The Lawsuits Thread
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I'm sorry, I am back. I am mad. How could she be this cruel to him? It doesn't help her case. It doesn't help the Sun prove that JD is a wife beater.
Hateful - released on a Friday afternoon so it runs in the media over the weekend - overshadows the fact that David Sherborne did a brilliant run through and the police officers were so helpful.
(I don't think BTW that Judges particularly like police officers being insulted and having their professionalism questioned. And cheap shot bringing up Sean's name - got her nowhere.)
A lot of people have self harm as a serious mental health issues and this would be so triggering. Hope this just brings more criticism of her.
So angry - poor Johnny. I do hope he's got someone to look after him this weekend.
Hateful - released on a Friday afternoon so it runs in the media over the weekend - overshadows the fact that David Sherborne did a brilliant run through and the police officers were so helpful.
(I don't think BTW that Judges particularly like police officers being insulted and having their professionalism questioned. And cheap shot bringing up Sean's name - got her nowhere.)
A lot of people have self harm as a serious mental health issues and this would be so triggering. Hope this just brings more criticism of her.
So angry - poor Johnny. I do hope he's got someone to look after him this weekend.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I'm sure Johnny prepared himself to ANY cheap shot, garbage that could be thrown his way, I'm impressed by how strong he seems to be in court. It would be easy and understandable for anyone to lose your cool, or raise your tone, or get fed up and he's been calm throughout and consistent. When Heard gets on the stand, she will suffer from what she did, it will be merciless.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Sky News is somewhat live tweeting too ... s-12025369 ... s-12025369
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I'm so sad ... but by God I believe in Johnny, Mr. Waldman and Mr. David Sherborne.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Stupidly - very stupidly - I went onto an AH Stan twitter account (idiot!) and someone there said the court was shown video of JD holding a knife over her? Video? There's just audio right? I can't find anything on line.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
The video did not work...only the audio was played. The audio is on the Sky website.
I'll buy you the hat....a really big one.
St. Roch -- patron saint of pilgrims
St. Roch -- patron saint of pilgrims
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
AH Stan account, there's your answer. Apparently they're done for the day? It seems they said Johnny's statement was supposed to end at lunch and they went long today again. I'm guessing the second police officer is pushed to Monday? This is going to delay other testimonies I guess?
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
QC cancelled the second officer...probably did not want further corroboration of no injury and no property damage. BTW, The Sky account said several times that "Depp" was present in the lobby when the officers arrived and was present in the apt. ???
I'll buy you the hat....a really big one.
St. Roch -- patron saint of pilgrims
St. Roch -- patron saint of pilgrims
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I'm confused, she can just cancel it and he doesn't have to testify? The heck is this? Anyway, yeah, incredibly damning.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
OK, I am reposting as it didn't go through.
The Sun confirms that audio is from July 2016. So this new audio and the head-butt audio are all from the meeting AH arranged via Carino to meet in San Francisco. Johnny thought they might work it out. Here is the blast article with Johnny's text to give you an idea of his stage of mind. ... ting-trail ... ting-trail
The Sun confirms that audio is from July 2016. So this new audio and the head-butt audio are all from the meeting AH arranged via Carino to meet in San Francisco. Johnny thought they might work it out. Here is the blast article with Johnny's text to give you an idea of his stage of mind. ... ting-trail

Johnny Depp Refuses to Allow ‘Undeserved Wife Beater Charge’ In Explosive New Text Messages
Mike Walters
Mar 9, 2020 at 5:03 am UTC / Last Updated at Mar 9, 2020 at 16:24 pm UTC
Johnny Depp has adamantly denied abusing Amber Heard during their troubled marriage, and new text messages between a mutual talent agent of the former couple appears to show the “Pirates of the Caribbean” star drawing a line in the sand about giving any credence to Heard’s allegations during their divorce, which he deemed a “flat out lie.”
According to the shocking text messages, obtained by The Blast, Depp and Heard were both confiding in CAA talent agent, Christian Carino, following the blowout argument that ended their marriage back in May, 2016.
Carino’s name may sound familiar, as he was the longtime boyfriend and ex-fiancé of Lady Gaga.
Starting in July, just weeks after the split, Carino assisted the estranged couple in setting up a secret meeting in San Francisco where they could sit down and hash things out face-to-face.
Tensions were high between the two stars, as it had been just weeks earlier when Amber accused Johnny of hurling a cell phone at her face, followed by obtaining a restraining order and filing for divorce.
Amber and Johnny went through with the meeting in San Francisco and then immediately began corresponding with Carino about their feelings about the encounter and each other.
"It feels like a dream and a nightmare all in one, it was difficult to not die when our eyes met. i have no choice but to dive into those pools of green. they represent every millisecond of what we had. i miss her. i love her. i always will. as will she. there were some difficult things to swallow...but, one either swallows or chokes.”
Depp felt antagonized by Heard, confiding in Carino, “She's poking at me to try and make me miserable...Textbook Narcissistic patterns. Why did she come to San Francisco??? No more games!!! She just wants her name cleared...She ain't being understanding, she's being stubborn, or she don't wanna talk to me...F--- This!!!”
The ”Pirates of the Caribbean” star said he had spoken with Heard about their future, writing:
"I don't know what to say...Apparently, she wants to go ahead with the divorce and then attempt a reconciliation...I need to think, man..."
He added, "What I wanted was a fresh start with my wife. which, i thought was what she wanted. she should do what she really feels...if her priorities are not us, then i will proceed and do what i have to do. i dangle no more."
Heard also shared her thoughts with Carino via text message, which were eventually shared with Depp. The “Aquaman” star explained the inner pain she was experiencing during the drama:
"I'm afraid I am setting myself up to fall back in again. It was so hard to leave him. I've been through too much. And I see no future in this. And every time I see him it's like my chest is ripped open and every piece of my soul is ground down to a pulp. Since seeing him in San Francisco, I have been a complete mess. I literally have been sobbing all day and night.”
The messages turned nastier as Heard and Depp had been unable to work anything out and were headed towards a full-scale war. There were also allegations that Heard felt Depp had violated the restraining order with their meetup in San Francisco.
”Man ... Her attorneys are telling mine, that I am calling and harassing her by phone!!! Is that them, or is that her???!" Depp messaged his agent.
”He continued, "First, I'm apparently stalling the divorce...And now harassing her??? She'd better put a couple of ball gags in her f---in' lawyers mouths and tighten them up.. She doesn't want to work anything out...Her lawyers want to settle because they would die 1,000 deaths in court...So she wants me all softened up to settle up nice...That's what this looks like!!!”
Depp was confused about Heard agreeing to the secret meeting in the first place, asking Carino, “Why did she come to Frisco??"
Carino tried to console Depp by reminding him that Heard wanted to see him and even traveled to see Depp while the restraining order was in place.
”The fact that she asked to see you and traveled to see you has to be problematic,” Carino wrote to Depp.
Depp responded with a fury of messages, as the star was irate over Heard raising issues with the San Francisco meetup, and Depp compared his ex to the late Anna Nichole Smith.
"Also, apparently, she filed papers to say that i have broken the restraining order by texting, speaking to her, seeing her in San Francisco...with all the bullshit i'm going through with this??? send me to county for breaking the restraining order...some of which, as you can guess, that she was more than complicit with!!! i couldn't give a f***in' fat rat's ass!! as she wants her name cleared, which can no longer happen in terms of the public's opinion and more than likely the people who run her profession, a product of choice by the public's eye, she's no f***in' better than anna nicole smith!!! her trip to San Fran was a ruse to clear her reputation...and i fell for it, yet another lie...tell me im wrong!!! she's never brought up the notion of clearing my name as a f***ing wife-beating c***?? she don't want me F***in' mad...i've tried d to get her away from her monkey ass lawyers!!! sorry for the rant, but...i am flabbergasted by the truth she gives me and the truth she actually applies when it's time to save herself from being caught in a legal fib...yeah, man...she really loved me the other day."
In a last-ditch effort, Carino tried to help the ex-couple come up with a joint statement to address all the drama, assuming they could settle the divorce amicably. It didn’t quite go as planned, as stories started to leak in the press about the meltdown going on between the two, and Heard accused Depp of leaking the stories in her part of the statement. He responded accordingly:
"She filed the papers from the so-called 'deposition' ...Perhaps she was asked and she said what she experienced as far as the deposition!!! However, her attorneys have been in an exchange program with the f---ing NYC Post [sic] to drop their little tidbits of crippled truth every single goddam day!! Why is it wrong that my attorney may just be following the other lawyers example, if she actually spoke to anyone!!! we can settle this, then let's DO IT!!! Let's not forget who has been accused and portrayed, daily and continually as an uncontrollably violent savage abuser of women. She told the f---ing press that I'm drunk, a drug addict and cocaine head!!! How's about she starts thinking about that, because this statement makes me out as if I admitted to her false claims. This statement cannot be released!!!"
Even though he was extremely upset, Depp made it clear he wanted to put things behind him and move forward. However, he refused to settle with Heard on adding any validity to her accusations, which he continued to deem complete B.S.
“I want this done with as much as her!!! What can I do??? Admit something that never happened!??? And just swallow a f***ing "flat out lie" to save her ass??? Again, I've said nothing!!! She, Horseface Jodie and these s***eating c*** breathed "lawyers" have a constant fee to far more than just exclusively to the NY POST...They've fed People, Us Weekly, and the list goes on...!!! She needs to be reasonable...I ain't carrying an underserved "wife beater" charge on my back for her,” Depp wrote.
The star was hoping Carino would be able to plead his case to Heard, and pleaded for him to get Heard to focus on a “solution.”
”Please ask her to focus on the solution RIGHT NOW...Not the problem or the past!!! My brother...I'll be honest with you...I am actually fearful for her...As the clock ticks, if there is not a proper solution agreed to by the end of tonight, then we have arrived at the weekend, meaning it's Court beginning next week...It'll be a s***storm!!! There is no way to fathom the gravity of what she (and I) will suffer. An agony that we will carry on our backs forever...These lawyers are just sucking us dry!!! Speak to her. If she wants to attempt a reasonable and sustainable civility with me...If not...Just let me know, man."
In the end, Depp and Heard were able to settle their divorce for $7 million, with the caveat that the money was donated to charity. It was eventually donated to the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
Mike Walters
Mar 9, 2020 at 5:03 am UTC / Last Updated at Mar 9, 2020 at 16:24 pm UTC
Johnny Depp has adamantly denied abusing Amber Heard during their troubled marriage, and new text messages between a mutual talent agent of the former couple appears to show the “Pirates of the Caribbean” star drawing a line in the sand about giving any credence to Heard’s allegations during their divorce, which he deemed a “flat out lie.”
According to the shocking text messages, obtained by The Blast, Depp and Heard were both confiding in CAA talent agent, Christian Carino, following the blowout argument that ended their marriage back in May, 2016.
Carino’s name may sound familiar, as he was the longtime boyfriend and ex-fiancé of Lady Gaga.
Starting in July, just weeks after the split, Carino assisted the estranged couple in setting up a secret meeting in San Francisco where they could sit down and hash things out face-to-face.
Tensions were high between the two stars, as it had been just weeks earlier when Amber accused Johnny of hurling a cell phone at her face, followed by obtaining a restraining order and filing for divorce.
Amber and Johnny went through with the meeting in San Francisco and then immediately began corresponding with Carino about their feelings about the encounter and each other.
"It feels like a dream and a nightmare all in one, it was difficult to not die when our eyes met. i have no choice but to dive into those pools of green. they represent every millisecond of what we had. i miss her. i love her. i always will. as will she. there were some difficult things to swallow...but, one either swallows or chokes.”
Depp felt antagonized by Heard, confiding in Carino, “She's poking at me to try and make me miserable...Textbook Narcissistic patterns. Why did she come to San Francisco??? No more games!!! She just wants her name cleared...She ain't being understanding, she's being stubborn, or she don't wanna talk to me...F--- This!!!”
The ”Pirates of the Caribbean” star said he had spoken with Heard about their future, writing:
"I don't know what to say...Apparently, she wants to go ahead with the divorce and then attempt a reconciliation...I need to think, man..."
He added, "What I wanted was a fresh start with my wife. which, i thought was what she wanted. she should do what she really feels...if her priorities are not us, then i will proceed and do what i have to do. i dangle no more."
Heard also shared her thoughts with Carino via text message, which were eventually shared with Depp. The “Aquaman” star explained the inner pain she was experiencing during the drama:
"I'm afraid I am setting myself up to fall back in again. It was so hard to leave him. I've been through too much. And I see no future in this. And every time I see him it's like my chest is ripped open and every piece of my soul is ground down to a pulp. Since seeing him in San Francisco, I have been a complete mess. I literally have been sobbing all day and night.”
The messages turned nastier as Heard and Depp had been unable to work anything out and were headed towards a full-scale war. There were also allegations that Heard felt Depp had violated the restraining order with their meetup in San Francisco.
”Man ... Her attorneys are telling mine, that I am calling and harassing her by phone!!! Is that them, or is that her???!" Depp messaged his agent.
”He continued, "First, I'm apparently stalling the divorce...And now harassing her??? She'd better put a couple of ball gags in her f---in' lawyers mouths and tighten them up.. She doesn't want to work anything out...Her lawyers want to settle because they would die 1,000 deaths in court...So she wants me all softened up to settle up nice...That's what this looks like!!!”
Depp was confused about Heard agreeing to the secret meeting in the first place, asking Carino, “Why did she come to Frisco??"
Carino tried to console Depp by reminding him that Heard wanted to see him and even traveled to see Depp while the restraining order was in place.
”The fact that she asked to see you and traveled to see you has to be problematic,” Carino wrote to Depp.
Depp responded with a fury of messages, as the star was irate over Heard raising issues with the San Francisco meetup, and Depp compared his ex to the late Anna Nichole Smith.
"Also, apparently, she filed papers to say that i have broken the restraining order by texting, speaking to her, seeing her in San Francisco...with all the bullshit i'm going through with this??? send me to county for breaking the restraining order...some of which, as you can guess, that she was more than complicit with!!! i couldn't give a f***in' fat rat's ass!! as she wants her name cleared, which can no longer happen in terms of the public's opinion and more than likely the people who run her profession, a product of choice by the public's eye, she's no f***in' better than anna nicole smith!!! her trip to San Fran was a ruse to clear her reputation...and i fell for it, yet another lie...tell me im wrong!!! she's never brought up the notion of clearing my name as a f***ing wife-beating c***?? she don't want me F***in' mad...i've tried d to get her away from her monkey ass lawyers!!! sorry for the rant, but...i am flabbergasted by the truth she gives me and the truth she actually applies when it's time to save herself from being caught in a legal fib...yeah, man...she really loved me the other day."
In a last-ditch effort, Carino tried to help the ex-couple come up with a joint statement to address all the drama, assuming they could settle the divorce amicably. It didn’t quite go as planned, as stories started to leak in the press about the meltdown going on between the two, and Heard accused Depp of leaking the stories in her part of the statement. He responded accordingly:
"She filed the papers from the so-called 'deposition' ...Perhaps she was asked and she said what she experienced as far as the deposition!!! However, her attorneys have been in an exchange program with the f---ing NYC Post [sic] to drop their little tidbits of crippled truth every single goddam day!! Why is it wrong that my attorney may just be following the other lawyers example, if she actually spoke to anyone!!! we can settle this, then let's DO IT!!! Let's not forget who has been accused and portrayed, daily and continually as an uncontrollably violent savage abuser of women. She told the f---ing press that I'm drunk, a drug addict and cocaine head!!! How's about she starts thinking about that, because this statement makes me out as if I admitted to her false claims. This statement cannot be released!!!"
Even though he was extremely upset, Depp made it clear he wanted to put things behind him and move forward. However, he refused to settle with Heard on adding any validity to her accusations, which he continued to deem complete B.S.
“I want this done with as much as her!!! What can I do??? Admit something that never happened!??? And just swallow a f***ing "flat out lie" to save her ass??? Again, I've said nothing!!! She, Horseface Jodie and these s***eating c*** breathed "lawyers" have a constant fee to far more than just exclusively to the NY POST...They've fed People, Us Weekly, and the list goes on...!!! She needs to be reasonable...I ain't carrying an underserved "wife beater" charge on my back for her,” Depp wrote.
The star was hoping Carino would be able to plead his case to Heard, and pleaded for him to get Heard to focus on a “solution.”
”Please ask her to focus on the solution RIGHT NOW...Not the problem or the past!!! My brother...I'll be honest with you...I am actually fearful for her...As the clock ticks, if there is not a proper solution agreed to by the end of tonight, then we have arrived at the weekend, meaning it's Court beginning next week...It'll be a s***storm!!! There is no way to fathom the gravity of what she (and I) will suffer. An agony that we will carry on our backs forever...These lawyers are just sucking us dry!!! Speak to her. If she wants to attempt a reasonable and sustainable civility with me...If not...Just let me know, man."
In the end, Depp and Heard were able to settle their divorce for $7 million, with the caveat that the money was donated to charity. It was eventually donated to the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
No the Sun QC said not to bother with the second police officer - so that's how well the first one went for them.
How do you read this?
Ms Wass said: 'It's a message about the Warner Brothers film she did, Aquaman, and there was going to be a sequel Aquaman that was originally going to have Ms Heard in it.
'And after this... a petition was formed which attracted, I think, 400,000 signatures that she should be removed.'
Maybe she means Justice League then Aquaman.
How do you read this?
Ms Wass said: 'It's a message about the Warner Brothers film she did, Aquaman, and there was going to be a sequel Aquaman that was originally going to have Ms Heard in it.
'And after this... a petition was formed which attracted, I think, 400,000 signatures that she should be removed.'
Maybe she means Justice League then Aquaman.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
It's about cutting and the awful mental state she had put him in.
“Growing old is unavoidable, but never growing up is possible."
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Everything in this room is eatable. Even I'm eatable. But that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies
- Willy Wonka
- Willy Wonka
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I don't like The Sun's lawyer, Wass She is rude and disrespectful. I have been around attorneys for a long time. I have also watched videos of them in court and never in my life have I seen a lawyer act like she does towards a witness.
“Growing old is unavoidable, but never growing up is possible."
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Unpleasant newspaper, unpleasant lawyer, they go hand in glove. The Sun is lucky to still be going after it's appalling behaviour after the Hillsborough tragedy, nothing will give me greater pleasure than seeing them with egg on the faces? You go, Johnny.
Nice to see the support he's getting on twitter!
Nice to see the support he's getting on twitter!
Last edited by hollyberry on Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.