J.K. Rowling and Yates will fight to keep Johnny in future FB. No need for WB to get their knickers in a knot over unstable Amber Heard. I'm hoping with more support from Hollywood influential, mainstream public will come to recognize that Amber Heard is not to be believed.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Sat Apr 13, 2019 1:35 pm

Chocolat wrote:Thanks SnoopyDances for pointing out and reminding us that the suit against the Washington Post has it's origins in Virginia. I believe that was the point Johnny hired Adam Waldman. He's worked out of Washington, D.C. and clearly knows the Washington Post well.

I'm confident that if need be, J.K. Rowling and Yates will fight to keep Johnny in future FB. No need for WB to get their knickers in a knot over unstable Amber Heard. I'm hoping with more support from Hollywood influential, mainstream public will come to recognize that Amber Heard is not to be believed.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Sat Apr 13, 2019 1:47 pm

Read this in a thread over at Deppography. Gossip? Perhaps, but it’s also clearly posed as a threat and hits very close to home. The last sentence is presumptuous and self-serving beyond the pale making the entire piece come off as a blatant effort to get JD to back off. Too late. Don’t lecture him about lives and careers going down a hole.

"Four For Friday - The Dealer
There is a drug dealer in LA who I have written about in the past. He charges double and sometimes triple what a regular dealer would charge, simply because he knows celebrities are not going out to compare prices. They want someone they can trust and honestly, most of them have no idea how much what they are buying is supposed to cost. This dealer makes nearly $10M a year profit and really has no fear of ever getting busted by the law. However, there is one thing he does fear and he is spreading the word to his clients about that fear and they are starting to get involved. There is currently a lawsuit out there that involves two very high profile people. One is an A list actor and the other is an A- list actress. The A- list actress is by far the best client the dealer has. Not so far as her personal use goes, but for the sheer volume of people she has introduced to the dealer. Nearly 75% of his business came through her referrals. One of those referrals is a celebrity CEO who will most assuredly be brought into this lawsuit at some point. There will be questions about drug use. Once that happens, the dealer knows it is highly likely that his name will be brought up. This is a civil trial, and not criminal, however our dealer knows he will then probably be asked to give a deposition and he won't be able to answer the questions without leaving himself open to criminal charges down the road. Our actress will probably be asked about drugs and certain names will come up. The dealer is warning those people to get involved now. They include studio executives, several A/A- list closeted actresses, married actors who have "partied" with the actress. All of these people are now starting to put pressure on the two people involved in the suit to drop it all because they could bring down a house of cards that will send a lot of careers and lives down a hole.”

And many thanks to you, SnoopyDances, for injecting a whole lot of common sense into this discussion. Just read your most recent analysis. :heart3:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:22 pm


As for the drug dealer/actress, et al., gossip...I'm sure that could be about anyone/everyone in LA, Hollywood, California, the film industry, etc. :lol: Right now, the gossips are focusing on the college admission scandal and the Nipsy murder. And, I think, the Wendy Williams divorce. Oh, and Kim Kardashian wants to be a lawyer. :biglaugh:

Johnny may or may not be mentioned in some suit down the road, but I doubt he's too worried about that now. :cool:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:50 pm

Thanks a lot to you all for helping me - among others, perhaps - relax a bit and get a more optimistic view on Johnny’s problems :bouquet:
This piece about the “poor” drug dealer and his business problems. If that really is about Amber and Johnny, I would say, she’d have most to worry about being the actress, who loves her drugs so much, she recommends her favorite dealer ...

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by hollyberry » Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:14 pm

Having seen FB 2, I honestly believe leaving Johnny out of part 3 would be a huge mistake.....he was terrific as Grindelwald, who instead of being a cheesy bad guy was a multi dimensional character with dozens of layers to him.
Johnny's performance was wonderfully subtle. And every critic in my country showered his performance with praise - even those who didn't like the film.

I'm actually looking forward to the court case, because Johnny has to expose his lying sociopath of an ex for what she is!
Sorry about the rant.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Sat Apr 13, 2019 4:18 pm

meeps wrote:Thanks a lot to you all for helping me - among others, perhaps - relax a bit and get a more optimistic view on Johnny’s problems :bouquet:
This piece about the “poor” drug dealer and his business problems. If that really is about Amber and Johnny, I would say, she’d have most to worry about being the actress, who loves her drugs so much, she recommends her favorite dealer ...
Same thanks from me as well. I must add, though, my anxiousness stems not from even a smidgen of diminished faith in Johnny, rather from total amazement at the depths of deceit AH will go to and the unmitigated harm she blithely visits upon those in her way to achieve her ends. She is a dangerous, soulless creature.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:38 pm

Daily Mail put out two articles today and is monitoring comments which means they won't post anything in support of Johnny. Johnny's legal team will respond to the motion and when they do they are going to bury her with perjury. :tommygun:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:49 pm

ForeverYoung wrote:Daily Mail put out two articles today and is monitoring comments which means they won't post anything in support of Johnny. Johnny's legal team will respond to the motion and when they do they are going to bury her with perjury. :tommygun:

I despise the Daily Mail (and Page Six). I'm convinced, in my opinion, that someone or two on Heard's team is bribing
the DM to keep Johnny down. They better be careful, Waldman is watching everyone.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:16 pm

I despise Page Six because they don't allow comments and Daily Mail is always praising her which lead me to agree to either a PR payoff or she has some connections there. Not all articles block comments so I think it depends on the author. I think it's interesting that she said she punched Johnny in the face to protect her sister yet her sister is not listed as a witness on her dv charge papers and neither is her mother whom she said was her confidant. Another person not listed is the other make up artist friend Melanie, whom she texted. She said she only punched him that one time but in her deposition she admitted to hitting him multiple times, according to Waldman. All these things she alleges happened yet all she has is seven witnesses including herself, Johnny and random doctor who never even treated her. The rest are Raquel, whom she isn't friends with anymore, Raquel's now ex-husband, iO, who has now been proved to have lied on her IG account, and the other make up artist friend Eliz. Marz. No, apartment staff, no neighbors, no other friends, no security, no valet pakers, family members, nada.
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