The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Fri Mar 08, 2019 5:10 am

justintime wrote:
nebraska wrote:I am glad Johnny is getting his side heard! But still, this is all very scary. Justice is blind ... the good guys don't always win, and she-who-shall-not-be-named is evil.
I think you’ve said a whole lot in those few words, nebraska, and I agree with every one of them.

As all of this nightmare has been unraveling, my own emotions have been fraught with everything from shock and disbelief to extremes of happiness, anger, and fear.

No matter what the twists and turns, though, I truly believe Johnny has been unforgivably wronged by a behemoth of intertwined greedy and amoral interests, as well as his ex-wife. I hope with all my heart Johnny does, indeed, get to present to the world the truth (imo “his side”) on his terms, that anyone concerned enough to have voiced some thoughts now really listens, and that he never has reason to regret having surrendered so much of his life to defeat his personal Goliath.
I worry too.
Also because Amber now have Musk's deep pockets on her side. Yes, I know. He has plenty of other problems at the moment, but will he just smirk and see this allegation as a compliment to his manhood or get offended and throw his weight around?
That said I hope all this will at least get people - and perhaps more importantly tabloids and bloggers - on Johnny's side, so he can get "un-convicted" in the court of public opinion.
I don't expect any of them to go as far as apologising for believing the broad unconditionally. But a change in the public narrative would help, I think.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Fri Mar 08, 2019 5:25 am

Just saw this, by the way - poor little thing ...

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by fireflydances » Fri Mar 08, 2019 8:45 am

Perhaps it was impossible, for a variety of reasons, but I wish Johnny had fought back when her claim first came out. From what I read it seems his lawyer advised him not to. But, did he have no one in his camp that disagreed? He has lost a tremendous amount of ground in the past two plus years. The photo posted above is completely in keeping with what happens when someone beats your face --- swelling. The discoloration comes later.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by stroch » Fri Mar 08, 2019 9:38 am

I wish he had fought back right away also, but he did not appear to be in any fit state to do so. He was being abused physically and emotionally, blackmailed by his wife, his finances were in shambles, his mother had just died, and his work was derided. We all talked about how depressed he looked, his weight gain, his apparent drinking. I'm glad he is getting his life back and his story out, no matter the outcome of the lawsuits.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Fri Mar 08, 2019 1:06 pm

The timing of today's news from the Blast is brilliant.
Proof of what Amber Heard is capable of on International Women's Day.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Fri Mar 08, 2019 3:20 pm

I agree Chocolat - so interesting to put it out today - and the Daily Mail piece also showed a change in tone although they still show her "bruised" (but unswollen face) and not his. The Blast must be being fed this stuff since they are breaking it first - or maybe they have the evidence file and are releasing it slowly.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Fri Mar 08, 2019 3:56 pm

Ade wrote:I agree Chocolat - so interesting to put it out today - and the Daily Mail piece also showed a change in tone although they still show her "bruised" (but unswollen face) and not his. The Blast must be being fed this stuff since they are breaking it first - or maybe they have the evidence file and are releasing it slowly.
Correct Ade, The Blast shows the story, which they broke on March 1, as an exclusive. I questioned why TMZ has printed absolutely nothing about any of this news. I learned that The Blast is run by a former producer from TMZ after he and Harvey Levin had a falling out. So it looks like Harvey Levin doesn't want to piggy back on any exclusivity The Blast reported.
That said, it appears as if Johnny's team is feeding The Blast the info and other outlets are eventually picking up the story, crediting The Blast. However, today's photo of JD's bruised face is slow at getting circulated. (I don't understand why)
Leave it to Depp fans taking it upon themselves, using social media and bombarding twitter with the news.
I also direct attention to for impressive legal information about the lawsuit.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Fri Mar 08, 2019 7:03 pm

stroch wrote:I wish he had fought back right away also, but he did not appear to be in any fit state to do so. He was being abused physically and emotionally, blackmailed by his wife, his finances were in shambles, his mother had just died, and his work was derided. We all talked about how depressed he looked, his weight gain, his apparent drinking. I'm glad he is getting his life back and his story out, no matter the outcome of the lawsuits.
I totally agree. His mother was ill before she passed away. Having a parent terminally ill who slowly gets worse and then passes away is a horrible emotional roller coaster. He was also dealing with his financial crisis. He probably did not have the mental/emotional energy to deal with anything else.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Fri Mar 08, 2019 7:07 pm

meeps wrote:
justintime wrote:
nebraska wrote:I am glad Johnny is getting his side heard! But still, this is all very scary. Justice is blind ... the good guys don't always win, and she-who-shall-not-be-named is evil.
I think you’ve said a whole lot in those few words, nebraska, and I agree with every one of them.

As all of this nightmare has been unraveling, my own emotions have been fraught with everything from shock and disbelief to extremes of happiness, anger, and fear.

No matter what the twists and turns, though, I truly believe Johnny has been unforgivably wronged by a behemoth of intertwined greedy and amoral interests, as well as his ex-wife. I hope with all my heart Johnny does, indeed, get to present to the world the truth (imo “his side”) on his terms, that anyone concerned enough to have voiced some thoughts now really listens, and that he never has reason to regret having surrendered so much of his life to defeat his personal Goliath.
I worry too.
Also because Amber now have Musk's deep pockets on her side. Yes, I know. He has plenty of other problems at the moment, but will he just smirk and see this allegation as a compliment to his manhood or get offended and throw his weight around?
That said I hope all this will at least get people - and perhaps more importantly tabloids and bloggers - on Johnny's side, so he can get "un-convicted" in the court of public opinion.
I don't expect any of them to go as far as apologising for believing the broad unconditionally. But a change in the public narrative would help, I think.
I thought AH and Elon Musk broke up a long time ago? Has there been some indication that they are still in contact with each other? I don't have Twitter or Instagram.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Fri Mar 08, 2019 7:48 pm

Judymac wrote:
meeps wrote:
justintime wrote:
I think you’ve said a whole lot in those few words, nebraska, and I agree with every one of them.

As all of this nightmare has been unraveling, my own emotions have been fraught with everything from shock and disbelief to extremes of happiness, anger, and fear.

No matter what the twists and turns, though, I truly believe Johnny has been unforgivably wronged by a behemoth of intertwined greedy and amoral interests, as well as his ex-wife. I hope with all my heart Johnny does, indeed, get to present to the world the truth (imo “his side”) on his terms, that anyone concerned enough to have voiced some thoughts now really listens, and that he never has reason to regret having surrendered so much of his life to defeat his personal Goliath.
I worry too.
Also because Amber now have Musk's deep pockets on her side. Yes, I know. He has plenty of other problems at the moment, but will he just smirk and see this allegation as a compliment to his manhood or get offended and throw his weight around?
That said I hope all this will at least get people - and perhaps more importantly tabloids and bloggers - on Johnny's side, so he can get "un-convicted" in the court of public opinion.
I don't expect any of them to go as far as apologising for believing the broad unconditionally. But a change in the public narrative would help, I think.
I thought AH and Elon Musk broke up a long time ago? Has there been some indication that they are still in contact with each other? I don't have Twitter or Instagram.

We really don't know what AH and EM relationship is right now. When they ended their relationship, both sides stated that they remain friends. Of coarse we have to take that as public relation's spin to make them look respectable.
If Elon learned anything from his relationship with Amber Heard, it's to keep a long distance now.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by hollyberry » Sun Mar 10, 2019 1:53 am

Ade wrote:I agree Chocolat - so interesting to put it out today - and the Daily Mail piece also showed a change in tone although they still show her "bruised" (but unswollen face) and not his. The Blast must be being fed this stuff since they are breaking it first - or maybe they have the evidence file and are releasing it slowly.
Johnny's injury looks genuine, hers does not when you compare the two. This woman seriously creeps me out.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Sun Mar 10, 2019 1:18 pm

Ade wrote:I agree Chocolat - so interesting to put it out today - and the Daily Mail piece also showed a change in tone although they still show her "bruised" (but unswollen face) and not his. The Blast must be being fed this stuff since they are breaking it first - or maybe they have the evidence file and are releasing it slowly.

The photo of JD was apparently only given to The Blast and due to syndication agreements between the tabloids, reposting the photo without ”permission” could leave them in trouble. It seems there may have been a limited agreement, over the last day or so, between the DM and The Blast. In an “updated” version of their story, the DM included a link to The Blast’s photo for a brief time. The link has apparently been removed. Did “Deep Pockets” not appreciate the anti-ah reaction this photo immediately garnered and read DM the riot act?

(imao) These two photos, with applicable time frame captions accompanying each, need to appear juxtaposed. The mere fact that JD’s photo showing expected swelling and discoloration, was taken the day after the evening it was inflicted while ah’s, still pink and with no discoloration change, was taken at the courthouse six or seven days later(!) needs no further explanation as to where the truth surrounding each lies.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Sun Mar 10, 2019 2:49 pm

justintime wrote:
Ade wrote:I agree Chocolat - so interesting to put it out today - and the Daily Mail piece also showed a change in tone although they still show her "bruised" (but unswollen face) and not his. The Blast must be being fed this stuff since they are breaking it first - or maybe they have the evidence file and are releasing it slowly.

The photo of JD was apparently only given to The Blast and due to syndication agreements between the tabloids, reposting the photo without ”permission” could leave them in trouble. It seems there may have been a limited agreement, over the last day or so, between the DM and The Blast. In an “updated” version of their story, the DM included a link to The Blast’s photo for a brief time. The link has apparently been removed. Did “Deep Pockets” not appreciate the anti-ah reaction this photo immediately garnered and read DM the riot act?

(imao) These two photos, with applicable time frame captions accompanying each, need to appear juxtaposed. The mere fact that JD’s photo showing expected swelling and discoloration, was taken the day after the evening it was inflicted while ah’s, still pink and with no discoloration change, was taken at the courthouse six or seven days later(!) needs no further explanation as to where the truth surrounding each lies.

justintime, good point, so I photoshopped what you suggested.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Sun Mar 10, 2019 3:37 pm

You are a magician, Chocolat!

Ha! I think ah's caption or photo should be one of those that shows six little " no mark" pics starting with the night of "injury" and then, PRESTO!', the pic with her pink blemish on the court day. Ugh - she is such a vile thing . . .
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Mon Mar 11, 2019 12:12 am

Her picture looks more like an acne issue to me too.
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