I worry too.justintime wrote:I think you’ve said a whole lot in those few words, nebraska, and I agree with every one of them.nebraska wrote:I am glad Johnny is getting his side heard! But still, this is all very scary. Justice is blind ... the good guys don't always win, and she-who-shall-not-be-named is evil.
As all of this nightmare has been unraveling, my own emotions have been fraught with everything from shock and disbelief to extremes of happiness, anger, and fear.
No matter what the twists and turns, though, I truly believe Johnny has been unforgivably wronged by a behemoth of intertwined greedy and amoral interests, as well as his ex-wife. I hope with all my heart Johnny does, indeed, get to present to the world the truth (imo “his side”) on his terms, that anyone concerned enough to have voiced some thoughts now really listens, and that he never has reason to regret having surrendered so much of his life to defeat his personal Goliath.
Also because Amber now have Musk's deep pockets on her side. Yes, I know. He has plenty of other problems at the moment, but will he just smirk and see this allegation as a compliment to his manhood or get offended and throw his weight around?
That said I hope all this will at least get people - and perhaps more importantly tabloids and bloggers - on Johnny's side, so he can get "un-convicted" in the court of public opinion.
I don't expect any of them to go as far as apologising for believing the broad unconditionally. But a change in the public narrative would help, I think.