The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:39 pm

hollyberry wrote:It is, but unfortunately that's how the process goes. The good thing is, public opinion is swinging in Johnny's favour. I actually think he's brave to come out with this, not only to clear his name but to prove that there is nothing shameful about being a male victim of domestic abuse.
I am saddened that the #metoo movement has been used by someone like Heard for such a nefarious purpose. :sad: :grr:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Kittycat88 » Sun Mar 24, 2019 3:18 pm

Hey guys, its me, kittycat...come back for a quick visit. I have been watching the news and am sooo happy to see many youtubers and other social media people finally swinging back in Johnny's direction. Never liked Amber, but I hate what all this has done to him. I always believed that Johnny was not capable of abuse...always...and this feels like a vindication. Yeah!!!!!

Love to you all. I will keep good thoughts of Johnny with me. Hope this whole mess will be cleared up and Disney will be humble enough to offer him his place back at the studio he did so much for.

Love YOU Johnny!!!!!

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Sun Mar 24, 2019 5:27 pm

Kittycat88 wrote:Hey guys, its me, kittycat...come back for a quick visit. I have been watching the news and am sooo happy to see many youtubers and other social media people finally swinging back in Johnny's direction. Never liked Amber, but I hate what all this has done to him. I always believed that Johnny was not capable of abuse...always...and this feels like a vindication. Yeah!!!!!

Love to you all. I will keep good thoughts of Johnny with me. Hope this whole mess will be cleared up and Disney will be humble enough to offer him his place back at the studio he did so much for.

Love YOU Johnny!!!!!

And love to you guys too!


Good to see you peek in, Kc88 with your support for our guy. You're not alone and many of us have expressed much of the same thoughts. Be it on social media, signing petitions, Depp site discussions, Morse Code or carrier pigeon, we'll do what we can to get the word out in order to support Johnny. Hope you'll stop back again soon, The more the merrier! :goodvibes:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Mon Mar 25, 2019 4:02 am

And the lawyers got richer ...

Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp $30 Million Court Battle with Ex-Lawyers Pushed Back, Ordered to Turn Over More Financial Info
March 25, 2019 at 12:15 am PDT
Ryan Naumann

Johnny Depp will have to wait a couple more months to get resolution in the $30 million legal battle with his former lawyers after a judge pushed back the court trial several months to allow the actor to turn over more financial information.

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, a Los Angeles judge recently ordered the trial between Depp and the firm Bloom Hergott Diemer Rosenthal LaViolette Feldman Schenkman & Goodman will be moved from May 6 to September 16.

The judge said the reason for the delay was because the parties were still fighting over documents being turned over and depositions needed to be completed. The judge said the parties could have moved quicker and have engaged in a “great deal of finger-pointing concerning whose fault it is” the case has dragged on.

The judge also ruled on a series of issues the firm raised over documents and information they claimed Johnny Depp was not turning over or answering fully.

The judge came back and partially sided with the firm and also agreed with Depp on some issues. He did order Depp to give more detailed answers to certain questions asked of him but did deny some of the firms demands.

The judge noted, “This case requires the parties to unwind the tangled affairs of Plaintiff Depp, his various entities, and his lawyers, going back several years. Plaintiff’s inclination to incorporate by reference and tell Defendant Firm to, in essence, ‘figure it out,’ is understandable. However, the very number of parties and issues present in this case calls for a more meticulous approach. Although shorthand references are easier, they are by necessity less clear.”

Johnny Depp’s lawyer, Adam Waldman, tells The Blast, “Bloom is accused among other things of a failure to supervise the fraudulent activity of the Mandel Brothers/TMG, Mr. Depp’s former business managers who are under multiple federal criminal investigations and whose offices were raided by the FBI in June 2017. Judge Green agreed to move their trial from May to September, and ruled that Bloom is entitled to Mandel’s sealed documents.”

He continues, “Part of Bloom’s defense is that he did a good job on Mr. Depp’s divorce. But the facts are these: some of Mr. Depp’s legal dream team of five Hollywood lawyers reviewed the entire surveillance video library taken of Ms. Heard, her friends, Elon Musk and others captured by 24 surveillance cameras in the Eastern Columbia Building and the 87 surveillance videos that these lawyers set aside. Then Mr. Depp’s lawyers took sworn declarations from multiple eyewitnesses. Some on Mr. Depp’s legal team secretly represented Elon Musk. Some of Mr. Depp’s legal team then hid for nearly three years this exculpatory evidence from Mr. Depp that disproved the malicious hoax perpetrated against him by Amber Heard.”

Back in 2017, the actor sued his former lawyers at the firm, Bloom Hergott Diemer Rosenthal LaViolette Feldman Schenkman & Goodman, for $30 million accusing them of conspiring with his former business managers to screw him out of millions.

Depp blames his lawyers for allegedly failing to alert him to his manager’s actions, despite knowing what was going on.

The firm, BHDRLFS&G, fired back at Depp denying all allegations of wrongdoing and said they didn’t conspire against their client.

They hit Depp with a counter-suit accusing him of causing his own damages due to his own misconduct and negligence over the years. BHDRLFS&G claimed the actor had not paid them for months, despite them continuing to do work for him. The firm sued for the unpaid balance for the work done plus interest and sought to have his lawsuit against them thrown out.

Johnny Depp fired back at the counter-suit denying the law firm’s claims that he owed them money. He revealed he had worked with them since 1999 but claimed they never had a written contract.

Depp claimed to have paid them tens of millions over the years. He claimed the firm is barred from trying to collect on unpaid dues because they never signed an official retainer. He even describes their deal as “illegal” and any money they believe to be owed was caused by other parties out of Depp’s control.

The case is ongoing.
Bloom and Johnny's other lawyers back at the divorce could have proven that Amber lied :yikes: And was already with Musk - but they didn't :mad2:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Mon Mar 25, 2019 6:45 am

Poor Johnny got screwed by so many people he trusted but at least he is fighting back now. I hope he takes them all down. :dancingpirate: :pirategunshot: :tommygun:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Mon Mar 25, 2019 9:52 am

Am I understanding this correctly? Johnny's former legal team willfully HELD BACK the now smoking gun evidence (videos, witness declarations, etc.) that Mr. Waldman now holds in possession that proves Amber Heard's hoax because some of those former lawyers secretly represented Elon Musk as well? It appears that they were protecting Elon Musk while allowing Johnny to globally fall from grace over a lie.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:03 am

Yeah, I read it that way too :tear: I really hope Waldman has solid proof of this, so Johnny can be cleared fully! And Bloom & Co lose a lot of clients :mad2:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Mon Mar 25, 2019 11:43 am

Thanks for posting this whole reveal as well as the link, meeps. I have to say, I was reading this with my mouth open and getting emotional.

Really good synopsis, Chocolate.

What a barrel of slimy crooks with fancy names! So glad TMG is still under Federal investigation. And hopefully Bloom et al, as well as TMG, will all go down in flames - losing clients and money is not enough punishment for what they’ve all conspired to do. Musk’s cowardly involvement is disgraceful also. And AH holding it all together. This is evolving into so much more - “hoax” sounds downright benign.

But why Johnny? Did no one give a rat’s you-know-what about his family, his children as well as Johnny? It’s frightening. This elaborate scheme could have had truly tragic consequences . . .
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:53 pm

meeps wrote: Bloom and Johnny's other lawyers back at the divorce could have proven that Amber lied :yikes: And was already with Musk - but they didn't :mad2:
I think you are mixing up the civil cases with the divorce. They are two different types of cases.What is appropriate testimony to one case might not be appropriate to one of the other cases. California is a no fault divorce state. That means according to California law it does not matter if one of the divorcing parties has an affair. The couple divorces and no one is considered at fault. The divorce judge would not allow testimony about an affair between Amber and Elon. No fault divorce is a tidy way of handling many divorces without tying up too much court time with big elaborate trials. The civil cases are totally different types of cases. Also there is more than one civil case. The Amber/Elon affair really does not have anything to do with his cases against his former business managers. The affair is relevant in Johnny's case against Amber. I hope someone else can explain this a little better.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Mon Mar 25, 2019 2:30 pm

Chocolat wrote:Am I understanding this correctly? Johnny's former legal team willfully HELD BACK the now smoking gun evidence (videos, witness declarations, etc.) that Mr. Waldman now holds in possession that proves Amber Heard's hoax because some of those former lawyers secretly represented Elon Musk as well? It appears that they were protecting Elon Musk while allowing Johnny to globally fall from grace over a lie.
Just to clarify: Those statements in the article about withholding evidence come from Johnny's attorney, not the judge. Those are Depp's claims. I had to read the article a few times to make sure who was saying what. Johnny's lawyer is also the one claiming that TMG is still being investigated by the FBI.

JudyMac, I think the case against the lawyers will deal indirectly with the divorce and affair to prove that his lawyers gave him bad advice during the divorce proceedings as an example of the malpractice alleged. If Johnny's current team can prove that his former lawyers had a conflict of interest due to the Musk/Heard relationship and that they deliberately withheld evidence against Amber and the "hoax" while advising Johnny inappropriately, it would be very detrimental to the former lawyers' reputation and their countersuit against Johnny. That is the reason the affair keeps getting mentioned in this case and the only reason to bring Musk into this conversation.

As for his defamation case against Amber, the affair will probably be dealt with directly as it would demonstrate a conflict with Amber and her many claims against Johnny. Proving that an "inappropriate" relationship existed with another man during the time she claimed to be abused by Depp would not bode well in her favor.

Musk is not currently being sued in any of the cases.

In this article, the judge is quoted as saying there is much fingerpointing from both sides (former and current lawyers) and that they need to start producing evidence to back up their claims. Johnny has claimed that he paid millions to the former lawyers but the former lawyers claim Depp still owes money. This is where TMG comes back into the picture as they have all of the financial records in question under a seal order from their own legal case with Johnny. The court could allow the documents to be unsealed for the purpose of proving who paid/owes money to whom and that is why Johnny's team has been granted the extension. However, it is not known if the public will have access to the financial records or if they will be under a seal order from the lawyer vs. lawyer case.

Not mentioned in this article was the request by the former attorneys to gain access to all of Johnny's medical records with Johnny's team filing a motion to disallow. I bring it up here because the former lawyers need to prove that Johnny is somehow incompetent and to blame for his own problems (the same thing TMG claimed) so they were perhaps searching for medical "evidence" that might infer a larger problem. I have no idea what could be in the medical files, and we may never know, but I'm glad the focus now seems to be on financial records and withheld evidence rather than any medical claims...more tangible evidence rather than medical opinion.
Last edited by SnoopyDances on Mon Mar 25, 2019 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Mon Mar 25, 2019 2:34 pm

I understand you, Judymac :airkiss2: And you're probably quite right from a legal standpoint and all. But still ...
If they could at least have come forward with the bit, that says, that Johnny is NOT an abuser, I would have been a happy hen mother. Countered all that bad press AH was so eager to stir up.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:09 pm

Am I missing something here? Laura Wasser was his divorce attorney so was Bloom also involved and why? To protect his own interests? I smell a rat here.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:18 pm

ForeverYoung wrote:Am I missing something here? Laura Wasser was his divorce attorney so was Bloom also involved and why? To protect his own interests? I smell a rat here.
I’m sure there were many involved. She has the divorce experience and that’s not Bloom’s field. But I would think he acted as a trusted advisor at that time.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:45 pm

Yes, lots of rats, especially the blonde one. I have no proof but always suspected that Bloom and Amber had some kind of shady dealings going on together. For example, Bloom keeps Johnny in the dark for a silence fee that AH provided.
Just my speculation and opinion.

Thanks SnoopyDances for your clear explanation. :thanks!:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:56 pm

Chocolat wrote:Yes, lots of rats, especially the blonde one. I have no proof but always suspected that Bloom and Amber had some kind of shady dealings going on together. For example, Bloom keeps Johnny in the dark for a silence fee that AH provided.
Just my speculation and opinion.

Thanks SnoopyDances for your clear explanation. :thanks!:
Agreed. There was always a third party defendant that was never identified but that case is over now. There is no doubt in my mind she was involved with some suspect dealings with TMG and/or Bloom
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