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- Wed Aug 28, 2019 12:16 am
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
- Replies: 8792
- Views: 7836909
Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Wait a minute. Her side wants production schedule notes from the last "Pirates" that he filmed? Isn't the larger point that after all her shenanigans in the media that hurt his reputation, Disney announced the next Pirates - the next one with no production notes yet - will not include Johnny? After ...
- Wed Aug 14, 2019 11:44 pm
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
- Replies: 8792
- Views: 7836909
Re: The Lawsuits Thread
The legal team will only profit greatly if she wins, and they must see that her case is ridiculous, and move on. She doesn't deserve to get anything else that she wants. Those days are over! And now, the only thing she has to cling to are her lies. Pathetic. (Can't her friends at the ACLU send her t...
- Wed Jul 31, 2019 12:52 pm
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
- Replies: 628
- Views: 727549
Re: Hollywood Vampires--All the latest news
Such a brief appearance, over too fast! More close-ups of the lead singer, Mr. Director! Nice to see his beautiful self, and Joe and Alice and Tommy looked spiffy as well.
- Mon Jul 29, 2019 8:34 pm
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
- Replies: 8792
- Views: 7836909
Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I am just sick after reading these accounts of how she tortured him and hurt him. It's so disgusting. His poor kids, knowing how horrible she was to their Dad. Whatever is wrong with her, I don't know. But how he put up with her nonsense and cruelty is amazing to me. Most people would have chucked h...
- Thu Jul 25, 2019 11:16 pm
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
- Replies: 8792
- Views: 7836909
Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Hurray! This is great news! So finally, someone is willing to let Johnny's team score points. Amen also because the laws about perjury are very strict in Virginia...thanks for this, it made my day!
- Wed Jul 17, 2019 1:43 am
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
- Replies: 8792
- Views: 7836909
Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Yes, that bed has been tainted with all kinds of filth. As for witnesses, how about some of the Evil One's other victims from relationships past who could show that she has a pattern of being a lying, self-serving, psychotic who used violence against them too?
- Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:55 pm
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
- Replies: 8792
- Views: 7836909
Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Glad she took the bed. Now she has somewhere to "go", if you know what I mean.
- Fri Jul 05, 2019 1:17 am
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
- Replies: 8792
- Views: 7836909
Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I'd like to say thanks too, for all of you easing my mind with your wise and helpful comments. Looking forward to February when Johnny will hopefully be able to declare his own Independence Day from all this nonsense.
- Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:06 am
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
- Replies: 8792
- Views: 7836909
Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I don't have any faith that Franco will tell the truth. If he's with her, he's as sleazy as she is and that doesn't bode well for our side. Dear God, I hope I'm wrong.
- Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:02 am
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
- Replies: 8792
- Views: 7836909
Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I agree that a moving up of this court date would be a great development toward justice. He's waited long enough and frankly so have we, the people who care about him. I can't stand the fact that her lies are going to continue to go on unchallenged for 8 more months. Yes I know that Mr. Waldman, the...
- Wed Jun 26, 2019 11:29 pm
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
- Replies: 8792
- Views: 7836909
Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Another example of her crookedness. That woman is a grifter. Laws? They don't apply to her. She doesn't care about violating Australia's laws which were created to protect their own animals. She'll ask anyone to bend the rules for her (the staff), perjure themselves for her (her friends), and she do...
- Sun Jun 23, 2019 12:15 am
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
- Replies: 8792
- Views: 7836909
Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Thoughtful insights from everyone...hopefully the legal team's plan includes holding a media/press conference post-verdict in both cases, with Johnny present to draw the attention, even if his lawyer makes the statement and answers the questions. This was an international story when he was accused, ...
- Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:39 am
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
- Replies: 8792
- Views: 7836909
Re: The Lawsuits Thread
I know there is more evidence (video, audio, texts) that will come to light, but it can't get here fast enough. This has been on my mind so much I woke up a few days ago and had this terrible thought: That evil jerk would hit him and throw things at him - something his mother used to do when he was ...
- Sat Jun 01, 2019 2:40 am
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
- Replies: 8792
- Views: 7836909
Re: The Lawsuits Thread
Glad we have some people here who can help us grasp all the legal-ese, and guide us through these stages of court cases. As for the lying liar "finding" a witness, we all know she pays her people to lie.
- Thu May 30, 2019 12:43 am
- Forum: News & Views
- Topic: The Lawsuits Thread
- Replies: 8792
- Views: 7836909
Re: The Lawsuits Thread
She has no regard for the truth or the law. Sneaking her dogs into Australia meant dragging Johnny's name through the tabloids. (No one knew or cared who she was - and we all wish we didn't know who she is, don't we?) She showed herself to be a brat from the very beginning. They should have her take...