The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:55 pm

I'm curious about what the sister, Whitney, has to say. What is her version of the story and why wasn't she capable of moving away from Johnny that Heard had to step in the defend her sister? The way she described the scenario on the video clip highlights her bad over acting.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:26 pm

I agree. I am also curious about Waldman saying that she refused to answer if she ever abused Whitney. She says that she defended her sister but she can't defend herself? :perplexed2: Oh...that's right, she admitted to hitting him only when she had to defend herself but then said she only hit him the one time for Whitney. She's screwed.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by nebraska » Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:45 pm

Has anyone else noticed the conspicuous absence of Amber's father? From the very beginning I have not seen one single comment from him in defense of his daughter or against his "monster" son-in-law.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Tara » Sun Apr 14, 2019 2:43 am

Jumping in again; I did notice her parent absence.

This latest filing disturbs me greatly, not so much for what is false, but for what is already known to be true.
Now, I'm probably going to be lynched here for saying this, but it cannot be denied that throughout most of their marriage Johnny was drunk and/or high on drugs. It was noticed at premieres, in interviews etc. His heath deteriorated, he's known to be an insomniac and have a destructive temper - and no, I am not saying that means he hit her. I am worried sick that no matter how much evidence Johnny produces to prove she was abusive to him, it will not clear his name. What really needs to be done is prove beyond doubt that the evidence she produced has been fabricated.
Again, it is likely, since she named them, that Dr K, Charlie (whoever that is) and his carer Debbie will also be called to testify to Johnny's state of mind - considering she states these episodes of violence only happened when he was under the influence of drugs and unaware of what he was doing, it is another tick in her box, She also claims that other people have seen her injuries, but won't come forward because they are afraid of the rebuff from Hollywood - that too I can believe. Surely these people will have to be subpoenaed? WB have started to make noises about dropping Johnny from FB2, it's only JKR keeping him there, but for how long? If the HP franchise starts to suffer will she continue to stand by or simply re-cast?
I can only see this ending in a battle of he said she said, with the outcome being that was violence on both sides. She'll continue to rise and he fall.

I feel so sick!

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Sun Apr 14, 2019 5:13 am

I can agree with you, that Johnny was often seen as drunk during their marriage, Tara. But ...
As far as I know, he has a reputation for being a friendly, albeit befuddled drunk instead of a belligerent one. If he really had a tendency to get into a rage, which he couldn't remember afterwards, wouldn't he have attacked others beside Amber and maybe her sister?
Paparazzis, for instance. And I don't mean hitting their fingers with a short, thick plank, as he did many years ago. I mean really trying to seriously harm them by for example aiming at their heads ...
But despite all that has been written about Johnny slurring his words, when he was supposed to give a speech and so on, nobody have talked of any attacks. Again as far as I know. And considering how anti-Johnny the tabloids have been since he and Vanessa stopped being a couple, I am sure, that if the publications could have written about it, they would have done so gleefully - or spitefully.
I also can't help thinking, that Jerry for one wouldn't have stayed with our boy for so long, if he had had to constantly "peel" Johnny off other people, he had attacked.
The subpoenas make me nervous though. Not for the people you mentioned, but because of Elon Musk, his temper and his deep pockets ...
But as I have said before; I am probably an old worrywart :biggrin:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Tara » Sun Apr 14, 2019 6:01 am

Thanks, meeps. I do agree with you, the only person claiming Johnny ever acted violently towards them is scAmber (and that idiot Rocky) and no, not even our Jerry could have protected Johnny from being hauled off to court that were the case. But my point is, if the doctors etc come out and say that he was being treated for abuse and he was as volatile as claimed in their 'messages' that only adds credence to her claim. There has yet to be anything released from Johnny's side that refutes that. It would stand to reason that if she's proven to be telling the truth there, then people are also going to believe she could be telling the truth about incidents occurring behind closed doors.

I know there are more holes in her story than a seive. Whitney for one, if you have a violent partner, why in Gods name would you ask your little sister (who you are incredibly protective over) to put herself him harms way and help deal with him when his own team can't. it's completely ilogical. But I'm not the one who needs convincing, It's a jury. And to clear his name the verdict would have to be beyond reasonable doubt.

Musk is a concern. He is cut from the same cloth as her - the way her gunned for that diver in Thailand for one, and I would prefer it he were kept at a distance, but I guess its another way to prove she is a liar. It's a mess.

Oh, and I don't like the fact she's included comments to IO on Twitter as evidence, yes, she can say it was IO's comment she was referring to, but the names on the responding tweets should have been covered in my view.

Guess you're not the only worry wart! :biggrin:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Newt » Sun Apr 14, 2019 6:24 am

Musk strikes me as a good guy though (well, aside from the fact he potentially was with Heard while she was with Johnny), I doubt there's anything to worry about there, plus, things ended pretty quickly between him and the viper, right?

I think that Heard is such a liar, which has been proven through so many elements that we are aware of, that anything she says no longer has any credibility whatsoever. I mean, look on Twitter guys, I'm not seeing a lot of people defending her. I'm biased but Heard just LOOKS evil, she just has that look, a viper, collecting trophies and partners, probably seducing them at first, getting them hooked and then bam, she strikes and messes with your head. I wouldn't be surprised if Johnny truly loved her and was hanging on by a thread, being manipulated, mistreated, but still sticking around. I'm glad he got out.

Once again, I doubt there's any truth to the WB thing, him being in TCOG didn't hurt it in any way, what hurt the film were mixed reviews and the more polarizing elements to it (I LOVE the film though), WOM was of course, not nearly as good as FBAWTFT in several key markets (domestic, China, South Korea, well received in England but dropped significantly), and that caused the drop, not to mention that Chamber Of Secrets dropped similarly from The Philosopher's Stone, and many second chapters in franchises have dropped from the first film, it's natural.

Jo and Yates, and Heyman probably, have stuck and are sticking by him, nothing will come of it. I'm sure WB is concerned about Heard and Aquaman though.

It is frustrating of course but the momentum is on Johnny's side now, and he has all the ammo that he needs.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Moonbeam » Sun Apr 14, 2019 6:39 am

Hi Zoners!
I am deeply disturbed by these latest claims of horrendous, extremely violent abuse that AH has leveled against Johnny. It concerns me that the public will read these allegations and believe her without waiting for justice to be served in the court system.

As I mentioned previously, I do not believe AH's statements of abuse at the hands of Johnny Depp. There are many inconsistencies in her claims. Mostly, I do not see her having the affects of a true victim. I am a survivor and know the affects first hand of fear and terror. She claims that he perpetrated abuse before their marriage that caused her to fear for her life. Why didn't she run for her life? She was so terrorized that she married him instead??

If AH was severely beaten, dragged through glass, beaten in the head severely, had her hair torn out by the roots, why were the police never called and charges filed? Why were there no pictures taken of her, in a day and age that everyone has a camera on their phones? Why has none of this leaked out until now, when she is getting desperate?

I was so upset reading her claims that I did a bit of research:

"What are common physical effects of domestic violence?

Bruises on or around the eyes
Red or purple marks at the neck
Sprained or broken wrists
Chronic fatigue
Shortness of breath
Muscle tension
Involuntary shaking
Changes in eating and sleeping patterns
Sexual dysfunction

What are common mental effects of domestic violence?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts
Depression, including prolonged sadness
Low self-esteem and questioning sense of self
Suicidal thoughts or attempts.
Alcohol and drug abuse."

This does not describe AH or her actions, in my opinion.

She is no longer with Elon Musk and I found this:

"If Elon Musk actually said or inferred Amber Heard is “manipulative” and “selfish,” then what if anything does this say about Johnny Depp’s situation with Amber? Johnny Depp’s fans, friends, and even his ex-wives were quick to defend Johnny when his ex-wife accused him of spousal abuse."

I found this article to be most eye opening:

"Amber Heard might be lying. And if she’s not, she’s liable to be over-inflating her personal accounts about the private life and nature of her famous husband. Pictures of Heard out partying with friends a day after the alleged abuse happened have surfaced...

The reason her story that Johnny is some kind of an abusive maniac sounds suspicious. Heard, a woman suspected of being a Narcopath — meaning a Narcissistic Sociopath — has steadily shown all the red flags and warning signs over the course of her life that she’s both a Somatic Narcissist and a Machiavellian social-climber by nature.

Heard has come forward claiming she suffered serious domestic abuse all through the relationship... She’s also accused the actor of not paying enough attention to her. Citing that he would disappear for days and not return any of her calls or texts as the main thing he did to be abusive...

If Heard has a Cluster B personality type as expected, there are a few things people with a comorbid mix of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Anti-Social personality disorder do during a divorce by habit. One is to lie about their ex, actively smear campaigning against whatever former love interest rejected them. The other is filing frivolous lawsuits.

In the case of many victims who try to amicably divorce a Cluster B type prone to pathological lying, rampant egocentricism, holding extreme grudges, enacting vendettas, or who tend to develop revenge obsessions about socially and financially crushing a suitor who rejects them, they meet the same legal and publicity challenges Depp is now himself most likely facing.

...the actress, angry at Depp for rejecting her calls and romantic advances and frustrated at the amount of attention he was paying to his own children and dying mother, filed for a divorce three days after his mother’s death...

When Heard stormed out and Johnny never came running, she filed for a divorce. When the press and fans did not take her side and actually pointed out that her timing filing for a divorce was emotional abuse at best, the actress’ temper was likely to have flared.

When TMZ ran a story about how Depp’s family hated Amber and that he was barely allowed to see or spend time with his mom before she died (presumably because of Heard’s jealous, attention-seeking behaviors expecting to be made the center of attention for him at all times), the actress snapped.

Because she has means to get away from the star and to avoid him socially by choice, the only real benefit of filing the restraining order with photos claiming she was abused is to smear campaign against him as well as to humiliate him in public.

...her dirty legal tactic to scam a big profit hurts all men and women who actually have been the victims of Domestic Violence and are truly afraid of their current or former life partners more than anyone can possibly know."

I think that all of AH's motives have been calculated to smear Johnny and also to be made public at either highly emotional times for him, such as the death of his beloved Mother, or at important dates in his career, such as movie premieres.

Let me be clear. I believe that Johnny and Vanessa split amicably.
I do not believe any of AH's lies.
I believe that it is shameful for someone to be so spiteful to another person that they undermine the ability for true victims of DV to be believed and to get the help that they desperately need.

I believe in Johnny Depp. I cannot wait for this court case to be resolved and for justice to be served!
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sun Apr 14, 2019 7:50 am

Johnny has the best lawyers money can buy. So far he has prevailed on most of his court filings. I highly doubt they didn't consider she would pull crap like this and I am sure they are ready to respond. He has witnesses and mega data pics. Old bruises, old scars and small pieces of hair on the floor do not impress me. Neither does the touched up pics of the face. I encourage everyone to look at the videos posted by Brian McPherson. He did an in-depth research and can prove how and when she lied. He also has another one which points out iO's lies too.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:15 am

Thanks a billion for all your research, 'beam :love:
This quote especially reminds me of something I have been wondering about:
Moonbeam wrote:Because she has means to get away from the star and to avoid him socially by choice, the only real benefit of filing the restraining order with photos claiming she was abused is to smear campaign against him as well as to humiliate him in public.
She stayed in their condo after filing for divorce and the restraining order.
Later Johnny asked some people working for him to fetch some clothes and, I think, a piece of furniture in their former home. But friends or employees of Amber called the police claiming, that that was against the restraining order or something. Which it might have been. I am not an expert of my own country's law and certainly not of the American law either. But ...
She was in London, (that will be in one in England) Johnny was on the European continent touring with the Vampires, and the condo is in Los Angeles, California - USA! So how can it be against the restraining order?
OK, it might have been against some rule or law saying, that one spouse are not allowed to take anything away from the home, before the court have split everything equally. But to me it sounds like, she not only stayed in the place, where she's supposed to have so many bad memories, but she also didn't change the locks!
If Johnny really was so dangerous, he could have come home, let himself in and done whatever he liked to her, if she was there ...
So why didn't she move away or at least changed the locks?
Last edited by meeps on Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Newt » Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:45 am

Great post Moonbeam. Seriously, people with a brain should see right through her deception, it's just that there are still some (not a majority from what I see) who are locked in their perception about Johnny and unwilling to look at it any other way.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:50 am

meeps wrote:Thanks a billion for all your research, 'beam :love:
This quote especially reminds me of something I have been wondering about:
Moonbeam wrote:Because she has means to get away from the star and to avoid him socially by choice, the only real benefit of filing the restraining order with photos claiming she was abused is to smear campaign against him as well as to humiliate him in public.
She stayed in their condo after filing for divorce and the restraining order.
Later Johnny asked some people working for him to fetch some clothes and, I think, a piece of furniture in their former home. But friends or employees of Amber called the police claiming, that that was against the restraining order or something. Which it might have been. I am not an expert of my own country's law and certainly not of the American law either. But ...
She was in London, (that will be in one in England) Johnny was on the European continent touring with the Vampires, and the condo is in Los Angeles, California - USA! So how can it be against the restraining order?
OK, it might have been against some rule or law saying, that one spouse are not allowed to take anything away from the home, before the court have split everything equally. But to me it sounds like, she not only stayed in the place, where she's supposed to have so many bad memories, but she also didn't change the locks!
If Johnny really was so dangerous, he could have come home, let himself in and done whatever he like to her, if she was there ...
So why didn't she move away or at least changed the locks?
It was a certain piece of furniture they put on the truck and then took off. They probably had a list or something. She could not change the locks because it was still Depp's apartment. Since there was a temporary restraining order there were probably rules that he had to give her notice when he was coming and if he did come there would be police to come with him or someone else that she trusted.

Depp's lawyers are ready to fight back. ... witnesses/
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Newt » Sun Apr 14, 2019 9:14 am

ForeverYoung wrote:Johnny has the best lawyers money can buy. So far he has prevailed on most of his court filings. I highly doubt they didn't consider she would pull crap like this and I am sure they are ready to respond. He has witnesses and mega data pics. Old bruises, old scars and small pieces of hair on the floor do not impress me. Neither does the touched up pics of the face. I encourage everyone to look at the videos posted by Brian McPherson. He did an in-depth research and can prove how and when she lied. He also has another one which points out iO's lies too.
Watched all of it, incredibly thorough, painstaking detective work. Everyone NEEDS to see this, pretty much debunks everything Heard or her friend said happened that day. Seriously, like the folks in the comments say, Depp's team needs to see this video, although they probably already figured out a lot of it.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Sun Apr 14, 2019 9:25 am

Thanks a lot for explaining, ForeverYoung :airkiss2:
I think, she would be able to change the locks here though - in Denmark. Because if a man really is as dangerous as she claims Johnny is, he won't bother with asking the police first if it is OK to enter, what he sees as only HIS house ...
And a locked door, he doesn't have the key for, can at least slow him down.
She should consider herself lucky, that Johnny is NOT, as she painted him to be!

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Newt » Sun Apr 14, 2019 9:33 am

“Which part of 87 surveillance videos, 19 (and growing) sworn eyewitness statements, audio tapes, time and date stamped photographs, police depositions, and her own sworn testimony do [Amber] and her PR team not understand?” Waldman said in his statement.

This is delicious.

OH and now Heard has moved on to her new victim: Andy Muschietti.