Lbock wrote:He stated in an interview he hurt his back in POTC. He was also injured by a horse in Lone Ranger
They are following the same tactic tmg tried. Not just the defaming using his past but claiming drug and alcohol makes him violent (tmg claimed he cursed at them and verbally abused them) but taking it a step further. That he doesn’t remember his behavior at his worst. (Their claim not saying it’s true). Tmg took the tactic that they told him and he doesn’t remember. Stephen fell into by repeating her claim. I told him (that you told me) he kicked you...depp can’t possibly remember things that didn’t happen Gaslighting 101
Yes, Lbock, I remember reading about the back injury - not what caused it but that he was receiving physical therapy in-between takes cause he was in such pain. He also suffered some nerve damage to his foot during POTC DMC when he was strapped onto that giant wheel thing for hours at a time. He spoke about it a bit on some live interview he did. He always seemed to downplay stuff like that. The only point here is Johnny, unfortunately, had very legitimate reasons to be on pain meds quite frequently.
It seems AH has found a kindred spirit in Kaplan - neither have any scruples and both are party to laying waste to the potential both MeToo and Times Up once offered all genders, including gender-neutral people. Both organizations, like the ACLU, have now been irreparably politicized, victimized men are still alone (but making undeniable progress thanks to Johnny), battered women are less likely than ever to speak up, and innocent people across the board are more fair game today than a week ago for the most ruthless amongst us. AH has shown her twisted side from the get go, but for Kaplan with the creds to bolster her profile and the potential, to actually choose to slam the door on truth and long overdue justice is despicable. As losers go, she puts AH to shame.
Also, thanks,
Chocolat, for the video and Motion links! The Protective Order ruling sounds fair.