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by Kittycat88
Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:45 am
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!
Replies: 40
Views: 115428

Re: Birthday Project Final Weekend--donations top $5,000!

Fantastic!! Great job zoners...

and to any who just couldn't financially make a donation this year...please know, that in my opinion, a gift from one of us, is a gift on behalf of ALL of us who love and support Johnny!!

by Kittycat88
Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:51 pm
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!
Replies: 77
Views: 201022

Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Me too! It feels so good to be part of a such a warm hearted bunch! Let's make it the best year yet!!! :worldhug: Every year that we can do something together that will help children is definitely the best year! :highfive: :worldhug: Agreed, these caring people at the hospital know the value of eve...
by Kittycat88
Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:16 am
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: Birthday Project Update--we've reached $4,000!
Replies: 16
Views: 63607

Re: Birthday Project Update--we've reached $4,000!

Fabulous news...a lot of help for some deserving children...I have to be selfish and say it gives me a lovely fuzzy feeling to be able to combine a worthy cause with my feelings for Johnny.... I think of how truly touched and overwhelmed he would be to know that in these hard times, when we have all...
by Kittycat88
Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:27 am
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!
Replies: 77
Views: 201022

Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Just hit that PayPal button again...small amount...but hopefully, together with the other donations will help build to a nice figure for the children.

Thanks again PtP and mods for making this a wonderful opportunity to give back to Johnny for all he has done for us!!
by Kittycat88
Sat May 23, 2009 9:38 am
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: More good news for this year's Birthday Project!
Replies: 21
Views: 78041

Re: More good news for this year's Birthday Project!

I think I can make one more donation, have done it in small chunks. And remember any small amount makes a HUGE difference. A few dollars and you soon have a great amount. I don't think we should worry about trying to beat last years amount...after all times are hard...and think how much good any amo...
by Kittycat88
Sat May 09, 2009 7:44 am
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: PR newspaper El Vocero reports on the Birthday Project
Replies: 21
Views: 78413

Re: PR newspaper El Vocero reports on the Birthday Project

How nice !!! Wow....what a wonderful article. :applause2:

I feel like we (the zone) are a bit of special magic fairy dust that surely Johnny leaves behind where ever he goes. Sounds silly, but I am very proud of the zone and Johnny!!
by Kittycat88
Wed May 06, 2009 7:24 pm
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: 2009 Birthday Project Update--good news!
Replies: 22
Views: 78300

Re: 2009 Birthday Project Update--good news!

I'm so proud of all the Zoners...even when the economy is so bad, the generous members of the Zone step up and give from the heart. :worldhug: That's because we are inspired by a very special man Theresa :goodvibes: :goodvibes: :goodvibes: Absolutely...I think of when I was first left reeling from ...
by Kittycat88
Mon May 04, 2009 6:10 pm
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: 2009 Birthday Project Update--good news!
Replies: 22
Views: 78300

Re: 2009 Birthday Project Update--good news!

:bounce: :bounce:

Great news...I will be giving in little amounts each week, as it's easier ...but each bit helps, I am sure.

Good for us !! A round of applause for the zone :applause2:
by Kittycat88
Fri May 01, 2009 5:12 pm
Forum: 2009 Birthday Project for San Jorge Children's Foundation
Topic: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!
Replies: 77
Views: 201022

Re: Announcing the Zone's 2009 Birthday Project!

Perfect choice!!! Thanks PtP and all the mods who work so hard to keep this site going so we can do great things...each little bit makes a lot!! I am very excited. I love the idea, that where ever Johnny films, we can help to make sure a little bit of him stays behind. I am sure he will be very thri...
by Kittycat88
Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:22 pm
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Fantastic news! Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone!
Replies: 146
Views: 375887

Re: Fantastic news! Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone!

I am still in awe over the letter :cloud9: I had no idea Johnny hates the word "fan"... this is the first I am hearing this :blush: I am just curious when/where he said that and what would he prefer we identify ourselves as? I want more than anything to do what Johnny wants....thank you :angel: "Ha...
by Kittycat88
Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:14 pm
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Fantastic news! Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone!
Replies: 146
Views: 375887

Re: Fantastic news! Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone!

What a gracious man, and what a wonderful writer he is with such an eloquent letter. The fact that he takes the time to do this shows his true nature and I am moved beyond words. I know. It's amazing that he makes time to write to us. I wish I knew how to thank him, but some gifts really have no eq...
by Kittycat88
Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:43 pm
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Fantastic news! Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone!
Replies: 146
Views: 375887

Re: Fantastic news! Johnny Depp says "Thank you" to the Zone!

A lovely letter. How kind of him. And to think of us on vacation ! Ha !! That's very very thoughtful. Hope he is enjoying a wonderful time at his home!

Your welcome, Mr. Depp. With all my heart !
by Kittycat88
Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:27 am
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Depp Fans Donate to Children's Hospital
Replies: 58
Views: 189699

How wonderful!! What a lovely piece and thanks to Natalie for your gracious and thoughtful words.

Wow am I proud to be a zoner today....and everyday !!
by Kittycat88
Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:49 am
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: 2008 Birthday Project grand total--hold on to your hats!
Replies: 61
Views: 197652

Great quote is the philosophy I have lived on for a long time. I had a number of very rough years...slept in my car, on friend's couches, which I would go through for change to buy cigarettes and beer ! I wouldn't have survived except for the extraordinay kindness of people who gave me thing...
by Kittycat88
Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:15 pm
Forum: 2008 Birthday Project for American Family Children's Hospital
Topic: Announcing the 2008 Johnny Depp Zone Birthday Project!
Replies: 76
Views: 237434

Very nicely said depps pearl !! This is one of my favorite times of the year! What a great way to say thank you to Johnny and put a nice big smile on that beautiful face...and hopefully on lots of little faces too... I wasn't able to contribute to last year's birthday gift for Johnny. :bawl: I'm so...