The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Wed Jul 15, 2020 4:27 pm

Vanessa will be by video link. ... court-told

Three witnesses: Kate, Ben, Kevin. Not one of them works for Johnny any more. None of them have any reason to lie. In fact all of them have every reason to bury their heads in the sand and say nothing. But they didn't.

I am so sickened by the Kate story. When you thought it couldn't get any worse. Is Amber really going to take the stand?

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by myfave » Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:34 pm

Thanks for info. Amber definitely is going to be taking the stand, correct?
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Moonbeam » Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:42 pm

myfave wrote:
Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:34 pm
Thanks for info. Amber definitely is going to be taking the stand, correct?
That is my understanding. Please correct me if I am wrong.
She is on the Trial Timetable scheduled for Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. I think that it may be delayed somewhat, because today, they did not get to Winona Ryder and another witness. (I have been reading along on Nick Wallis' twitter feed.)
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by gipsyblues » Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:52 pm

myfave wrote:
Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:34 pm
Thanks for info. Amber definitely is going to be taking the stand, correct?
Yes, she will take a stand, she will turn the truth into a lie. The way she always does.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Larkwoodgirl » Wed Jul 15, 2020 6:28 pm

Things went wrong for AH since the trial started. Especially, this week. Anybody smell a settlement in the wind?
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Wed Jul 15, 2020 6:41 pm

If AH loses it on the stand. I would think the Sun would retract and settle. Alot of the stuff AH's witnesses will say, most has been debunked with evidence.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Wed Jul 15, 2020 6:56 pm

Well, this has been an interesting day. I've waited to post so that I could read the transcripts when Nick released them.
This is speculation on my part with what I've been able to research: Today's transcript link:

Kate James apparently dropped a surprising bomb on QC Wass and possibly David Sherborne

Here is what I found.

On or before March 5, Daily Mail reported that Amber Heard had made new horrendous sexual assault allegations. I tweeted about it, so that is why I have that date. She was requesting to give her testimony in private.

March 7 Kate James files her first declaration in Fairfax. The first we hear Kate James will be a witness, and presumably the first time Amber Heard hears this.

April 8 there is a hearing in UK for Justice Nichols to rule on the private testimony. Here we see the incident she wants private was mentioned in her 2nd witness statement. I believe AH was hoping to get her entire testimony in private. But irregardless, Justice Nichol allowed AH to give private testimony for only ONE incident of the 14 that she claimed. (NOTE: Johnny has already by crossed on this in court in UK)

Adam Wolanski QC wouldn’t go into the detail of the nature of evidence of Miss Heard’s concerns as were in the second witness statement, but there were two additional matters. If Miss Heard had to give evidence relating to these matters in front of the press and public the experience of giving evidence would be extremely difficult and was described as “terrifying”. The other point was that Miss Heard had not chosen to bring or defend proceedings, she was merely a witness.
June 26, Kate James after reviewing the UK bundle of documents she was given, she reads Amber's 5th Witness Statement and is shocked

Monday of this week Kate files a 2nd witness statement regarding paragraph 43 of Ambers 5th Witness Statement.

Today we have Kate James giving testimony and FURIOUS that Amber Heard has appropiated her past rape and used it as her own in the 5th witness statement that Amber has filed.

Here is the section of the transcript of today:

Kate's 2nd Witness Statement here:

@NickWallis on twitter who has been live tweeting the testimonies believes QC Wass and possibly David Sherborn were taken by surprise when Kate claimed Amber Heard stole her rape story. QC Wass tried to quickly respond that she was responding to a confidential testimony. Kate said no, Witness Statement 5. On cross Sherborne made it very clear that Kate was not given any confidential statement and Witness Statement 5 was not ever filed to be private.

“I’m here for my own reasons. I’m a sexual violence survivor & that’s very serious to take that stance if you’re not one & I am. That’s the reason I’m here, because I take offense.” - Kate James
Reminder: In Amber Heard's Washington Post OpEd she claimed

"Like many women, I had been harassed and sexually assaulted by the time I was of college age."
I can only guess, for some reason, Amber Heard wrote about her past sexual assualt or rape but was actually appropriating a story Kate had told her.

If the judge believes Kate, Amber's credibility is completely gone in my opinion.

Last edited by Lbock on Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:01 pm

Lbock I’ve been waiting For your post! Wonder how Melanie is feeling about testifying now? I hope this has given Laura confidence.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:13 pm

AdeleAgain wrote:
Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:01 pm
Lbock I’ve been waiting For your post! Wonder how Melanie is feeling about testifying now? I hope this has given Laura confidence.
Just Wow!

Just to be clear, Amber Heard still has a "sexual assault claim against Johnny" to be heard in private. Johnny has been crossed on this in private already.

I believe this is separate from what Kate James was talking about.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Thu Jul 16, 2020 2:19 am

Understood thanks Lbock, I think your argument makes sense and of course Kate James won't have seen AH's closed testimony.

But it looks pretty clear atm that:

(1) AH has seriously, further undermined her credibility as a witness. Not only has she committed perjury and lied in a letter to Homeland Security, a credible witness - who I assume the defence cannot haul back and start attacking - has made a very serious claim that AH relays incidents that she was not involved in;

(2) Evidence has been tampered/is completely false. Adam has post an 'Ae' which has caused a load of speculation but quite credibly given what has happened this is a reference to tampering electronic files?

(3) An awful lot of witnesses are saying the same thing - she regularly is abusive to varying degrees, she lies and she bullies. The police have a thing called the rule-of-2 - basically if you are going to commit a serious crime, only tell one other person. Once you have more than that, it is easy to start cracking open the lies. How many people have or are turning out for JD, and relaying different experiences but with a consistent theme? And lovely David Sherborne regularly ends his questioning with 'are you financially dependent on him'? So the AH-stans can say all they want that Stephen is lying because he works for JD or whatever but these people either don't work for him or don't have to work for him. Far, far easier for Kate, Ben, Kevin, Vanessa etc to simply say nothing.

Presumably Miss Wass is going to ask Raquel etc the same question - and the answer is that except maybe in the case of Whitney - these folks are no longer dependent. But three of them have already given evidence or statements put into courts that everyone has read and which make claims about JD (I am not sure Josh Drew is going to be that helpful other than to say JD took drugs which I think we all know!) So they quite probably feel they have to stick to their stories. It would be wonderful if just one of them told the truth.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Newt » Thu Jul 16, 2020 3:00 am

Kate James just dropped a nuclear bomb yesterday, which will hopefully encourage tons of similar accounts. I saw something on Twitter but there's no way to prove it, still interesting. It's also heartening to see those filthy trades reporting on her account. The whole thing has been a disaster for AH and Wass. Sherbourne seems super efficient, quick, sharp.

I know Qwerty has been saying for months on Twitter that she knows for a fact that WB paid Heard off to leave Aquaman 2 but needless to say, I think it's absolutely a done deal now and her career is probably (it's Hollywood after all) toast. Justice is in the air and it is coming. :loveshower:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Granna » Thu Jul 16, 2020 4:11 am

To LBock & AdeleAgain:

Sorry, I'm bit slow and stupid here.

Realizing the secret testimony - would it not be better for Heard to just shut up? i beleive some said the incident in questuon didn't make either party look good. Now that Ms. James has come forward, dropping a nuclear bomb so to speak - how can anything AH says be taken seriously regarding this?

"Ae" ? Not clear on this term. Another nuclear bomb getting ready to unleash?

Thanks in advance. This old lady isn't as sharp. Retirement makes one a little lazy.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:17 am

Granna I would say you are sharp as a knife but that's currently inappropriate! Sharp as a tack.

I think the very best advice Ms Heard could have taken would have been to stop talking. Yes you are so right.

Adam's tweets today seem to be pointing towards the fact that evidence has been falsified. I am not sure if it is the date/time stamps in the meta data, or if the 'bruising' has been amplified in some of those very familiar pictures. Maybe both. It's really hard to follow what's happening exactly but seems to me several witnesses have been given more than one version of the same picture and asked if they see anything. (But I am not sure, have not had time to really, really examine the transcripts. Maybe Lbock can help - I swear she and Brian should be on the JD legal team.)

I definitely think that either the time/date stamps have been tampered with or if they haven't they ride a horse and cart through her testimony - particularly the 21 May photo, either taken 20 hours before Johnny got there or 4 hours after he left. Neither of those are immediately after he left and before the police arrived which is what was said in the witness statements.

I still cannot fathom that she will get into that witness box. But I cannot fathom anything about her. She was out on the town again by the looks of it last night. Can she not see how awful that looks? Another woman just accused her of a terrible thing - even if it isn't true, can't she see how bad it looks? And she walks around looking so pleased. It is outrageous. At the very least surely she can never speak up again for victims.

I thought maybe Kate James was why Amanda and Robbie left the circus but it seems like no one even really clocked what was happening - and Robbie Kaplan's tweet over the weekend is surely looking very sad right now.

Part of me cannot wait to hear from her, part of me cannot bear it. There will be more gaslighting and lies and gleefully reported - terrible headlines for JD as they'll put out verbatim what she says and forget to print the bit about it being shown up by David Sherborne. But none of that matters - the only person that matters is the judge. Who will surely see an array of decent people (former police, prison officer, young mum, professionals) on JDs side speaking up consistently about him.

I am almost finding it impossible to focus on real life as I am so angry about this.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Newt » Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:20 am

Okayyyyyyyyy, so Winona and Vanessa won't be testifying apparently. Nick Wallis said this: "Because JD’s assertion he has never hit a woman was only tested by the defence with regard to Amber Heard - therefore there is no need to call them to testify."

Why schedule them in the first place? Or do they somehow think it's no longer necessary? It seems some are thinking the same thing on Twitter.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by FlowerBySea » Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:42 am

I'm also confused why they were even scheduled if they're not relevant to this case. Their written statements will be taken into account though, I read?

Also, Vanessa was in contact with Johnny during his marriage to Amber, her kids were living with them etc. Surely she can testify what her observations were during that time? Plus she could give details about his drug use, which the Sun seems to be obsessed with, and verify that he had no problems with addiction during their 14 years together.

Not having Winona I kind of understand, if she was just there to give a statement about Johnny's character / behavior from 25 years ago. Although I still find it weird to schedule her then in the first place.
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