The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Wed Feb 26, 2020 3:28 pm

I can’t keep up

Even in this action, further allegations have been made against Mr Depp by a series of amendments (to the case) on the basis presumably of Ms Heard’s evidence, including new incidents which have never been alleged before.

“It is a very important function therefore of this libel trial that these allegations are tested, and either proved or disproved so that the truth or falsity of them is clearly established.

“This is a hugely significant factor for Mr Depp, namely to achieve vindication for these widely publicised allegations at an equally public trial.”

The libel claim, against News Group Newspapers and Mr Wootton, arises out of publication of an article in The Sun in April 2018 under the headline “Gone Potty How can JK Rowling be ‘genuinely happy’ casting wife-beater Johnny Depp in the new Fantastic Beasts film?” ... wyers-say/

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Wed Feb 26, 2020 3:31 pm

The court was told he stopped using law firm Brown Rudnick on February 11 and is now represented by Schillings.
I don’t know if this is just the England office. But Ben Chew is with Brown...

They made the error on the texts? Hope not running out of money. ... urt-hears/

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Wed Feb 26, 2020 4:41 pm

Ok I can give some insight into the lawyers but not why they have changed.

Schillings are attack dogs. No other way to describe them. They are the go to for celebrities in UK on privacy and libel issues. They were getting a slightly questionable reputation over their use of super injunctions but they’ve become very favoured again since Harry and Meghan hired them. Lots of Johnnys friends including Elton John will have used them.

The texts are jolting and awful but I suspect if you went through 70 thousand texts from anyone there would be some embarrassing moments. As JDs barrister said they had all of them and that’s all they found. I simply don’t understand the use of one text because as I read it it says that he is too wasted to hurt the one he loves or something like that.

Also more contradiction from AH. I thought the first 12 months were blissful and they were in love. These are from 2013.

Someone said on here and apologies I cannot remember who -we are in for a rough ride between now and the trial because the other side will throw out every piece of bile and trash they have. We saw it with the financial advisers and lawyers and we will see it again. So brace ourselves. And we need to remember he isn’t fighting to show he was a perfect husband and that he never made rude or inappropriate remarks to or about her. His case rests on whether he was violent. She clearly stated that she was terrified of him and only ever hit him once in self defence. Keep holding onto that thought.

One final thing. Anyone else find the reporting of her witnesses a bit casual. He has 17 witnesses turning up. She has a bunch of friends coming over. I am probably reading too much into this but this still had a feeling of who is going to blink first. Does anyone know if it’s true that The Sun have tried to settle. Because today had a bit of the drama of each side trying to get the best deal. I firmly believe Johnny will only settle for an apology from The Sun.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Wed Feb 26, 2020 5:09 pm

Ooh ladies ladies ladies I knew there was something about that text which I mentioned did not make sense for Ambers side to quote. Very important read what Adam Waldman said about today. Sorry to do this to you but Page Six article is actually quoting him sorry I’m not on my laptop and my cut n paste skills are too useless. So he sent the first text which is horrible immediately followed by the second which does in context read he could never hurt her.

I was literally scouring around for Adam to have said something I knew he wouldn’t let it pass. Found it.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Wed Feb 26, 2020 5:11 pm

I also agree with what I just read on Twitter: that it's pretty telling, that Amber wants her testimony to be private, but Johnny wants everything to be out in the open, which means that he knows this doesn't prove abuse.
And nothing else does either.

Johnny also exaggerates, I think. He has said in interviews, that he would eat anybody who harmed his family. Who would take that seriously? So I don't think this should be seen as a seriously meant action plan, either.
Except to show he was exasperated, angry and probably also scared ...

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Wed Feb 26, 2020 5:11 pm

Lbock wrote:
Wed Feb 26, 2020 2:03 pm
The texts were revealed in court after previous lawyers for Depp had accidentally shared 70,000 messages from and to the actor with the newspaper’s legal team – by mistake
Any lawyers who “accidentally” made that “mistake” should definitely be referred to as “previous”. But which “previous” lawyers are being referenced here?

Thought Johnny had some “Queen’s Council” barrister representing him in the Sun case? Very confused - and worried - right now as to who is representing Johnny for which case.

Just one more mention: After reading Johnny’s text and taking a deep breath, I hate to admit it but I actually broke out in laughter. In truth, I was actually glad to finally read some thing that showed genuine human cynicism and anger on his part. But this was so early in their relationship! What could have happened so soon? And how on earth did they ever, ever get married. Johnny, “... somehow I married her ...”.

I don’t believe for a second he was EVER physically abusive to AH.

Oh - just saw your post, AdeleAgain. Thanks sooo much for the attorney situation. Does that mean Brown, Rudnick is still representing him in the States?
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Newt » Wed Feb 26, 2020 5:19 pm

It’s pretty telling that that’s ALL they could find out of 70 THOUSAND texts. Pathetic how some will use this to try to prove something. I did find it hilarious too, there’s something about the text that reads to me like two buddies goofing around and Johnny venting, possibly drunk.

The reality is that in 70 K texts, that’s all they could find, not one admission of him hitting her, nothing, he even says he could never hurt her.

I do want it to be over and I hope some don’t get swayed by a sensationalistic text like this one. How many times do people vent internally by cursing people close to them or others while angry? Anyway, nothing here.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Wed Feb 26, 2020 5:32 pm

Ok more good stuff coming out. Read the ET Canada article. Waldman has just said that Amber’s personal assistant presumably Kate has agreed to testify and someone who is a real me too victim who was used or misused as a source by Dan Wootton is testifying against The Sun.

This is what the situation is with the lawyers. We have an odd system. In the higher level courts barristers represent their clients not solicitors. So you’d never get an equivalent of Adam Waldman say arguing at the high court. Johnny solicitors ie Schillings appoint the barrister and they will have done so in consultation with Adam Waldman. I expect the barrister was already chosen and they’ve probably kept the same one.

QC stands for Queens Counsel and is a sign of seniority. So Johnny barrister is the guy who spoke in court. Cannot recall his name now but very good reputation done loads of these cases. Brown Rudnick are good in London but to be honest Schilling are probably better suited to this at this point where the gloves are off. I suspect Johnny might not personally like them but they are so tough and he is fighting against such a nasty opponent this is the wise choice. They are also very used to coming into cases very last minute. I went to a presentation with their senior partner once and he described how they switch into gear overnight for clients. Brown R are superb in the US though.

This isn’t going to be pretty. She

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:01 pm

Thank you AdeleAgain I don’t think anyone is settling. Page Six update with Adam statement

Depp’s lawyer Adam Waldman said, “What does the Sun do to keep Amber Heard’s hoax alive? [Wednesday] in court we learned the answer — cherry-picking a fragment of a single frustrated text message to a friend sent out of 500 gigabytes of text and email messages provided.

“Inconveniently for the Sun, here is what Mr. Depp actually said next in his text – that he could never harm Amber: ‘I am admittedly too f–ked in the head to spray my rage at the one I love’.”

The full hearing is due to start on March 23. Depp is also suing Heard for libel in the United States.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:05 pm

Lbock wrote:
Wed Feb 26, 2020 3:31 pm

The court was told he stopped using law firm Brown Rudnick on February 11 and is now represented by Schillings.
I don’t know if this is just the England office. But Ben Chew is with Brown...

They made the error on the texts? Hope not running out of money. ... urt-hears/
justintime looks like this firm screwed up

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:18 pm

What a day, on to California. Ah removed her request to compel TMG.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:39 pm

Thanks Lbock well things have certainly moved on today.

One more thought to throw in. I made the mistake of looking at one of AH’s fan’s twitters which of course I shouldn’t. They are of course seizing on the text under discussion saying it was a plot to kill and rape her. I’ve been thinking about the idiotic things we all say in extreme distress and for some reason started thinking about Overhaulin. Didn’t AH say “I’ll bleep kill him” about someone involved. Did anyone think this was a plot to actually kill the guy? Even after everything we now know no one is saying ‘oh she planned to kill someone’

This is irrelevant I know but I am sitting at home alone this evening thinking too much.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:26 pm

Thank you, AdeleAgain , for your information about Johnny's UK lawyers. I'm all for bringing in the attack dogs of the legal field.

Like justintime pointed out, I also remember that Johnny had secured one of the Queens Council barristers.
This is what I have in my notes about him:

Johnny's attorney James Price QC (for non-Brits like me, apparently QC
means Queens Counsel = senior lawyers of outstanding ability):
"James Price QC is noted for his depth of knowledge in the defamation area.
He has been involved in a wide array of cases over the years,
including Reynolds v Times Newspapers and Max Mosley v News Group Newspapers.
Instructing solicitors said of him: 'He’s seen it all over the years.
He’s just a very articulate, straightforward advocate who is a wonderfully rational thinker.'
James Price QC is 'particularly adept in cases requiring creative and lateral thinking.
'A first-rate choice for jury trials, thanks to 'the style and panache that he brings.'..
Price is ‘composed and cool under pressure, and doesn’t fail to deliver‘; he is ‘a genuine powerhouse,
entirely without pretension, or histrionics.‘"

I certainly hope Mr. Pryce is still representing Johnny.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Lbock » Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:45 pm

Oh, I googled him...

James Price QC retires
July 25, 2019

Desmond Browne paid tribute to James’s great contribution over the years to building up 5RB to its present strength: “Right to the end of his time, James has been instructed in some of the leading media law cases of the day both here and in the Far East. The announcement of his decision to retire was a very sad moment, but perhaps we should not have been surprised. James, as always, was as good as his word, When chosen as The Times’ Lawyer of the Week a decade ago, he predicted that in ten years’ time, he would be on his terrace in Corfu. It should go without saying that he will be very much missed by his many clients and by his colleagues and staff at 5RB.”

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Joni » Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:47 pm

 ! Message from: Joni
Please note there is a Zone guideline asking everyone to post using proper capitalization. As I have had to edit many posts in the last weeks (as things heat up in this thread), I ask that posters please do so!

Note, I am not singling any one member out, there are a handful that I am speaking to. This is not an egregious violation of Zone guidelines, but it would make my work here much easier if people comply!
