I think a lot of us were caught by surprise to realize Johnny's birthday is so close . . . it's like, "Is it June already? How did that happen?" :perplexed: Many thanks :bouquet: to all who saw this thread and donated to the project yesterday. You are all :angel: Cheers! :loveshower: Part-Time Poet...
Oh... :heart2: ...what a beautiful soul he is. How kind of him to stop in the middle of his day/night to write this to all. I was only just thinking about this a few days ago, and wondering if Johnny knew or not about our little project...guess he does :heart2: How absolutely fabulous. Thank you Nat...
This is such great news! I'm so proud of the Zone and everybody that has been able to contribute in whatever amount. Last year, was Johnny's 43rd birthday and concidentally the amount raised last year was...$4300. :idea: In the last few days of June, do you think we could aim for $4400 as a goal? T...
Well this is just possibly the best idea I've ever heard. What a wonderful cause, and to know Johnny will hear about it, well, that is just icing on the cake!
Wow..just wow!! :bounce: To know that not only are we helping out families that have sick children or have lost their children is completely overwhelming...and I'm so proud to call myself a Zoner and be a part of something so wonderful, but to also know that Johnny himself has seen the mechandise an...