The Lawsuits Thread

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by gipsyblues » Sat Jan 05, 2019 8:00 am

But maybe I have only one wrong perception and understand a lot wrong? In this case, forgive me. :namaste:

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by In-too-Depp » Sat Jan 05, 2019 8:15 am

And she said they called that 'the monster' for MANY YEARS. She was only married to him for 15 months. :facepalm:
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by meeps » Sat Jan 05, 2019 8:18 am

Yes, but they were together for four years, and the ... claims he abused her the whole time ...

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by In-too-Depp » Sat Jan 05, 2019 8:59 am

And Wit, was his vain frivolous pretence
Of pleasing others, at his own expense

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:24 am

There was only one “monster” in that relationship and it wasn’t Johnny. She said so herself when she so casually described how she morphs into trailer trash on a dime when she gets angry. She was always the“monster”. Her deposition, IMAO, was a desperate role reversal accounting that conveniently maintained her “victim” claims; I doubt she ever thought it would be subject to light of day scrutiny.

Anymore, the mounting injustice of all this is beyond overwhelming. I can’t think of another celebrity who has been so relentlessly and viciously persecuted - it’s been two and a half years in public and who knows how long behind closed doors - on a proven liar’s word. There are very deep pockets in her corner.

February 22nd seems a long way off . . .
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by AdeleAgain » Sat Jan 05, 2019 1:13 pm

It does seem a long way off. The Hollywood Reporter article - whilst the headline was clickbait - was at least a bit clearer on what happened. Surely during the proceedings the lies and inconsistencies have to emerge? What the Independent didn't say is that she apparently doesn't want her deposition to be used - why ever not? Also, crap about 'reaching out to Johnny's reps" - Adam Waldeman was quoted in the Hollywood Reporter piece saying they'd be happy for her to turn up as a witness. Interestingly someone asked AH on her social media if she had ditched Raquel as a friend because her testimony is of course problematical. Raquel says she photographed the bruise straight away and that the apartment was smashed up - at complete odds with everyone else of course.

Ladies I think we have to brace ourselves for a desperate PR onslaught from AH to try and set the narrative ahead of 22 February. I still have to hold onto the belief that eventually the truth will come out - well it already is out but you know what I mean.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Larkwoodgirl » Sat Jan 05, 2019 1:14 pm

I try to keep my focus on the actual evidence presented in this matter. After over two years, not a single piece of evidence exists that substantiates a single claim asserted by AH and her co-conspirators. Until such time the evidence is produced, AH has no credibilty whatsoever.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Sat Jan 05, 2019 1:28 pm

In my observation, from the beginning, she has always tried Johnny in the court of public opinion, hence, now he's the "monster". Even before the horrible drama began, she used the paparazzi to control and convey her relationship with him before he was ready to go public. She wore his familiar blue plaid shirt tied around her waist to let everyone know she was with him. Later, flaunting "engagement rings" and the like in order to secure her hold on him in the public's eye. It worked for her back then with the publicity she constantly sought. She knew she had a good thing manipulating the paparazzi and media with interviews. Yet, when the going got tough for her, she used the same tactics to attack Johnny. I believe she assumes her celebrity status will secure her false claims and lies, gaining trust in her word. But as the truth slowly surfaces, as it is, the panic of getting caught makes people do desperate and stupid things. Revamping her reputation is in order and she's hopping from one attention seeking venue to another in order to gain additional popularity, "respect" and validity from the community at large. Using friends and acquaintances to move forward and later dropping them when their usefulness is no longer needed has become apparent and her involvement in the #metoo movement is a joke and an insult to true DV victims. When she looses her victim campaign, her career will truly crumble, therefore, fighting dirty is all she knows.
Johnny has never spoken ill about AH and maintains a dignified stance in all of this. There is valid evidence and witnesses supporting him in this lawsuit against The Sun who he is suing, not AH. It's obviously making her uncomfortable if she feels the need to fight him.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by ForeverYoung » Sat Jan 05, 2019 3:34 pm

Funny, but she didn't seem to fear for her life when she was secretly recording him after the found out about the business managers and tried to make it look like he was mad at her. He was obviously upset but did she try to console him? No..she just stood there egging him on. She continued to live at her alleged abuser's apartment until the Judge ordered her leave. Her instagram account shows that she took the bed, bedroom furniture, living room furniture, coffee tables, dining room table, pictures and other things. I guess the memories from those things at the apartment don't bother her either. Her ungrateful and stab in the back BFF Raquel, who is now estranged from her, and who was living rent free at the apartment says she has pics of abuse from over the years but none of them were part of her evidence list. The other one, the big mouth iOn Toilet, has so many flaws in her "essay" and rants that someone created a video calling her out. The only people I see defending this nutcase are people who have not seen the evidence we have seen or done any research whatsoever on the kind of person she is or her lies.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Judymac » Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:48 pm

The first time anyone heard these allegations was just days after his mother died. That shows a complete lack of honor. I have no respect for someone who would do this.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Sweeney Todd » Mon Jan 07, 2019 1:43 pm

From Johnny’s British GQ interview:

Depp has a theory, however, about a wider conspiracy being fuelled by the troubles surrounding his finances and deteriorating marriage, a theory that points to the Hollywood industry itself, “this vile f***ing circus”, as the actor calls it. “But did it stop all the power mongers in Hollywood who were interested in shutting me up? Big money was being thrown about. People suing me at every opportunity. I mean, it’s all so obvious. Listen, I know I was never going to be Cinderella – I know this and accept it. But it felt like within a very, very short period of time that suddenly this version – for lack of a better word – of Cinderella had been immediately turned into the beast. He’s Quasimodo.

It’s hard not to believe what he said when the distrusting media treatment of him confirms it. AH’s lies have been used to viciously attack his character and career for over 2 years.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by justintime » Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:46 am

Sweeney Todd wrote:From Johnny’s British GQ interview:

Depp has a theory, however, about a wider conspiracy being fuelled by the troubles surrounding his finances and deteriorating marriage, a theory that points to the Hollywood industry itself, “this vile f***ing circus”, as the actor calls it. “But did it stop all the power mongers in Hollywood who were interested in shutting me up? Big money was being thrown about. People suing me at every opportunity. I mean, it’s all so obvious. Listen, I know I was never going to be Cinderella – I know this and accept it. But it felt like within a very, very short period of time that suddenly this version – for lack of a better word – of Cinderella had been immediately turned into the beast. He’s Quasimodo.

It’s hard not to believe what he said when the distrusting media treatment of him confirms it. AH’s lies have been used to viciously attack his character and career for over 2 years.
Agreed, Sweeney Todd, 100%.

Ever since Johnny took on TMG, the Mandels have promised they would “bury” him, and have never mitigated, disavowed or recanted that statement. Hence, (I believe), the origin of the British GQ article’s title: “Johnny Depp Will Not Be Buried.”

I believe Johnny quietly came out on top big time when the lawsuit was finally settled and TMG has pulled out all the stops to settle the score ever since. It will be three years in May that have seen AH steadily and relentlessly promoted in every visible positive profile imaginable as Johnny has just as steadily and relentlessly been defiled. Johnny has said outright, “They are trying to kill me.” (to the IFOD group talking to Johnny at the HV Summer Tour in Italy, July 10, 2018); it almost went unnoticed and was barely remarked upon - they thought he was kidding. He made his point more emphatic when he stated he would never stop fighting (“they’ll have to shoot me”) and in other pointed comments in British GQ about the “commencement of his funeral.”

I’m beginning to fear, regardless of the SUN lawsuit outcome, Johnny will never be free of her and the pervasive damage she has done.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by In-too-Depp » Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:18 pm

"Johnny settles legal battle with bodyguards over exposure to illegal substances and toxic environment."

Article by Ryan Naumman


January 8th 2019

Johnny Depp finally reached a deal with the two former bodyguards who accused the actor of exposing them “unsafe conditions” and “illegal substances.”

On January 4, court documents were filed in Los Angeles by the bodyguards informing the court that they have “reached a conditional settlement which settles and resolved the entire matter as to each Defendant and each Plaintiff.”

All the future hearings were canceled and the case was closed.

The terms of the settlement are unclear or if Depp was forced to shell out any cash in the deal, however, it appears that everyone involved is satisfied with the terms of the settlement.

As we reported, two men claimed they worked private security for the “Fantastic Beasts” star between 2016 and 2017. They were part of a security firm Depp had allegedly used since 2007.

They claim the actor began acting erratically, including putting them in dangerous situations and creating a “toxic” working environment. The men also claim he exposed them to “illegal substances.”

Depp had not responded to the case at all, but it is clear negotiations had been going on between the two parties.
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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by SnoopyDances » Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:46 pm

they have “reached a conditional settlement
I suppose that includes an NDA for the bodyguards.
I suspect they got some money and their 15 minutes of fame are up.

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Re: The Lawsuits Thread

Unread post by Chocolat » Tue Jan 08, 2019 6:25 pm

SnoopyDances wrote:

they have “reached a conditional settlement
I suppose that includes an NDA for the bodyguards.
I suspect they got some money and their 15 minutes of fame are up.

So glad this one is over and done.
Onward to squash The Sun and whoever else :gollum: is in their path.
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