Morning all. Like Adele I'm so angry and confused on the ruling and now sure how Johnny should go forward. But
I've always taken the position that I can't KNOW what is going on in his life. What advice he is getting. So I stand by whatever his decisions are and support him.
When he first sued the Sun, we all thought it a slam dunk. Then she was able to add more to a total of 14 incidents of abuse. Then she was able to add 3 confidential (assume sexual) allegations. That's when I became concerned. Could a male judge (with females in his life-wife, maybe daughter) have the strength to say (In a believe all women world) that Amber Heard lied every time. Could he? Well, we know now he couldn't. That is why he not only ruled on one incident, but went out of his way to twist the evidence or ignore it all together, to attack the characters of everyone associated with Johnny and found 100% all her claims to be true (less two technicalities which included 2 confidential claims). (I so wanted Johnny to walk when the judge dismissed the case over the drug texts. It was Shilling's fault and he already got allot of evidence out)
Should he appeal? (Again,
I stand by Johnny whatever he decides). Keep in mind he now has to pay NGN legal costs, court costs, his lawyers, and an appeal is additional costs not to mention his VA bill and California lawyers
Right now he has one

judge whos OPINION denied his claim. He seems to have huge public support. MSM is having a field day calling him a wife beater in their headlines. But is it worth the risk to appeal to 3 judges with enough confidence to overturn each reasoned opinion to win? OR, have 3 more judges higher up deny an appeal and say they agree with Nichol's?
My opinion only is he should not appeal unless he knows now what WB is going to do. If they fire him or substantially shrink his role and "Shapeshift Grindelwald" into a new actor then I think WB is sending a huge message to Hollywood and Johnny's acting carrer may be doomed and he might as well appeal, as he has nothing much to lose (other than more $$$). However, if WB stands with him, I think that is a bigger statement than an appeal risk would do for him.
One good thing about an appeal, that throughout the VA case, the UK case would be referenced as "under appeal"....
Now, as a rminder: there is this pesky case people have forgotten about. Rocky is still suing Johnny for assaulting him. I don't know how this ruling can affect that case, but I'm sure Rocky's lawyer will try to bring it to the jury's attention that the UK judge ruled his opinion that Johnny abused AH 14+ times. It will be up to the Judge in California if she will allow that brought to the Jury (although, of course, the Jury will already know this) (and it could also be referenced as under appeal)