Chocolat wrote:Am I understanding this correctly? Johnny's former legal team willfully HELD BACK the now smoking gun evidence (videos, witness declarations, etc.) that Mr. Waldman now holds in possession that proves Amber Heard's hoax because some of those former lawyers secretly represented Elon Musk as well? It appears that they were protecting Elon Musk while allowing Johnny to globally fall from grace over a lie.
Just to clarify: Those statements in the article about withholding evidence come from Johnny's attorney, not the judge. Those are Depp's claims. I had to read the article a few times to make sure who was saying what. Johnny's lawyer is also the one claiming that TMG is still being investigated by the FBI.
JudyMac, I think the case against the lawyers will deal indirectly with the divorce and affair to prove that his lawyers gave him bad advice during the divorce proceedings as an example of the malpractice alleged. If Johnny's current team can prove that his former lawyers had a conflict of interest due to the Musk/Heard relationship and that they deliberately withheld evidence against Amber and the "hoax" while advising Johnny inappropriately, it would be very detrimental to the former lawyers' reputation and their countersuit against Johnny. That is the reason the affair keeps getting mentioned in this case and the only reason to bring Musk into this conversation.
As for his defamation case against Amber, the affair will probably be dealt with directly as it would demonstrate a conflict with Amber and her many claims against Johnny. Proving that an "inappropriate" relationship existed with another man during the time she claimed to be abused by Depp would not bode well in her favor.
Musk is not currently being sued in any of the cases.
In this article, the judge is quoted as saying there is much fingerpointing from both sides (former and current lawyers) and that they need to start producing evidence to back up their claims. Johnny has claimed that he paid millions to the former lawyers but the former lawyers claim Depp still owes money. This is where TMG comes back into the picture as they have all of the financial records in question under a seal order from their own legal case with Johnny. The court could allow the documents to be unsealed for the purpose of proving who paid/owes money to whom and that is why Johnny's team has been granted the extension. However, it is not known if the public will have access to the financial records or if they will be under a seal order from the lawyer vs. lawyer case.
Not mentioned in this article was the request by the former attorneys to gain access to all of Johnny's medical records with Johnny's team filing a motion to disallow. I bring it up here because the former lawyers need to prove that Johnny is somehow incompetent and to blame for his own problems (the same thing TMG claimed) so they were perhaps searching for medical "evidence" that might infer a larger problem. I have no idea what could be in the medical files, and we may never know, but I'm glad the focus now seems to be on financial records and withheld evidence rather than any medical claims...more tangible evidence rather than medical opinion.