The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by PaulKemp » Wed Aug 14, 2019 4:14 pm

As I am not familiar with law in USA it sounds strange she could get this gag order. The oped she wrote was published to the public. This made the defamation public, therefore the lawsuit should be public. If not Johnny does not get his name exhonerated publicly and that is what this lawsuit is about imo.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Wed Aug 14, 2019 4:27 pm

Chocolat wrote:Thanks for the links, PaulKemp. The last motion is essentially a gag order. Is there no limit to her audacity?
My guess is that she's running scared at what Adam Waldman has ready to release to the media and since her lawyer failed at getting the case moved and dismissed, this is an attempt to stop any future witness testimony or damaging evidence against her going public. Oh, heaven forbid her sparking reputation be tainted.
You hit the nail on the head, Chocolat. It also proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that every horrifying photo of abuse Johnny suffered, released to date, is absolutely true.

Now would be the perfect time for Warner Bros and CBS to alleviate all her concerns and release her from all high profile acting obligations they may have with her. She is a snake.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Wed Aug 14, 2019 4:44 pm

justintime wrote:
Chocolat wrote:Thanks for the links, PaulKemp. The last motion is essentially a gag order. Is there no limit to her audacity?
My guess is that she's running scared at what Adam Waldman has ready to release to the media and since her lawyer failed at getting the case moved and dismissed, this is an attempt to stop any future witness testimony or damaging evidence against her going public. Oh, heaven forbid her sparking reputation be tainted.
You hit the nail on the head, Chocolat. It also proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that every horrifying photo of abuse Johnny suffered, released to date, is absolutely true.

:agreesign: justintime, 100%. This is a prime example of what she won't say or doesn't want revealed, that is the truth.
Adam Waldman has given her every opportunity to speak out...not silencing her, as she so claims to have been in the past. Yet, have we heard from her or any witness on her behalf? No. I can only imagine the chaos going on over at Heard camp.
For every witness, photo and video Johnny's side releases, her side has to come up with proof that it never happened that way. But they can't. So they shoot for a gag order. Suppress the truth while they get their ducks in a row.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Larkwoodgirl » Wed Aug 14, 2019 8:38 pm

Chocolat wrote:
justintime wrote:
Chocolat wrote:Thanks for the links, PaulKemp. The last motion is essentially a gag order. Is there no limit to her audacity?
My guess is that she's running scared at what Adam Waldman has ready to release to the media and since her lawyer failed at getting the case moved and dismissed, this is an attempt to stop any future witness testimony or damaging evidence against her going public. Oh, heaven forbid her sparking reputation be tainted.
You hit the nail on the head, Chocolat. It also proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that every horrifying photo of abuse Johnny suffered, released to date, is absolutely true.

:agreesign: justintime, 100%. This is a prime example of what she won't say or doesn't want revealed, that is the truth.
Adam Waldman has given her every opportunity to speak out...not silencing her, as she so claims to have been in the past. Yet, have we heard from her or any witness on her behalf? No. I can only imagine the chaos going on over at Heard camp.
For every witness, photo and video Johnny's side releases, her side has to come up with proof that it never happened that way. But they can't. So they shoot for a gag order. Suppress the truth while they get their ducks in a row.
It is too late to suppress the truth. It's already out there. Waldman has done a masterful job making his case in the court filings that are public record. At this point, the best AH can hope for is a settlement where the terms and outcome are sealed. I hope Johnny won't go for anything less than a full public admission that she lied and substantial monetary damages.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Ruby Begonia » Wed Aug 14, 2019 9:35 pm

A recent accidental search of her name brought up several links to speakers bureaus. Speaking (or, in her case, lying) must be her main source of income now. Recent backlash against her due to Johnny's revelations may be slowing that little gravy train. That's one reason for the protective order.

Another possible reason: Her sleazy "friends" and benefactors (Franco, Musk and whoever else "rode the elevator") were probably very unhappy to see themselves publicly implicated in her shady activities or fear they will be implicated soon and/or in more embarassing detail.

And, while the stories we've read about her behavior have been sickening enough (lit cigarettes are a device of torture), the ones to come must be bad enough for her to fear getting dropped from Aquaman, The Stand and any other "acting" gigs outside of porn.

I agree that her likely plan is to silence the few outlets that have been reporting Johnny's side while trying to settle quietly behind the scenes. I don't think Johnny will settle because that would only save him legal fees, not help his reputation or career. Really, they've thrown the entire jar of dirt at him. His only place to go is up, and it appears he wants to climb back up that ladder.

"The Plaintiff and the Defendant...are both actors in major motion pictures, garnering a significant amount of public attention...." Imagine how she gets off on those words: like a pig in sh-t! As someone above posted, the sheer AUDACITY that she positions her dull cardboard posing on the same acting plane as a man with a 35-year, award-winning career. Even though her lawyers wrote it, the whole thing reeks of her arrogance.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Wed Aug 14, 2019 11:09 pm

Without a doubt she's feeding her lawyers on what she wants and what to say. (I can hear "I Want it NOW" playing in my head) How they're tolerating her tirades is beyond me. It's easy to understand now just how many legal teams she's gone through from 2016. I certainly hope her attorney fees are going up significantly for all that she's putting them through when they have so little to work with.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Quin55 » Wed Aug 14, 2019 11:44 pm

The legal team will only profit greatly if she wins, and they must see that her case is ridiculous, and move on. She doesn't deserve to get anything else that she wants. Those days are over! And now, the only thing she has to cling to are her lies. Pathetic. (Can't her friends at the ACLU send her to a war zone or something? She could make one of her lie-filled speeches on the edge of a steep cliff on a windy day? Maybe someone will do us a favor and drop her off in the deep outback of Australia? I just can't stand her...! But I appreciate the documents and the posts, thanks.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Ruby Begonia » Thu Aug 15, 2019 12:32 am

Chocolat wrote:Without a doubt she's feeding her lawyers on what she wants and what to say. (I can hear "I Want it NOW" playing in my head) How they're tolerating her tirades is beyond me. It's easy to understand now just how many legal teams she's gone through from 2016. I certainly hope her attorney fees are going up significantly for all that she's putting them through when they have so little to work with.
In the "transcript of hearing" link Paul Kemp kindly posted above, the judge mentions several times that he expects the case to be "sent up" (appealed) to the Virginia Supreme Court by whichever side loses. I don't think JD will lose. Could Scamber afford the appeal her delusional, stubborn self would want? Probably not, and I doubt any benefactor would fund her if she loses at trial.

Also, if evidence revealed in the Sun and the Virginia cases prove that she purposely tried to hurt box office for Alice 2 and Crimes of Grindelwald, that would definitely blacklist her from Disney and Warner Bros. And if it's revealed in court that she lied to immigration about her assistant's status, would that trigger an ICE investigation of her (ironic considering her racist ICE tweet)? I think she admitted to some degree of fudging documents in the Australia dog fiasco, so I think that's over (massive legal fees Johnny no doubt paid to keep her from 10-yr Aussie jail sentence).

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Thu Aug 15, 2019 2:04 am

If we are aware of this Motion for Entry of a Protective Order, then we can be assured the “news” and tabloid media are in the loop as well, tossing around how to spin this request in the witch’s favor no matter how outrageous their suggestions might be. And we can be certain there won’t be a single, unencumbered interpretation in Johnny’s favor. So far, dead, cowardly silence.

Ruby Begonia’s comment has it right, especially the last two paragraphs:
Ruby Begonia wrote: ..... her likely plan is to silence the few outlets that have been reporting Johnny's side while trying to settle quietly behind the scenes. I don't think Johnny will settle because that would only save him legal fees, not help his reputation or career. Really, they've thrown the entire jar of dirt at him. His only place to go is up, and it appears he wants to climb back up that ladder.

"The Plaintiff and the Defendant...are both actors in major motion pictures, garnering a significant amount of public attention...." Imagine how she gets off on those words: like a pig in sh-t! As someone above posted, the sheer AUDACITY that she positions her dull cardboard posing on the same acting plane as a man with a 35-year, award-winning career. Even though her lawyers wrote it, the whole thing reeks of her arrogance.
After all the years of hell her hideous lies and violent actions have put Johnny (and his children) through, she deserves not even a passing thought of consideration - none. We have only to read the Motion itself - it’s self-serving plea is riddled with conceit and threats of interminable delays but, ironically, not a scintilla of unbiased justification for actually granting the requested “protective order”.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Thu Aug 15, 2019 8:03 am

I am absolutely an amateur, when it comes to court cases, and being a foreigner knows next to nothing about American law, but I think, seen from the point of the layperson, I am, that Ms Heard is hurting herself by this "Motion for Entry of a Protective Order"
1) I presume, that she can't drag this court case out indefinitely - at one point her financial backers will probably say "Enough is enough! Get this over and done with"
2) If she has such great evidence of Johnny being abusive, then I would think, she should be eager to get it out there for all to see ...
Johnny has not hidden anything. Not even things some may mock him for - some men would still ask why he meekly accepted getting hit by a bi... - broad, for instance. But he has decided rightly, that honesty is the best policy.
AH seems to have decided the opposite now she's not just talking to friendly tabloid journalists.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Tara » Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:30 am

I need to get this straight in my head. Is Amber saying she won’t respond to questions, nor provide evidence she may have against him asked unless her response is protected or is she saying she won’t respond unless a protective order is placed to prevent the public seeing any further proof of her abuse against him?
Has Stephen given any evidence at all? I haven’t read anything from him other than to deny sending the text messages to her.

I understand it may sound as though I’m doubting him, I’m not, I’m just perplexed.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by RumLover » Fri Aug 16, 2019 4:45 am

Tara wrote:I need to get this straight in my head. Is Amber saying she won’t respond to questions, nor provide evidence she may have against him asked unless her response is protected or is she saying she won’t respond unless a protective order is placed to prevent the public seeing any further proof of her abuse against him?
Has Stephen given any evidence at all? I haven’t read anything from him other than to deny sending the text messages to her.

I understand it may sound as though I’m doubting him, I’m not, I’m just perplexed.
You can read the request here ... -order.pdf . It is only 2 pages and claims confidential information, including contact information, about the parties should not be generally available to the public. You will probably still be perplexed.

Personally, I am more concerned about witnesses' personal information. Depp and Heard have experience of having their names in public. The building staff, maids, nurses etc are not public figures.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Fri Aug 16, 2019 7:36 am

It sounds to me (see paragraph 5) like they're still negotiating about that. So maybe it is something Johnny can agree to. Like you said, RumLover, the witnesses on both sides (if Amber has any ...) should be protected against tabloid journos, paparazzis and rabid fans as much as possible.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Fri Aug 16, 2019 2:49 pm

I agree with RumLover here:
RumLover wrote: “. . . .Personally, I am more concerned about witnesses' personal information. Depp and Heard have experience of having their names in public. The building staff, maids, nurses etc are not public figures.”
However, I don’t think for a moment those are the people whose interests AH has in mind.

I found the following comments from Laura Bockov on Twitter to be very much on point:

I also believe AH is trying to spin this as her having concern for hers and Johnny’s (!) privacy while also slyly leaving the thought train open to wander in the direction of her possibly having some devastating evidence against Johnny not yet revealed (yeah, right, as if she’d have held off this long without selling it off to the media barracudas . . . ).
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Sat Aug 17, 2019 12:36 pm

meeps wrote:It sounds to me (see paragraph 5) like they're still negotiating about that. So maybe it is something Johnny can agree to. Like you said, RumLover, the witnesses on both sides (if Amber has any ...) should be protected against tabloid journos, paparazzis and rabid fans as much as possible.

There is a way of protecting the personal information of the witnesses. Any personal information other than the persons name is blacked out. The term for it is redact and it is done by the courts. Amber Heard is playing games with the court system.