The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:22 pm

This new filing by AH's new lawyer is a :censored: piece of BS. So Amber can demand a HIPAA from him but she shouldn't have to provide one??? That's pure nonsense and harassment is a poor excuse for not wanting the public to see her drug prescriptions and other medications for her mental state of which she cannot control herself when she goes into her hissy fits and which she admitted in the recording. Oh...and all of sudden she has medical records that were not on her witness list for the TRO charge and now she has doctors that "may" have treated her... :harhar:

And by the way...we're STILL waiting for her to file an answer to the complaint. :waiting: :facepalm: :dunce:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:35 pm

Based on my understanding of the COVID-19 delays. (I could be wrong). I think her answer is due Jun 28.

I think she is claiming in refusing to supply medical, I could be a psychotic, drug addict, raving alcoholic, who abused JD, but the only thing at issue for the claim of Defamation in this case is IF HE ABUSED me.

Also: Keep in mind, there are many more motions to come:
1) AH will now file an opposition to Depp's opposition on her Hippa, etc.
Hearing: June 26

2) Depp will file an Opposition to her recent claim to compel/sanctions.
3) AH will file a final opposition to #2.
Hearing: July 10

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:42 pm

Lbock wrote:
Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:35 pm
....I think she is claiming in refusing to supply medical, I could be a psychotic, drug addict, raving alcoholic, who abused JD, but the only thing at issue for the claim of Defamation in this case is IF HE ABUSED me.[/i]

Hearing: July 10
Well, what better way to disprove HE ABUSED HER than to have medical professionals’ observations of her physical appearance shortly after the alleged incidents in question occurred? ANY medical professional’s assessment of her physical condition/presentation would be of value.

Yeah, who cares if she is “...a psychotic, a drug addict, or a raving alcoholic...” - if her therapist (or dentist, for that matter) treated her on a visit/appointment that coincides with alleged abuse dates and never noted any of the horrific injuries she claims to have sustained, well, wouldn’t that be a bit odd? Not to mention, it being less than believable there would be NO RECORD OF ANY MEDICAL ATTENTION for those same “horrific injuries”. No wonder that the few records AH did turn over were cherry-picked and incomplete.

AH should have been compelled to sign a HIPPA when it was first requested, citing her propensity for delaying, avoiding, or full out ignoring court-related obligations. She has been cut so much slack, for so very long, with little or no more justification than ex-attorney Kaplan’s hysterics and fast and loose antics, that this case - as well as the US defamation case - have taken on an almost surreal importance. So much so that the callous, calculated Musk-suggestion to “.... bury the hatchet...and move on” has been received by many as credible. AH must not be allowed to slither out of this, too, without incurring serious, intimidating repercussions. She and her legal counsel ought to be slammed hard and ordered to submit comprehensive records for the dates requested - no convenient additions or deletions - immediately, no more delays. She can wait in “a custody suite” while her new attorneys hustle to earn their keep.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:39 pm

With every motion will be a response then a reply then another reply, etc. but in the end it will show who has the upper hand and who is just blowing smoke in a desperate attempt to prove their claims.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granny576 » Tue Jun 23, 2020 12:20 am

Has she shown up for her quarantine as yet?

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:31 am

justintime wrote:
Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:42 pm
Lbock wrote:
Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:35 pm
....I think she is claiming in refusing to supply medical, I could be a psychotic, drug addict, raving alcoholic, who abused JD, but the only thing at issue for the claim of Defamation in this case is IF HE ABUSED me.[/i]

Hearing: July 10
Well, what better way to disprove HE ABUSED HER than to have medical professionals’ observations of her physical appearance shortly after the alleged incidents in question occurred? ANY medical professional’s assessment of her physical condition/presentation would be of value.

Yeah, who cares if she is “...a psychotic, a drug addict, or a raving alcoholic...” - if her therapist (or dentist, for that matter) treated her on a visit/appointment that coincides with alleged abuse dates and never noted any of the horrific injuries she claims to have sustained, well, wouldn’t that be a bit odd? Not to mention, it being less than believable there would be NO RECORD OF ANY MEDICAL ATTENTION for those same “horrific injuries”. No wonder that the few records AH did turn over were cherry-picked and incomplete.

AH should have been compelled to sign a HIPPA when it was first requested, citing her propensity for delaying, avoiding, or full out ignoring court-related obligations. She has been cut so much slack, for so very long, with little or no more justification than ex-attorney Kaplan’s hysterics and fast and loose antics, that this case - as well as the US defamation case - have taken on an almost surreal importance. So much so that the callous, calculated Musk-suggestion to “.... bury the hatchet...and move on” has been received by many as credible. AH must not be allowed to slither out of this, too, without incurring serious, intimidating repercussions. She and her legal counsel ought to be slammed hard and ordered to submit comprehensive records for the dates requested - no convenient additions or deletions - immediately, no more delays. She can wait in “a custody suite” while her new attorneys hustle to earn their keep.
Her problem is that she has never had any evidence from any doctor. She might have tried to "grease" a doctor to write that she/he had treated her for for instance all the cuts to her feet she says she suffered in Australia, but luckily doctors value their livelihood higher than a bribe.
Any sensible judge should be able to see that if she doesn't come forward with that kind of evidence (and didn't at the divorce, either) then she is lying. So now we just have to hope that both judges, the British and the American, are that sensible.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Tara » Tue Jun 23, 2020 10:31 am

Lbock wrote:
Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:45 am
So I heard. Wink. I actually heard it was just two pills in the palm of her hand. No bottle?
A bottle for sure. Orange and cylindrical. Label was attached, but turned from view. Wish I could recall which magazine published it.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Tue Jun 23, 2020 10:38 am

Wish we could find it

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:56 pm

It was from pics of her exhibits for the TRO. The bottle/pills are mentioned in these articles. If we can find the exhibits we can find the pic. I believe she was wearing a red shirt when she was holding the bottle and Suzanne Witkin even commented about it on her FB page saying it was a fake pic. I could be wrong about Suzanne though, but I remember she commented on one of the pics. I don't know for sure it was the one about the pills. ... tic-abuse/ ... witnesses/
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:50 pm

I don't understand why she is being excused from not giving her waiver. But I do have another concern.

Is there any chance that Elon Musk has connections with L'Oreal? He has connections with the Sun and the ACLU. Is it possible?

Is there a possibility that Musk as an issue with physical altercations that would cause bruising on someone else?

IMHO, this whole situation is beginning to reek of symptoms of blackmail. Would that even be a thought to entertain?

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Tue Jun 23, 2020 9:02 pm

Granna wrote:
Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:50 pm
I don't understand why she is being excused from not giving her waiver. But I do have another concern.

Is there any chance that Elon Musk has connections with L'Oreal? He has connections with the Sun and the ACLU. Is it possible?

Is there a possibility that Musk as an issue with physical altercations that would cause bruising on someone else?

IMHO, this whole situation is beginning to reek of symptoms of blackmail. Would that even be a thought to entertain?
She isn't being excused from the waiver. She's just refusing to sign it which is why Johnny's team filed the motion.

As for Musk, who knows what kind of shady deals he has out there and with whom but I do believe her and might have been engaging in activities that could leave a person bruised.

What I'm not getting is the neck bruise and cut on her arm, etc. and the staff member from the Eastern Bldg saying she dropped her key down the elevator shaft. So, did she do down the shaft with the key??? :giddy: Sorry..I just got a visual of that.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Tue Jun 23, 2020 9:11 pm

Neck bruising - choking during "rough play time?"

Was he rough with his wife? Never heard anything.

Can't seem to find a connection between him and L'Oreal. Something just isn't right here.
AH has to have something up her sleeve.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Tue Jun 23, 2020 10:29 pm

Granna wrote:
Tue Jun 23, 2020 9:11 pm
Neck bruising - choking during "rough play time?"

Was he rough with his wife? Never heard anything.

Can't seem to find a connection between him and L'Oreal. Something just isn't right here.
AH has to have something up her sleeve.
I don't know but Elon Musk seems to be a little bit out of his mind with drugs and alcohol so who knows. She isn't that level headed either so I wouldn't be surprised. She loved posing for TVR in suggestive attire showing she was into that kind of thing.

She tried so many things and all have failed. She might be cunning and manipulative but she isn't a smart as she thinks she is.

For example: I was reading her declaration today from 4/11/19 in the VA case. She attached as an exhibit a text she sent to her publicist after the alleged incident in December 2015 about the James Corden show and it says the nurse was on her way over to make sure she didn't have a concussion. But in another declaration later on she says she called the nurse to find out information about concussions. This was supposed to have been when Rocky and Melanie were there but neither her or Melanie ever says a nurse arrived and Melanie never says Rocky was there either. Oh..and Amber never mentions the hair stylist that Melanie says was there and helped cover the missing spots on her head from the hair being pulled out...a big thing to miss when you can't keep control of the lies.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Tue Jun 23, 2020 11:13 pm

Just my thoughts....
The complexity of this case is overwhelming with the cast of characters, the misleading declarations, the lies, the facts and evidence, all overlapping. It makes my head spin. No judge wants to hear a mishmash of crazy talk. He'll want to hear concise information, truth and facts. He'll control the process and stick to the point of the trial, the defamation of Johnny Depp. I'm looking forward to a straight forward professional trial that cuts to the chase resulting in a big win for Johnny.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Tue Jun 23, 2020 11:20 pm

I agree whole-heartedly. However, the judge must make Heard sign her waiver, produce all medical records, and sit for her deposition.

Stop putting up with her antics.

It would also expedite things if Team Heard stop producing all of these motions and burying the court in paperwork, stalling the truth.